Welcome To The Black Parade(APH) - Part 3
Read Count : 150
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Science Fiction
A/N: GYYYYYAAAAAHHHHHHHHH I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES IN THIS STORY, GUYS. I WAS BUSY AND I ALSO COULDN'T THINK OF ANYTHING FOR THIS PART. EVENTUALLY I DID, AND IT IS THIS. BY THE WAY: IN THIS STORY AND FROM HERE ON OUT ALFRED/AMERICA HAS NO GLASSES IN THIS STORY. EVEN AT THE BEGINNING. :3 ENJOY THE STORY. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- "The truth?! The truth about what?!" "The truth about the Black Parade, Alfred!! What the bloody hell ELSE do you think I'm talking about?!!" Arthur then gestured to the rubble in the streets. "Alfred, you wanker, this is all of my country's fault! This is all of England's fault!! All of this rubble..." Arthur sighed, placing both of his hands on Alfred's shoulders, steadying himself. "Alfred, my dear son... I... I'm so sorry..." Tears began to stream down the American's face. "Wh-What? A-Arthur, why..." Alfred trailed off. "I'm so sorry... I'm so--" Arthur began to cough into his hand, the other still on Alfred's shoulder. Alfred steadyed his brother by placing his hands gently on the Brit's waist. "Arthur? Arthur, dude, breathe!! Look at me, just bre--" The American froze, his sky blue colored eyes going wide. Blood was in the palm of the British man's hand. ×+×PART 4 COMING SOON!!!×+×
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