Walk In The Streets Read Count : 188

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama
I had my final shot at the bar, after the final shot dozens of people drunkenly walk out. 

The smell of feces getting worse then in the bar. 

The electric bill board blast the new. 

"North Korea has continued to threaten us with nuclear war."

I stumbled past burning buildings, I completely ignored them.

I walk past massive street fights, each one involving thirty people.

The sound of sirens never ends. 

"We're the richest we have ever been in human history." I chant in my head. 

"W-ish w-e co-uld tu-r-n ba-ck t-ime, to th-e g-o-od old dayssss." Someone quietly chants.

I pretend not to notice, I wasn't in the mood for a street fight. 

I then walk into the apartment complex, the smell of smoke fills my nose. 

I think nothing of this, and go up the stairs. 

Then I noticed the orange light coming from upstairs. 

"Looks like it's another night in the streets for me." I say to myself.


  • Jul 14, 2020

  • I really like it, good work

    Jul 14, 2020

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