Now Read Count : 175

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
This morning I woke up in a trance.
It felt like it does most times
When a moment captures you
The perfect span of time
Where you feel totally present
As if everything else disappears
And there is nothing else but now
My grandma called it a kiss from heaven
The world calls it mindfulness
But for me, I was just present, caught 
So often lately
I'm trapped in my past
Or worried about my future
And my present moments
Are swallowed up and taken
Because my attention is elsewhere
Waking up like this
Feeling my day begin in this way
Makes me grateful
And it makes me wonder
How much of my life is lost
How many of the wonderful moments
Have I missed in my preoccupations
It's a blessing,
A real touch from heaven
At a time when I really needed it
So I went to the kitchen
Made me a nice fat cup of coffee
And let all my fears
All the worries
All my insecurities
Just let them dissolve
And prayed


  • Aug 03, 2020

  • Aug 03, 2020

  • Aug 03, 2020

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