I MISS YOU Read Count : 233

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I am writing this to a friend,
I even wonder if I am his friend anymore,
Or just a person he knows,
It has been really long,
I hope this message gets to you my friend.

I sit here alone with my thoughts
Our past memories in my mind,
I have been thinking alot of you of late,
And I am wondering of you are doing the same,
To be honest I really miss you.

Yesterday I saw you celebrate about your promotion,
I was happy and sad when I heard,
Happy that things are going well for you,
Sad that you did not mention it to me,
And friends I thought we were.

For days I have been trying to reach you,
Talking to you is what I desired,
But very busy you are nowadays,
Too busy to even tell me you are busy,
I really long to have those old conversations of ours,
Please make time.

Remember how we used to talk till late,
Nowadays even a hello I dont get,
And a stranger to you have I become,
Its funny how we used to be close,
But the gap between use seems to be wide,
You are close to me,
Yet worlds apart at the same time.

I miss those old days of laughter,
When we shared everything,
If you get this message,
Just know that I am waiting,
Waiting for my old friend to come back,
Because I miss you.


  • very nice

    Jul 10, 2020

  • Jul 10, 2020

  • Jul 10, 2020

  • Jul 10, 2020

  • Jul 15, 2020

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