Book Read Count : 154

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Angie has always lived by certain rules and she's knows to always follow them or their will be consequences.

James never really had rules like Angie did ,he had a pretty laid back life. I wouldn't go as far as saying he was more privileged,he just didn't have as many boundaries as Angie did.

I never really got good grades,even though I was expected to by my family. I was always known as the weird child. Because of me being so odd I had a hard time making friends so In 5th grade I made my own. Yes imaginary friends. My family obviously was worried having to deal with a similar situation before this one. When I was maybe 8 or 9 I was lonely so I decided to make my own friends. I convinced myself over time that I had little people in my head. Like I said a weird child. I gave them all names and had them live their lives in my head. They were my only friend's. When my family found out their first thought was “is she mental” which was completely understandable now that I think about it. This little theory or whatever you wanna call it,went on until sixth grade. The bad grades continued until 8t

h grade but I'm not ready for that part of the story yet. Things changed in 8th grade .But before they changed I have to tell you the story of how my life changed a who did it.

If I'm completely honest I didn't really notice him until he started talking to the kid in front of me in social studies. They seemed like close friends. He seemed like the type of guy who just didn't put up with weird people. So I never talked to him. I know never judge a book by it's cover but tell me one person who hasn't done that. Exactly. He was attractive. That's why I know I didn't have a chance. I was never really attractive ya I had curves and that stuff but honestly that was irrelevant to me, I didn't really think men cared for that stuff,I know stupid now that it comes to mind. I didn't tell anyone that I liked him. I knew it would some how get back to him and it would be really awkward. I always looked forward to social studies class. Not just because of him,but also because of Corbin. Mainly him though.

Later on I found out this guy who's name I found out was James was best friends with my best friend. Kinda made me feel like I had a chance. I started to talk to Lane My best friend about James. He didn't tell me anything but I could tell he was hiding something.

That's when I started to notice him glance at me a lot I was kind of confused as to why he was doing it. Then he started to talk to me. My crush was talking to me. I'd never imagined I'd say that sentence before this year. We started talking every day. I found out a few things. He was shy,very quiet, he was also a very likable guy. And he was even more attractive up close. After maybe a month or so of talking Lane told me someone liked me. I obviously didn't believe him, I’m a very insecure 12 year old girl.

So I asked him who it was. He smiled at me then said “it's James” 

In my household i never had serious rules. I did obviously have rules just not as strict as most kids lives. I was expected to try in school if I try then that's all that matters to my mom. I did get good grades and was a good child,I never really had anyone to argue with at home since my mother and I were close and I had no siblings. Life was pretty good. I found no reason to pay attention to the fact that I had no idea who my father was,or that I had no siblings. Life can't get any better,or at least I thought. I didn't like her at first,she didn't stand out. She was just eh not really attractive but not butt ugly but more ugly than beautiful I knew I would never want to date her. OK so I did like her but not for being attractive. You can't judge me I'm a 14 year old boy. That was the only thing I really liked about her. I told Lane and the rest of my scout bros. I brought it up when we were all staying at Lane's house after scouts.

“So Lane do you have a girl yet?” He laughed dramatically “no,don't want one either” I rolled my eyes “ why not?” he sighed “more worried about school I guess.” “Weirdo” “what about you” I hesitated. “You do!” “Lane chill” he jumped up “ who who who!” I smiled “ it's a girl in my second hour, she's not really attractive I like her for something else.” Lane didn't catch on at first then he face palmed. “ oh lord James really?” I stood up and followed Lane downstairs. “ I'm 14 what more do you want” your ridiculous” I sighed “ so who is it” he took a drink of water “ Angie Baker” he spit out his water and started choking. “Lane are you okay” he couldn't respond. “Do you know her” he took a few more seconds to answer. “ she's my best friend!”

“Right okay Lane” he followed me down the hall. “it's true” “ whatever, why would anyone like me” Lane sighed “don't be like that” “ it's true” “he told me last week” I stopped walking. “ then why are you just now I telling me” he looked down embarrassed “ I forgot” I laughed “ of course you did” “ he really does” I stopped outside of my first hour. “ well I'm not interested” “ why not?” “ I'm not allowed to date” Lane groaned “ why are your parents so strict?” I sighed “because they love me” with that said I walked into first hour.

Lane: so your not gonna date him?

Angie: no 

Lane: please?

Angie: he doesn't even like me for who I am he's just a hormonal boy.

Lane: would you date him in the future?

