If I Were A Sunrise? Read Count : 132

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Lord, I want to burn the sins of the world 
To the depths of the sea. 

I also want to remove all the walls 
That prevent people
 From knowing each other
 Beyond physical appearance. 

God, when are you going to tell me
 How many wrong people
 Have yet heartbeat my heart?

 Love will never be enough 
If you give it to someone 
Who doesn't even care 
About your feelings at all.

 What kind of man am 1?
 What purpose do I have on earth? 
Where did I come from and 
where should I go from now? 

How many were close to me,
 And how many supported me?
 And how many put up a barrier
 And how many laughed about myself?

 You often don't choose to be different. 
Different is just the way you look, 
When you look at the sky. 
Life is a difficult test.

It leaves a lot of problems,
When you just solve one,
 More and more questions appear. 

Life is a cheap theater, 
But with a very expensive ticket 
To attend a lot of insignificant people.

 Sometimes it's just a drama 
That makes you cry constantly 
Because what you love is not mutual. 

Sometimes it's just a comedy 
In which you laugh more at your mistakes,
 Than at other people in front of yourself. 

Sometimes you want your life
 To be like a soap opera,
 Where love is quiet and peace is not a storm.

 Life is a documentary, 
It shows a path you don't know,
 If it's what helps you live before you die.


  • Jun 22, 2020

  • I love it.

    Jun 22, 2020

  • Jun 22, 2020

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