If You Can Do This For Her And To Her Then.....
Read Count : 144
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
(Author: Derrick Taylor)If you can love her?If you can believe in her?If you can communicate with her?If you can trust and comfy in her?If you can show your loyalty in her?If you can respect her, then you can keep her?If you can uplift?If you can encourage her?If you can listen to her?If you can obey her?If you can honor her?If you can cherish her?If you can date her?If you can show her that you're responsible?If you can adore her ?If you can make love to her or sex her when needed whether it's protected or not?If you can cook for her?If you can spend quality time with her?If you can show her that you only have eyes for no one else but her?If you can only be for her and no one else?If you can study her to find out her likes and dislikes and what turns her on and off?If you make her feel wanted and special?If you can massage her?If you can attempt to understand her?If you can caress and finesse her?If you can build her confidence in herself?If you can call her family or take her to meet yours?If you can make her feel safe and not threaten?If you can or be willing to defend her whenneeded?If you can be friends inside your relationship?Then you can marry her and at this point she will be more then willing to marry you as well as you having the honor and pleasure of her sharing her goods with you after being so guarded , and have a happy life together, because then you will have then discovered the Holy Bible's most used and talked about word and society's most lacked and hated word which is LOVE!