TMB "chapter 5"
Read Count : 43
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Romance
Chapter 5 "why me?" Kena felt betrayed, her parents were hurting her in that way. She wanted to be trusted by them but it seemed like they would never do that. Her freedom was gone and to think about being watched by a stranger make her feeled anger and despair. Besides maybe he was hansome and interesting but he seemed to like see her suffer. "How could you do that to me mother?, how could you let my father do that to me?" She yelled to her mother. "Are you letting this stranger to be near to your daughter? Maybe he is a pervert or something."now yelling to her father. "I gave you to many opportunities and you failed, now is time for a change besides I know Pierre and he is the best person for this job and I'm not going to change of mind so don't even try" the King answered her secure of himself. "I know it seems like something bad but trust me its for your own safety" the queen answered her while she pulled away a hair tuft that was covering a part of her face and then she got near to Kena's ear and said softly "besides you should be happy to have such a handsome and sexy bodyguard like you" she laughed. Kena getting away of her mom was blushed for what she said, "Mom! How could you said that", she was to embarrassed to looked at Pierre. Her mother was right he was so handsome but that wasn't what she care. She was gonna be watched by him 24/7 and she had to loose her her freedom complitely. The anger and despair came back to her and her eyes in just a few seconds were filled by tears. Her parents didn't notice it but Pierre did. She felt his eyes looking at first, he was smiling at first but when he saw her tears his expression changed, he didn't have the smile anymore, the way he looked at me was of caring and worries. She was to tired about thinking about anything, the only thing she wanted was to be far far away of her parents so she runned and went back to the castle. Besides she didn't want to be seen crying by Pierre but even that didn't stop Pierre to watch her. 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 At night........... Kena had been sleeping for some hours since she came back so it was night already. Her parents were an impotant meeting so while they were gone Pierre started to take care of the princess's dinner, it wasn't his responsabilty but there was something in his mind..... It was 11:00 pm when she woke up scared by a knocking in her door. "Who it is?" Kena asked confuse. "Its me princess, your handsome protector" Pierre joked behind the door. She jumped of her bed when she heard his voice. She didn't expect him to be awake at that time but she just went back to her bed and just didn't answer. "I know you are awake so come and eat your dinner" again she heard his voice. "Im not hungry, just leave" she answered expecting him to leave. "No I'm not leaving, i'm not leaving until you eat all your dinner" his voice was full of pride. "Yes you will" she said again, "no I'm not, or it is that you want me to give you with the spoon like a baby? That would be fun right my princess?". Pierre seemed like he didn't care that he was talking like that to a princess. Kena didn't know why she blushed again, she felt embarrassed and didn't want him to be seen like that so instead of answering back she locked her door. After a few minutes later she didn't hear anything, it was all silence so she though that he have understood and left her. She went back to sleep but a weird noise was outside, then it stopped but after....................
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