How I Fell Ture Story Read Count : 139

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
My name is angel I'm 14 here is a ture story when I almost did some I would regret I was going to kill myself why well let's get into that first I'm going to the 9th grade I don't have a body that ever boy wants I'm not as pretty as the popular girls at my school are I'm not as smart so one day a boy came up to me and ask why are u so black I told him bc that's the way god made me he told me I should kill myself without thinking that what I was going home to do I grabbed a knife and I was about to stab myself but I stop and ask myself what am I doing

If you what part 2 to ask😔


  • Aug 02, 2020

  • Aug 02, 2020

  • You shouldn't care what people think of you. And your beatiful in your own unique way. We be smarter then others and people having more intellingentiace then some of us. People who hateon each others skin like it's a bad thing is jealous or cowards. Those mean boys or girls are like demons. Picks on people whom have low self esteem. Trying thearthen them down until what they want them to do, works. You be strong. Love yourself, an the that boy again who bothers you, will look stupid an ashamed. I been in your place before. It was about be having the girl friend of my life on to middle school on to high school. Here I thought I got the girl of my dreams so essily getting tips from my mom, it seems they used me for what I have. Not my love. They didn't give a crap about me but money, candy an snacks, I had for my ticket to probably getting thr girl. Three times an now the fourth, when this hot attractive girl student I loved to death to my the love of my life, ending getting near my friends from me to get to know more then just friends, I lost. Cried deeply broken hearted. Was going to wait at home the choke myself to death in my room locking the door, until my neck snap, something or God, stopped me from suicide. Puinshing me to being sick for that attempt I try to do to myself. God saved us lots of times then you least expect. Espeically me. All I wanted was girl friend to live an treat right for the rest of my life as my wife. Looks, like that's not my furture. I choose being wroter as my path to success. Not caring what people think, loving what I do. Turning my horrible life experinces, into my story books.. What's yours?

    Aug 02, 2020

  • Aug 04, 2020

  • Aug 04, 2020

  • Aug 04, 2020

  • Zee Musty

    Zee Musty

    GIRLY dat how life is people would only ac something to say about you.Don't let their negative comment affect you.SELF love is the thing.SUICIDE IS NOT AN OPTION.A LOT OF PEOPLE OUT THERE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO YOU.STAY SAFE AND DO WAT YOU ENJOYING DOING

    Aug 05, 2020

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