Something New Read Count : 157

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

When my thoughts about you
Cross my mind every day.
When I sing to you my favorite song.
When I see you on the same street,
Could something new happen in the meantime?

When your smile takes over my heart
And it takes you a lifetime to forget about,
Will my heart be able to beat right in your chest?

  If you could swim with me under the sea,
To be carried away by the sound of seagulls,
With whom you would you like to be?

When the flame on my arms burns in your soul,
You will feel what it means to miss someone you love. 

If you're here, and I can't see you,
Tell me dear, tell me how you feel.


  • Jul 30, 2020

  • Jul 30, 2020

  • 💜

    Jul 30, 2020

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