Good Attitude
Read Count : 167
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Maybe I don't have a good attitude,But I always think of you.Maybe I don't know how to show youHow much I care about you, baby.I don't want to be insistent,But I've never met a girl like you before.Now that I'm so close, let me treat youThe way you want to receive love.Knock Knock,You came into my life knowingHow to make space for two lovers.I never thought I could love someone so much,When I see you, I can't compare you to anyone.
Life of such turth. With a knock, knock always coming at you. Don't know what's behind it or your fate. But we just know, our time will come, unless we make it to the end leaving something behind meanningful for others to remember your disaperence as desvasting to see you go, wishing you lived forevee though. Always remembered as who you were to them, there idol😊👏 Have a ice cream🍦 SLLLLRP!
Aug 03, 2020