Sometimes I Am Down Read Count : 141

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Sometimes I'm down, 
Sometimes I'm happy.
  Sometimes I feel completely empty. 

 Sometimes I'm doing fine.  
Sometimes I'm completely broken.
  Sometimes I don't want to talk 
To anyone about it.  

Tell me about yourself,
 How are you feeling now? 
 Do you take in the lungs
 The smoke that is left over the city
 Where we are living now?

  "After the storm, it will be quiet",
 As my grandmother used to say many times.
  Now... I don't know anything about her
 Since  she went up to heaven. 

Sometimes I try to believe in something,
 Sometimes I believe in love. 
 Sometimes I think it's better
 To think about it another day...
Just let me live the moment now.


  • Aug 01, 2020

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