For Crying Out Loud Read Count : 175

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
If there was ever a government oversight review that cries out for a special investigation, the Trump-Russian collusion scandal is it.

For heaven's sakes, they appointed a special prosecutor, Ken Starr, on White Water when they thought Bill Clinton might be involved in financial real estate  shenanigans or possibly the murder of Vince Foster. 

The national imperatives & implications of Trump-Russia versus White Water are enormous. Congress needs to move this investigation out of the House Intelligence Committee as Chairman Nunes has shown he cannot manage the task without partisan politics driving his motives. This is a very serious challenge to our democracy and the nation cannot afford to have a Party Hack bring us down. Sad!


  • Mar 23, 2017

  • Mar 24, 2017

  • Mar 25, 2017

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