Broken By The Law Read Count : 170

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Hi my name is Brin Huller, and this is the storey of how I fell in love. when it all started I was just about sevanteen. So you can really get the picture I'll start at the beginning... 

                 CHAPTER ONE
                ElELGEL  PARTY

The lunch bell rings....
I had just gotten out of cemetery from Mrs.Elmers class as the halls over flowed with people. I made my way to the cafitera and found a seat with my friends. "Brin come sit with us!" Earica said from across the cafitera, Earica has puffy brown curly hair with olive skin and big brown eyes.  I made my way to the table she was sitting at. I sat in between Jessica and Earica Jessica has really long red hair that is always up with extremely blue eyes and sun kissed skin. "So are you comeing?"Jessica asked in an anixiso voice. "Where..." I said confused it was in't rare for Jessica to be blunt. Erica rolled her eyes deep into her head as she alwasy did when someone missed something obvious. "What?" I exclaimed. "A couple of us girls were thinking that we would go out tonight.... do something a little different." Rebecca said with a michivouse look in her eyes, Rebecca has wavey blond with blue hielights  hair brown eyes and white skin. "What kind of different?" I asked a bit concerned Rebecca could come up with some crazy ideas once she had convened me to jump off a cliff naked. "We are all gonna ask Simon Montenegro to make us fake ideas so we can go to a bare!" Jessica said excitedly. Rebecca glared at her obviously wanting to share that bit. "Sounds like a blast I'm in, but how are we gonna get Simon to help us?" I asked. Simon is an extremely vile young boy who just so haopened to be  tremendously good at making fake ideas. "Easy swing our good and giggle." Earica said. We all laughed. "Ok so that's taken care of but my parents will never go for it I have a big test on Monday and they want me studying all weekend!" I said in desperation. The girls slumped. After a couple aimless ideas we found a solution. Go to my dads house he didn't know about the test yet so it would be a pice of cake. Oh little key information... my parents got divorced on my 14 birthday. Traick storey really on my birthday they sat me down and told me they were getting a devorce. Anyways moms a freak of nature and cares with a burning passion about my grades and future, she got married a couple months after my parents splits up. But my dad is super chile has a couple of one night standes when he gets lucky but never when I'm in the house. The school bell ringed and lunch was over. After that the day blured by. Nothing unusual happened until I got home. 
I opened the door to my house and found my parents sitting in the lounge. See ever since my mom got married we had moved in with her new husband, sure the house was an extreme up grade but i alwasy thought it was a little flashy. Big deep wine purople house with black French doors, marbol floor, spiral stairwell, all topped off with extravagant paintings and furniture. "Hi mom." I said. I walked over and kissed her on the cheek. "Hi honey" Mom said. "Hi Howerd." I said, that's my step dads name I do not call him dad. "How was school Brin?" Howerd asked. "Fine nothing new." I said.  "Oh mom i was wondering if I could go over to dads house for the weekend." I asked causally. Howerd winced. Jim and my dad had gotten into a full on fist fight a couple years ago when they had a disagreement. Howerd still has soft feeling about it, he's not much of a fighter. "I don't think that's such a good idea you have that big test on Monday." Howerd butted in. I shot him a glare Howerd always did get into my biussnes. "Mom?" I said sympathetically. She looked back and fourth between me and Howerd. "I don't see any reason why you can't." she said. "Thanks mommy." I said as I turned and walked away. "Just make sure to get lots of study in." Mom said. I groaned and rolled my eyes deep into my soul. I went upstairs and grabed a couple cute clothes and some pjs. I choses a short minny skirt and tight top. "Hey mom im gonna drive over k?" I yelled from my room. I grabbed my bag and car keys. I walked down to the kitchen where my mom was making dinner. And I'll have to admire it smelled good. "Bye mom." I said. "Oh nonsense your staying for dinner."She said as if it were obvious. "No mom if i stay for dinner then I'll hit traffic on the way to dads." I managed. To be honest I had no idea what I was talking about but it sounded convincing to me. "Oh all right." mom said. "But take a little something won't you?" "Sure mom." I grabed a snak bar and walked to to garage. The drive to my dads house was bleak nothing happened worth mentioning. When I got there he was sitting out on the porch with a bear in his hand. "Hey dad." I hollered. He. looked up and smiled. "Hey baby girl."He said. "Want some grub its still fresh?" "Nah I'm good phaps." I said. I sat down next to him and looked out at water. Dad lived on the bay so the view was amazing. "So your mom tells me you have a test on Monday." He said. As the words cane out of his mouth I winced. "Yeah..... your not spose to know about it tho." I sighed. Dad raised an eyebrow. Yeah why is that?" I rolled my head over. "Mom and Howerd want me studing all weekend for it." I said. He nodded. "Let me guess you don't want to?" He asked. "Yeah." i said in a pittyfull sigh. Dad smirked... "Do you think you can pass it?" I looked up... "I know 0 I can pass it." I said. "Well then there you go." He said it as if it were taht simple. "Really?" I asked it wasnt unlike my dad to do things like this but it also want unlike him to pull my leg. 


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