Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fan-fiction
(The episode opens with me in a dark void)
Me: Where am I?
(Aunt Cilia appears)
Me: Aunt Cilia! Where are you? Are you okay?
Aunt Cilia: I'm fine, now, but he is planning to dispose my soul to get your soul sooner
Me: I'm sorry, I brought you here, but don't worry I'll save you.
Aunt Cilia: I trust you (smiles) after all we're family.
Me: I love you.
Aunt Cilia: He's coming, I know you will save me (disappears)
Me: Aunt Cilia!
Aunt Cilia: I believe in you.
Me (clench my fists): I won't let your trust be in vain.
(The screen switches to Yugi walking into the room, I was sleeping in, and sees me up with glowing hair and eyes)
(I turned to Yugi and my eyes and hair turn back to normal)
Me (hugs Yugi): Yugi!
Yugi: Are you okay?
Me: I'm okay, thanks to you and the Pharaoh (looks at the watch) I got a connection to Aunt Cilia.
Yugi: Is she okay?.
Me: It might be too late before I can get her.
Yugi: Kanisha?!
Me: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, what we need to worry about is destroying those copies and stop our enemy's plan.
Yugi: Of course, should I give you back your watch, back to you?
Me (shakes my head): The watch needs to stay with you, since you and the Pharaoh have enough energy to handle this watch, but I don't...I'm sorry, that I'm relying on you like this
(Millennium puzzle glows)
The Pharaoh: Not at all, I appreciate that you trust me so much.
Me: Pharaoh
Pharaoh: Trust is the most important thing in friendship.
Me: I agree (reaches into my pocket and gets the map)
(The door opens, and the screen shows Joey, Triston, Tea and Mokuba)
Joey: Looks who awake
Me: Good you're all here
Triston: Is there a reason you need all of us here?
Me: We have a mission to complete.
Tea: Should we go so soon?
Me: I'm healthy, and if we waste anytime it'll be too late and I won't let that happen.
Pharaoh: We will be right by your side.
Tea: Of course.
Triston: Where are we going this time
Me: (eyes widened) Egypt.
All of them: Egypt!
Me (smiles): Crazy right (nervously laughs)
Yugi (thought): Egypt
Me (thought): Last time, I was there
(The screen shows me being dragged into the darkness)
(The screen switches back to me beside Pharaoh and everybody else)
Pharaoh: It's okay, it won't be like last time.
Me: Of course, speaking of it
Me (thought): I never found out which season of yugioh in.
Tea (looks at me): Something wrong
Me: No, i'm fine.
(The screen shows a ball of white aura appears, then reveals me, the Pharaoh, Tea, Triston, Kaiba, Mokuba, and Joey)
Me (smile): Welcome to Egypt! (Or is it Welcome back to Egypt (looks at the Pharaoh and winks) Pharaoh.
Tea (thought): So, she does know about that.
(The watch glows)
Pharaoh: I sense something.
Me (eyes glowing): The copies.
(We all ran)
(The screen shows a bunch of duel monsters surrounding a bubble that has Marik, Ishizu, and Odion in it)
The Pharaoh: Look!
Tea (surprised): Marik, Ishizu, Odion.
Me (thought): So, this after season 3, kinda.
The Pharaoh: Ready, Kanisha?
Me: (nodded at the Pharaoh) Pull it out.
The Pharaoh (pulls out a card): I summon G.O.L.
(My body glows, my eyes become reptile like, I grew fangs,and a python tail. A scepter appears in my hand)
Kaiba: She turned into a duel monster.
Me: Surprised Kaiba
(I flew to the duel monsters, my scepter glows freeing Marik, Ishizu and Odion and making land by The Pharaoh and friends)
Marik: What's going on?
The Pharaoh: The girl fighting is Kanisha, she holds great powers and an enemy wants to steal it.
(The screen shows two blue eyes white dragon flying towards me)
Mokuba: Is that?
Kaiba: Blue eyes white dragon!
The Pharaoh: Kanisha, are you okay?
(I was holding back Blue eyes white dragon white lightning attack)
Me (struggling): I'm….fine
Kaiba: So, we are just going to let her fight on her own, while we stand on the sidelines.
Joey: He's got a point, Kanisha looks like she is having a hard time.
The Pharaoh: Kanisha, can you use other duel monster's energy to help you.
Me (while holding the attack back): I don't know, I never tried.
(The screen shows a hand on my shoulder, then I see the dark magician and the red eyes black dragon and energy passes through me)
(Red aura spreads around me and as I was about to attack both blue eyes white dragons, a hand grabs him draining me)
Everybody (except Kaiba): Kanisha!
Ishizu: Can you explain something about Kanisha, my Pharaoh?
The Pharaoh: She possess the power to create energy which turns into power with a special watch, that i'm holding for her, and a great evil wants it, but she gets weak whenever she uses the power.
Marik: How did she get such a weapon?
The Pharaoh: It would seem that she acquired it by an old friend.
Tea: There has to be a way to help her.
Me (thought): I'm losing more energy, by the minute, oh no I sense a great form of darkness (I turned to see a shadow behind The Pharaoh)
Me: Pharaoh! Look out!
(The shadow turns into a tornado and forms around The Pharaoh)
Joey: This can't be good.
Me: Marik, my watch came off the Pharaoh grab it and put it on.
Marik: Are you sure, that's wise.
Me (smiles): Yes, I sense strong energy from you, please (eyes turn dark)
(Marik puts on the watch, the watch releases a powerful white aura that blasts the shadow surrounding the Pharaoh away)
Marik (thought): Amazing, I have never felt power like this, it feels like it has the power of a millennium item, but something more.
Me: Thank goodness.
(The screen shows the dark magician and red eyes black dragon using their power to take the blue eyes white dragon down)
(The power knocks out the first blue eyes white dragon, but the second one gets blasted before the dark magician or red eyes black dragon hits it. Everybody look at Marik who has strong energy coming from it)
Me (thought): My soul is getting weak
Pharaoh: I have to help her.
Triston: But, which duel monsters could help her, this monster is stronger than any of our cards?
(The watch blinks, that makes three cards fly out of a deck)
Pharaoh (looks at the card): The Egyptian god cards
Marik: Of course
(The cards glows and the Egyptian god appear)
Me (bags under my eyes): The Egyptian gods.
Pharaoh (pulls a card out): the barrier of light
(The screen shows me in a force field around me and lands by everybody else and the Egyptian gods wipe out the monster that was draining me)
Pharaoh: Kanisha, are you okay?
Me (smiles): It's too late, he got half of my soul (passes out)
(The force field fell and I landed in Pharaoh's arms)
(Episode ends)
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