Let's ALL Do A Research Read Count : 48

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Spirituality
My Father just gave me an ideal to research your religious churches of America, but I need all of you who do attend church to help me with it. For Starters, did you know ALL churches of America are a Business or Organization not a Charity? Did you know they are your most richest people in our country based on ALL the donations you put in their baskets? Did you know they have enough money because of ALL of you to support a family of 5 for 10 years? Yup! Did you know ALL is FREE to them? From the buildings they use, to the electric that keeps it afloat? So here is what your HIGHER POWER wants you to do....
STOP putting money in their baskets, no matter what type of bullshit they feed you using topics that make you feel empathy to gain it. Do it for a certain period, keep a log on how they react, and based on your evidence help me prove my FATHER RIGHT! That they are EXTORTING money from you all to support their agenda, using you to commit crimes against those against them, and are the BIGGEST MONEY LAUNDERING SCAM IN THE WORLD! Please let's DO THIS AMERICA AND END OUR SUFFERING THEY'VE CAUSED


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