Someone's Gonna Love Me Read Count : 169

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Someday someone's gonna love me. 

      Someday someone's gonna love me. Someday someone's gonna love my outgoing personality and my incapability of not voicing my opinion on every topic. Someday someone's gonna love my indecisiveness and my ever changing hair color. Someone is going to love my ability to to read a full length novel in a day or my need to turn every sentence into a movie. Someday someone will know my favorite song and adore how I sing every note a little off key. Someday someone is going to take me on a long drive to the middle of nowhere to watch a sunset because they know how much I love to watch the colors change. Someday someone will know my coffee order by heart and they will never mistake the number of extra espresso shots I require to be my best me each and every morning. Someday someone is going to stand by my side and watch me succeed. Somedays I'm going to be hard to love but someone is going to love me anyway. Someday someone is going to pick me up off the ground and tell me it's okay. Everyday someone is going to remind me how much I am worthy and I am cared for and I am deserving of the love given to me. Someday someone is going to be proud of me,
and someday that someone will be me. 


  • amazing

    Aug 02, 2017

  • i cannot tell you the number of ways this struck a chord with me!

    Aug 02, 2017

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