A Trip Down Memory Lane Read Count : 155

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
We wondered into the dark
Took a trip into the night
Took a journey
Into the bright midnight
Saw the past out in the distance
Watched my teen years fade into the dark
Also glanced into what was to come
Looked at solid brick walls
Curve like liquid and bend
Watched pristine crystal leaves
Shine like gold in the streetlights
And wave into rythms 
Sung songs in the streets
To amuse myself
Surrounded by friends
But felt alone
Remembered how much
I longed for change 
Needed to escape the life I was living
And what was waiting for me
because I knew the outcome 
I could alter the future.

Watched the pavements fill with colours
That were so bright and alive
The forests and woods were breathing
The world was so alive for an instant
Like a revelation I was elated with joy
Entered a park made of paisley
That just grew and grew under my feet
Felt infinatly immense
And saw the whole world below me
Then felt so small
Lost in a social nightmare world
So hostile and cold
And its so true
If you know your destination 
You can take another trip elsewhere
And like that I escaped my life and destiny
Took another path to find another way
And what would have took me another lifetime to achieve
I escaped and turned my life around
Took a different turn to a new better place
In myself and in life.


  • please dont ask me what I was on at the time, it was long ago and embarrassing LOL

    Jul 12, 2020

  • Jul 12, 2020

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