TMB "chapter 2" Read Count : 37

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance

                                                       Chapter 2 "An uncomfortable sorprise"

It was a wonderful day, the king and queen were having a lunch outside. Lord Fredderick and his wife invited them to their huge and beautiful chateau, it wasn't as big as their castle but it was nice place.

Lord Fredderick's wife, Lady Catherine was the queen's closest friend. They were raised together since they were young. 
They trusted in each other like they were sisters, so their husbands became friends too.

So it wasn't weird to see them most of the time together. To be the queen and king was a stressful and busy duty so they didn't have enough free time to have for themselves. 

That's why being with their friends was a way to forget about their responsibilities and have a nice and peaceful time.


"I have to many news to tell you about, i'm so glad you are here. Finally we can talk." Lady Catherine said with a small laugh.

Queen Johanna put her cup of tea on the table and smiling she said, " let's go for a walk to the gardens, I want to listen all the news". Lady Catherine followed her and left their husbands chatting about business and politics.

Lady Catherine started to talk to her while they walked, Queen Johanna was listening everything she said but it was something that but there was something special that made her paralyzed by hearing what she said. It was about Kena, her daughter.

"Wait, what did you just said?", she asked her. "Yea, one of my maids told me that she saw your daughter two nights ago, outside of a dangerous place with some other young people at. She saw her late at night."

The queen couldn't believe what she was saying "that it can't be true, my daughter isn't like that. She every night sleep early". 
"Well, maybe is her or maybe not but if is true she have to be careful, that people don't have a good reputation, but let's don't think about it".

The continued their walk but the queen couldn't stop thinking about what she just heard...........


Back home, the queen told the king about what her friend have told her. The king didn't want to believe it. But if  it was true they would find out that same night.

Princess Kena arrived from school without knowing what was going on. She acted like everyday.
At night she said goodnight to her parents like every night. But their parents have planned how to find out the truth, they waited for 2 hours before going to the Kena's room.

They trusted her daughter but they wanted to make sure she wasn't lying to them. And they could prove that their friend's maid was wrong.
Her door was close so they opened it very careful. So when they were inside they found out her daughter wasn't there. Everything was true, their daughter was lying to them.....

After waiting in her room for 5 hours they heard something.


Kena had such a nice night with her friends. They went to the beach. 

The ocean looked so beautiful at night and it made it better with the moon reflected in the water.
They stayed there for a few hours. Kena was enjoying being there, the sound of the waves made her feel in peace. 

After that she said goodbye to her friends and came back to the castle.

She used a rope to climb to her window, in the lower part of her gown it was soaked of water and sand from the beach but even that did not prevent her of climbing.

She had no idea she would find a surprise.............


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