Waiting On Me
Read Count : 172
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Motivation
I remember sitting for hours
Staring at the floor
Watching the shadows
Stretch and lengthen
My thoughts were just as ponderous
Just as slow
A barely perceptible movement
Trying to connect the pieces
My hopes and dreams
Didn't match my reality
And nothing I expected
Happened as I had thought
Everything has a course
A moving journey to make
Each moment is marked
And waiting
And now years later
I find myself wondering
All over again
Who i am and
Where do I fit in
Imagining a place for me
And image of something
Watching and waiting
But my thoughts are slow
Crossing the floor
Like the shadows
Of my memory
I know my time will come
One day I'll look back
And wonder again
How I've come so far
Wonder how and why
I labored so much
And tripped so hard
Getting to that place
It only makes my moments now
Seem so slow
Knowing I can do
And be so much more
But I do know one thing
I am here
And for that
I will life up a smile
And be grateful