Just A Note Read Count : 186

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
For many years, I used to pen my thoughts in a journal.... that is until I discovered this app. The thought of putting myself out here, in the open, terrified me at first for at that time, I was in a head space that was working against me. 

I downloaded the app regardless my reservations and it took me three days to muster up the courage and confidence to drop my very first piece in here. That was almost three years ago. 

Today, I am a different person to who I was three years ago. I am a different writer too. Maybe it's the human connection that we share here.... after all, how different can emotions, thoughts and feelings be, right? We are just humans... people who think and feel.... and geographical boundaries don't really matter anyway.

Thank you for being a part of my journey.

Much love! 💜


  • Jul 19, 2020

  • check mime too plz

    Jul 19, 2020

  • Jul 19, 2020

  • Kamal Kishore Sharma

    Kamal Kishore Sharma

    Mam you are a writer par excellence.Sir, Book writing is a matter of practice where some Apps available to share and contribute articles, reviews and stories etc. But if you are not a techie or adept in the book formatting skills or MS word programs then all attempt will be in vain. Formatting of e-book and print book programming differs a lot. You may do brainstorming when you are in a peaceful atmosphere but if you are disturbed and interrupted time to time then it proves a great setback and demotivation. Each company raised a caucus tactics. I am author of two books 'Rosarium' and 'A Manual For Communicative Skills' available in Amazon.in and Instamojo. Script writers often times go to hill side to cultivate thoughts in a serene atmosphere. Spot writings and virtual approach developed after a long practice what the writers in Bollywood or cineworld do. Same practice is done in the workplace or workshop of documentary sequels production and commentators of various yardsticks. Everyone can't be a born Kalidas or Lord Ganesh to write epics and scriptures and so on. But accountant or finance author you may become in a jiffy! You should know how to write dot and comma in a figure of six to eight digits. How much do you syphon off the currency or dupe the money. The crux of the matter is the formatting of book versions and a platform to publish your books.

    Jul 20, 2020

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