Lane: you're hesitating

Angie: yes

Lane: really

Angie:yes I find him very attractive, but I doubt he likes me for who I am,if he doesn't like who I am then he can go lick a mirror.

Lane: he was talking about your body,in very boy-ish ways.

Angie: ew that's disgusting

Lane: maybe he’ll ask you out in the future.

Angie: haha okay

Lane: bet next year in eighth grade you guys will be together.

Angie: doubt that

Lane: I'll laugh about it at your wedding

Angie: you're dreaming

Lane:ttyl ily

Angie byeeeee

"James you're staring again" I snapped out of my gaze. " what" Austin rolled his eyes "why don't you just ask her out already" " she doesn't like me" " pretty sure she does" I gave Austin a confused look "what are you talking about" " well Lane might have told me something's" I sat down "go on" "Lane told me that she likes you,a lot and has since last year,and she didn't act on it because she thought you only liked her for her body" I sighed "that was true at first but I guess I've changed since then" "you should do it" "I don't know" Austin groaned "please" "OK,but Will you talk to her first just to see" "of course" 


I didn't think going into 5th hr today would affect me in the way it did. "Hey,hey Angie" I turned around to look at Austin "what" "do you like James still" I looked away and rolled my eyes. "Well do you" I turned back around "he doesn't like me" "well...." I was now interested " he only likes me for my body,I don't have time for guys like that" Austin sighed "he's changed,he told me he likes you but he doesn't think you like him" I turned away "I'm not allowed to date" "come on please he really likes you" I turned back around to do my work only to have Austin snatch my paper before I could even continue working. "Give it back" " no" "why not" " all I want to know is do you still like him" I groaned " yes okay I still like him" " then why don't you date him!" "I told you I'm not allowed to date!" "uhhh" he stopped asking and gave me back my paper. About 5 minutes went back until I spoke "okay,only if he ask me out" Austin grinned "thank you,now he will shut up about you!" The rest of the class went by really fast,and so did next hour. Why did I agree to this,grandma is gonna kill me! I was walking to 7th hr when it happened. I was walking alone like I normally do when he stopped me "hey,Angie" I honestly didn't think he was gonna do it. " hi James, what's up" he seemed out of breath." You okay?" " yeah I'm fine" " so what did you need" "well I wanted to know if you wanted to go out" I turned off my mind " sure" we started our relationship: 10-3-16.

3 times, we had broken up 3 times. Not that either of us wanted to,it's just her parents found out and she had no other choice.the sad thing is we haven't really done anything in our relationship. The most we've done is hug. I wanted to do more but I can't do that. To make things even worse,her family hates me. And not to mention she got her phone taken away because of it and were not allowed to talk at school. I told her I would wait for her,only 2 years. Not that big of a deal.

My family hates the fact that I'm dating James, they were livid at first,but they've calmed down since then. I think they really like him but don't wanna show it. He asked me out on my birthday sophomore year.

“I can't believe you're 16 now” I smiled proudly “I know” “you know what this means right” I looked over at Lane “what” “you Angie are now allowed to drive, and date” “I know,I'm so happy” Lane grinned. “ I'll see you later” I waved then walked into my first hour. I met James in the back of the class like normal and sat down. At first I thought it was going to be really awkward as friends,well actually it was. He actually tried to hold my hand a couple times and once tried to kiss me. Even though it was hard we managed to make it through.

“Hey James what's up” he had a awkward smile,which kinda  of concerned me. “ hey Angie” I set my bag down then turned my body so I was facing him. “Happy birthday” “thanks” “close your eyes I have a surprise for you” I sighed. “Okay this better not hurt me though” he laughed it won't I hope you like it” I closed my eyes and waited. James grabbed my hands and laced our fingers together then he kissed me. It wasn't a long kiss but it felt amazing. He pulled back. “So what do you think” I didn't give him an answer I just kissed him again. “So Angie do you wanna be my girlfriend?” I nodded “of course”

This is when it all officially began.

Angie has been doing some very odd things. Like today she almost killed me for a quarter.yes a quarter.

I was cleaning up the living room when I found some change in the sofa. I slipped it into my pocket and moved on.when out of nowhere I was tackled to the ground landing on the ground with a loud thud. “Ow Angie what the heck” she had this determined look on her face,I was terrified was she gonna kill me?!?! “Give it” I gave her a confused look. “Give what” she glared. “The quarter” get off and I'll give it to you” she hesitated but got off. “Why do you need the quarter” she didn't answer. “Angie” I pulled the quarter out of my pocket. “Give it” she made grabby hands. I gave her the quarter and she ran from the room upstairs.

