Read Count : 141
Category : Books-Non-Fiction
Sub Category : History
I succumb to sleep everyday it bringing back memories I could never forget.Puts people I remember in the past, I loved so much. Been there for me for as long was I know as much as I was there for them. We had the day good bye, to one another. Congratulating to the next tier of school. All alone, making new friends, as we do. But I didn't had just friends, they felt like more of a soulmate. One you can trust with your whole life. It ain't like it's easy to come around with some on liked that in a breezy of a second, people come an go, you've just got to ready to let go. My mind and heart can't, sending me to want to go back then forward on my successful future. I got what I wanted, but what about my soul mates, my best friends! I if I made it nation wide being the writer of my dreams, selling books, and all get noticed by thousands of people, but what if I don't, get the ones that meant so much, back then since in school of Middle Elementary, and High, I'll perhaps not see again. The girls of my past that screws me over for what I had. was a whole nother person in my dreams, for as long as I remember. Like why treat me as I was just a dumb cash register snack store, if I was really right of what I found the love of my life? I don't know what to believe anymore, it giving motivation to never give up before school was shutdown, an I getting the same fatal result out of it. Never got her phone number or her love to just keep in touch. The look in her eyes was worried an sad, it felt strange to me giving me second thoughts, if you didn't meant it, why do it? You were never evil in my mind of sane. Wanting to live out my life to make a difference, to say good bye to me. Maybe, see my soul mates in the after life, crying in there arms hugging them if I could find them, my mind never lies to me, it shows me who you are to me. 'All the time I sleep, but you showing the exact opposite, in reality, why are you shy of ashamed, to show your true feelings? I'm a man you'll get to want to know, you've pushed away, now seeing your soul in his dreams, knowing how it should of go. Love is love, it depends how you make it like. Mine wasn't just love, it had meaning. A meaning I cry lots times of still wondering, when I'll ever meet them again?................ It weakens me to a whole another person, day by dsy, by day, receiving more intense dreams with the meaning of my soul mates I meet for the first time in three years, I yet haven't rejoiced yet in years. The game of Pokemon Black Version I had beat the whole game on, when I turn it on my DSI, I just cry happy. Tears flowing down my cheek making my pretty face messy in water of my tears filling my face, it bringing memories of a adult bought this on my birthday on the last day of school, on the school bus with me knowing I was the only person on my bus. Girls an boys I've meet past tense, I want to meet again, so bad more then anything. Who cares about video games? That been my favorites a long time ago, now it's time for something new. Maybe I........ could meet them flesh an blood, if my career hits the charts. I be happy an excited for having lots of money, but money is just a bill. It doesn't but happiness, or sorrow to come to an end. People do of humans, you'll want to make proud, proving your dream to life, maybe God can comes through. Making why life is so meaningful then, being threatened by gamers when you play extremely bad on there team online, causing them to lose fatally. Cussing you out texting you a message through Exbox Live on your profile, then being better then everybody else. Who cares about that, when you die, the people you never let go fate made you too, you'll see again forever, when they die too, as children you were before you meet so young?......