Be Positive Read Count : 106

Category : Diary/Journal

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When you appreciate all the positive things you have in your life regardless how small it is will help you to successfully abolish negatively sintering on Steve good things will make the challenges you faced significantly less important and more Easley address giving thanks when something bad happens, instead of embracing it and taking it personally will you need to learn to change how we think of for instance, if you work in the service industry and you have a rude customer, instead of letting it ruin your day and putting you in a bad mood, try and show someone compassion, perhaps something bad has happened to that individual, try and do something nice for them. A smile can be content. Instead of taking everyone's bad move personally make the choice to be in a good mood, smile and circulate meteor Larger than Life issues that can bring us down, like an ill family member, a divorce a disagreement with a loved one, cast your worries away. Do what you can do to help or correct the situation and then leave it in God's hands. You're only a person, you can't fix everything and shouldn't have to carry all of life's Bergen's on your heart day and day Al do your best to apologize to those you wrong, forgive those who wronged you ask for help when you require it, and offer help when you are able to. It's about letting go of all of those things sitting in your heart that are keeping you from having a positive outlook. It's your option or you're able to keep the negative or let it go to make room for the positive. Some people will never tell you they had a bad day. As a matter of fact, some believe there's no such thing as a bad day. This was a hard concept for me to grasp. For me bad days had been a steady recurring. 2 psalm, everyday is a gift. So more thankful for challenges as they teach them, I am thankful for my job even when it is not pleasant. I am available at this ability to see each day as a good day regardless what happens. When I started to try and adopt this philosophy I detected it works just when I decided in my that I was having a bad day I'd try and discover something good in it, when I discovered something good I realize that a few bad thing don't ruin a whole game unless you let it it's an auction every day were alive is a gift there is so much to be grateful for so why do we Center on the sayings that make us unhappy read that you're thinking bad days are selections we make in the end having a positive outlook is up to you it's a choice we make day today you can never control what other people say or do to you but you are able to control your response. By selecting the positive route, as briefly outline, you'll be happier and healthier than ever before. You'll have a speech within you that will leave people looking at you in ways I think is a choice that worth making


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