The next odd thing she did was talk on the phone all night which really concerned me.

“Angie go to sleep.” She yawned and followed me upstairs. She laid down beside me like normal and I went to sleep thinking she was asleep.


“Yes…..that works…..oh of course…..*laugh*.....yes… he doesn't…….not yet……..why would I tell him…….*laugh*…….love you to…...bye” that's what I heard when I woke up in the middle of the night. I was mad and confused. Then she started another conversation. “Hello…..I'm good…...that's great….oh yes of course……..that will work……….not so sure about that…….so you've found him…...great-” I took the phone out of her hand. “Hello who's this” I heard a click and the line went dead. She looked at me with a guilty look,then she started to walk away. “Stop” she stopped walking. “Get over here, now” she turned around and walked over to me. “Explain” she kept her eyes down.”I can't tell you” I was now even more upset. “Why not!?!?” She started to walk away again. “I'll tell you later I promise” I calmed down a little bit when she promised she would tell me. “You're not cheating” she laughed. “Me cheat on you? Never.” I let out a breath of relief. “Come to bed?” I nodded and followed her upstairs again. We got into bed and laid there for a little while. “Angie” she looked at me. “ yes James “ “ how long have you been up?” She hesitated. “ since you fell asleep.” I quickly sat up. “Angie we went to bed at 8:30!” She looked away. “It was important” I laid down frustrated. “Angie please don't do that again” she kept her eyes turned away from me. “I won't” I pulled her close to me. “Good”

Today was the day. I haven't told James yet nor do I plan to until later. It's currently 3:30Am and I just finished packing the truck. Now it's time to do the hard part,waking up james. I turned on the light and jumped on the bed. “Wake up” I jumped up and down. He groaned. “Go to sleep” he turned onto his back. “James get up” he sat up and looked at his phone. “Baby it's 3 in the freaking morning,why do I need to get up!” I stopped jumping. “It's a surprise” he laid there not moving,so I started to jump again. I stopped when I had an idea. I grabbed the care bear blanket that was covering him and ran downstairs. “ANGIE,GIVE IT BACK”  I ran outside. I heard nothing but silence. I looked around the truck and at the front door. It was wide open but James was nowhere to be seen. “James?” No response. I went toward the front door. “Where the heck did he go" I muttered under my breath. I went back into the house. “James,where are you” out of nowhere I was picked up and carried upstairs. “Don't do that you scared me” he chuckled “it's not funny” “ well neither was waking me up at 3 in the morning, and stealing my blanket,and making me chase you outside when it's freezing out there” that shut me up. He set me down on the bed then went down stairs to lock up the house. While he was gone I changed into my PJs, leggings,and one of his shirts. After changing I curled up under the care bear blanket. I heard the sound of his feet coming up the stairs and then I hears the sound of the bedroom door closing. “Angie” I curled up to an even tighter ball. He peeked under the blanket. I pulled the blanket back down. “Baby what are u doing” I had no intentions to respond. He sighed very dramatically then went to turn off the light. He laid down beside me. “ Angie talk to me”  he scooted closer and wrapped his arm around me. “Baby,please”  I was not gonna give in. He rolled over so his back was to me. “Fine but we will talk about this in the morning” I rolled my eyes then drifted off to sleep.

