Friends Part 3
Read Count : 71
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Thriller
Then suddenly.. My phone rang, my mother was trying to call me to probably go home. I told ylan about it, he didn't want me to go yet. Since nobody of my family knew who ylan was i decided to take matters in own hands. I told him i would have my window open for him to go through. Just in case if he felt like talking. I called my mother back. "You're in big trouble for not being home on time!" She yelled, and ended the call. I gave ylan a hug and he followed me all the way to my home. "My window is the left one from your view if you'd look from the backyard onto the house" i told him. I sneaked some drinks with me, and something to snack. I locked my bedroom door and opened my window. A very familiar face suddenly peeked around the corner, it jumpscared me. But i laughed it off. As ylan made its way through my window, i was on my phone. Once he had made his way through the window,i hugged him not letting go of him for 10 minutes straight. I gave him the Wi-Fi password, and told him "let's eat you must be hungry!" I took out the food i had sneaked with me earlier. Ylan smiled at me.. And for once in my lifetime, i didnt feel so lonely anymore. After we ate and drunk a little ylan told me "I have invited Daniel and (lets call the new guy:) Nick to come over too, if that's okay with you.." "Its fine with me but you guys will need to swap sleeping places often" i said with a little giggle at the end. Suddenly i heard tapping on the window, it were Daniel and Nick! I told ylan to let them in, and so he did without any problem. When Daniel said hi, i couldnt breathe for a brief second. I was scared, so scared. _________________________________________ The end of: Friends, Part 3. Hope you enjoyed it! Xx -escaping islands
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