This Is My Night Time Story Of My Thoughts Read Count : 81

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
Ok so this might be a long one tho but I used to live in Hawaii but my parents#my mom told me it was to expensive anyway so I miss the beaches and the trees the smells the places it's a great place but after we moved my life started to fall straight bown and this is coming for a kid that's life was great but I lost it all I made this so I can talk all about this so I hope you guys enjoy anyway my life was great first time of school was ok but I don't think that any of my teachers liked me so that was not nice but one I was in a house called "the white" house because it was white so it was nice every time me and my sister got up on Easter we got toys in it so we would play with them on our floor it was so fun but like 1 year later we moved and thats all I remember for there but anyway we moved to a smaller house because we'll idk why no one told me so after we moved I did not have a lot of toys so I would want every thing on TV but of course I never got any of them but I had a room a "ok" school oh wait never mind ok so I had a weird but big school so it was ok but then I had to go up stairs to go to my play where we do plays and stuff but anyway and back down to go play for reases ok so after school I had a mean bus driver he played music oh the bus tho that was nice anyway ok so there was this boy on my bus that always slept on me ever time I would start crying but I never told anyone about it anyway after that I would get off before or after I don't remember much because it was a long time ago anyway I would get off and go to my house and I would go in my mom or dad would be waiting for me at the driveway and we would go inside but if they did not they would be sitting on the porch so I would go see them but anyway after that I would go and see what my sister was doing but she would be sleeping or something else like watch TV anyway this story is all ready like 430 words long so you better go and I should to because it late for my so good bye btw make that 446 words long


  • Jun 06, 2020

  • Jun 06, 2020

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