My Oppinion Read Count : 75

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Travel
My opinion 

Well i still can't have that much of an opinion because I am only 13 and that's not a long time in this world but from what I learned its not always the cherry on top of your ice cream or your favorite food in the world but it's not all like a dark void or the worst day ever but it is "something" it can be up and down good and bad or just not make scince but were here for a reason but who knows why because I wonder if anyone has figured it out but if i can and were able to have an opinion on life or humanity i would say its horrible but amazing to and the reason is no one is perfect but then everyone is perfect at the same time it all just dosent make scince but if you make the most of what you have and understand who you are you'll be just fine but that's just my opinion you don't have to agree if you don't want to but if you do still I wish to everyone a merry and very happy life ciao for now.


  • Very well written but your title is misspelled.

    Jul 30, 2017

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