(Next morning) James

I woke up fairly early around 9:10. Angie had moved in the middle of the night and was now cuddled up very close to my side. She still had my blanket,I couldn't be mad at her though she looked like a caterpillar. I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and took a shower. When I was finished Angie was still asleep. I threw on some jeans and my favorite blue hoodie. Then I laid down behind her and rubbed her stomach. “Angie wake up” she groaned “no,es to early” I laughed “Angie get up we have to leave” she stood up quickly and ran to the bathroom to get ready. Which always took forever. When she was finally done she came out in her sports bra and shorts. She ran to the closet,with in seconds the complaining began. “Ugh baby what should I wear” I rolled my eyes and went into the closet. I looked around for a little bit until I found some jean shorts they weren't to short which was good I couldn't have other men look at her. I handed her the shorts and then helped her look for a shirt. Then she pulled out a red crop which I didn't want her to wear. She saw my facial expression towards the shirt. “Please just this once?” I sighed “fine but you'll have to wear my hoodie if I see some guy looks at you wrong” she smiled “deal!” I left so she could Chance then I got in the truck. She came outside about 10 minutes later but with shorter shorts on. When she got in the truck and closed the door I cleared my throat. She started the truck but I turned it off. “What are you doing” I crossed my arms over my chest “I could ask you the same question” she sighed knowing exactly what I was talking about. “Their not even that short” they went to about the top of her thigh. “Yes they are,why did u change?” She crossed her arms. “Angie answer me” she was so stubborn.  “Angie I swear if you don't answer me,I'll change your pants myself” she looked over at me. “What do you want James?” I groaned slightly irritated. “I want to know why you changed your shorts” “because I wanted to” “that's not a good enough answer” I got out of the truck and went to her side. She knew what I was doing so she tried escaping through the other door. I tore the door open and grabbed her elbow so she couldn't get away. “James let me go” I pulled her toward me,even though she was smaller than me she was very powerful. She yanked her arm away and jumped from the truck. “Angie!” She always believed she was faster than I was but she was not. I grabbed her arm and flung her over my shoulder like it was nothing. She flailed her arms and kicked her feet like a 2 year old. “James” I went to the front door and quickly unlocked it. I brought her upstairs and set her down in the closet. “Change!” She didn't move she just stood there. “Baby” I warned her with my tone of voice. She didn't move. “If you don't change right now I'll do it!” She was now getting on my nerves. “OK fine,you wanna go this way” I walked over to the bedroom door locked it then went over to the closet blocking the doorway so she couldn't get out. I could tell she was scared now” she was shaking and her eyes were filled with fear. “I gave you a chance Angie, now you have to pay” she took a step back. “ I'm gonna give you one last chance” she shook her head “I'm not changing” then she somehow ran around me. I grabbed her arm and pushed her on the bed. I grabbed the shorts from earlier and went back over to the bed. I quickly pulled off her shorts and put on the other ones. “Next time baby listen to me”

About 4 hours after we started driving Angie wanted me to drive cus it was getting hot,and she was getting tired. We pulled over and switched sides. About 5 minutes after we started driving Angie took off her crop top,she had a bikini top underneath. I poked her boob. “James stop being weird and watch the road” I put my hands back on the steering wheel. She put her sunglasses on and slowly fell asleep. after a while it started to get dark and I was tired so we pulled over to a hotel and got a room. Angie was still asleep so I carried her in on my back. And brought her up to the room. As soon as I laid her down on the bed she woke up.  She rubbed her eyes and sat up “ where are we” “ we stopped at a hotel I was tired.” she nodded “i'm gonna take a shower” I followed her into the bathroom. Angie was still half asleep so I helped her get undressed. We weren't gonna do anything neither of us had the energy. I just helped her with a quick shower.

She crawled into the bed after slipping into some short shorts,which I was now okay with since it was just her and I sleeping,and her black sports bra. “Goodnight baby” she didn't respond. She was out cold. 

The next morning I got up early and took my shower,threw on some shorts and a cameo shirt. I looked over at Angie,still sound asleep it would be a while until she wakes up so I got her dressed. I didn't feel like making Angie upset again so I let her wear her short shorts and her bikini top. After I finished getting her dressed I found ways to entertain myself such as:....

Read to find out

I being nosy because I'm her boyfriend went through her phone. Don't judge me. I loved and trusted Angie I just wanted to make sure. You can never be to sure. I cringed at her background.  It was Cody Carson I hated that man but Angie loved him so I  dealt with it. She had a lot of pictures with her and lane,not as many as with her and I though. I even looked through her Wattpad. But when I went through her message with lane a cold feeling went over me. I felt numb. Why hadn't she told me? I set her phone down and cried, why was this happening this can't be real! I became angry why didn't she tell me,why was God gonna take her away from me,how am I gonna live without her?!?! These thoughts were running through my mind I hadn't noticed that Angie woke up. "What's wrong James?" I turned to look at her and tackled her into a hug. "James your scaring me" I looked at her then leaned my forehead against hers. "I don't wanna lose you" she laced our fingers together. " your not gonna lose me" I stood up "you know that's not true" she opened her mouth to say something but closed it. "Why didn't you tell me" she looked down "I wanted you to happy as long as possible,I was scared James" I hugged her again "I love you Angie were going to figure this out" she hugged me tighter but didn't respond. "Angie" she pulled away. "How long have you had cancer?" She looked down "2 weeks" that's not that long maybe we can figure this out maybe it wasn't to late or maybe it was the total opposite.


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