Simple Troubles Read Count : 157

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Motivation
   On a normal day, we face silly small struggles throughout a routine. When that routine is upset,  your mind blows like dynamite. We can't seem to help this from happening unless we live alone with absolutely no one to distract us from our struggles. Even the needs of a pet can throw us off our balance if they throw up on the floor and we have to get down and clean it to prevent someone from stepping in it. These small routines become embedded in our daily lives without ever realizing it, but it seems like we're still angry over these little things bother us.
   I am not above getting mad at my pets, when something doesn't end up going my way. I guess it's natural to feel this way, because we know we can't help ourselves sometimes. It's when people call us out, that we become more inflamed and end up making a mistake along the way. Then you end up facing ridicule for something you never intended to do. Just in a brief moment you to look away, and you became angry because somebody wasn't doing expected from them. I guess in a way, we are all controlling and some form of nature. We want to live our lives the certain way, without outside interference tearing up our schedules apart. That comes down to it being our fault.
   It's hard some days to complete every task you intend to do, and continue picking up after everything that is dropped on you throughout the day. We tire ourselves out during the day finishing miniscule responsibilities without realizing it. At the end of the day, we realize that some of the small things were just a waste because they'll come up again. We do it for our own health and for the health of those who are around us. The problem we face is the grass grows back, pets and people need care, and we have to clean up after ourselves if we want to stay healthy.
   The best solution to the problem is not to be absorbed by every little detail that doesn't go your way and deal with those issues that come at you the right way. People are going to bug you about the small details, and they are important issues to take seriously, but don't forget about you and your sanity. Your health of mind is just as important as your neighbors. Letting ourselves being driven up the wall is unnescessary. Just take things one at a time and if you are low on time try to set some time to do it later. Don't count yourself out, because you need to do things which you want to do.


  • Aug 08, 2020

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