A Trip Down Memory Lane
Read Count : 155
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
We wondered into the darkTook a trip into the nightTook a journeyInto the bright midnightSaw the past out in the distanceWatched my teen years fade into the darkAlso glanced into what was to comeLooked at solid brick wallsCurve like liquid and bendWatched pristine crystal leavesShine like gold in the streetlightsAnd wave into rythmsSung songs in the streetsTo amuse myselfSurrounded by friendsBut felt aloneRemembered how muchI longed for changeNeeded to escape the life I was livingAnd what was waiting for mebecause I knew the outcomeI could alter the future.Watched the pavements fill with coloursThat were so bright and aliveThe forests and woods were breathingThe world was so alive for an instantLike a revelation I was elated with joyEntered a park made of paisleyThat just grew and grew under my feetFelt infinatly immenseAnd saw the whole world below meThen felt so smallLost in a social nightmare worldSo hostile and coldAnd its so trueIf you know your destinationYou can take another trip elsewhereAnd like that I escaped my life and destinyTook another path to find another wayAnd what would have took me another lifetime to achieveI escaped and turned my life aroundTook a different turn to a new better placeIn myself and in life.