Who Says Writters Can't Solve Mysteries
Read Count : 151
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
The power (electricity)was out all over the townTom was in the hospital hoping to be discharged few minutes before the power was outSome minutes later the light came on bit unfortunately when the nurse entered he found out that Tom has been stabbed to deathWhen the police came he suspected 4 people (doctor,nurse, Tom's wife,cleaner,visitor)Here are their statements;Doctor;I was attending to a patient when the light went offNurse; I was relaxing at the lounge when the power was outTom's wife; I was buying some food at the vending machineCleaner; I was relaxing at the in the staff roomVisitor; I was out to check why the light went offWho says writters can't solve mysteries d biggest mystery solvers cause we solve with the same brain we use to make an amazing story.... Let all have some funWho killed TomComment on the section below your answer and your reasons#Rihacares##Let have some fun#
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