Leo's Pride
Read Count : 170
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Rejected?Been there.It hurts.Ignored?Been there.And that sucks too.When my expectations isn't met,I feel it deep in my bones.I can't help it.But does it mean I should stop reaching out?Walk with my head down?Does it mean my dreams will die,fade away,because of the rejection,the unmet expectations,or the feeling of being invisible?Hell no!Hope keeps me going.Trust keeps me strong.Faith is the key I hold on to.There is light behind every darkness.Rainbow after every storm.Every cloud has a silver lining.Shit happens.Sometimes,when it rains,it fucking pours.But does that mean the sun is never going shine again?No.As long as there is life in me,there is always hopefor a better tomorrow.