Today's Christians Are Like Children Playing In The Market Place✍.
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Category : Articles
Sub Category : Spirituality
(This will really bless all, especially they who are not only hearers, but are also doers of the word 📖James 1:22-25).👇
*Today's Christians are not better portrayed than as seen in the words of Jesus when he said*👇Matthew 11:16-19
👉 They are like "children" playing in the market place (nothing excites them, nothing pleases them, nothing is ever good enough for them, they know nothing, they want nothing and therefore they have nothing🤔✍). You teach them everything, you teach them to smile, to say Amen, to comment, to read, to pray, to fast, to be-sober, to ask questions, to answer/attempt questions, to spread God's word 📖, to begin the first stage 👉the learning process(which never ends), to refute errors and be soundly articulate the word, still in all these scripture says 👇
👉 2 Timothy 3:7 they are only ever learning(being taught) but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.(To truly recognize the truth/what's true) how sad! 😔 🤔✍️.
More closely, we take you along that you may see Christ's message in using the word 👉 *"CHILDREN"*
Children are People who are inconsistent in their ways, everything is told them, everything is done for them, (they know nothing and rarely wants to learn anything), they ruin everything and are almost of not much good, scripture says 👉Jeremiah 4:22 [Their chastisement will continue until it has accomplished its purpose] for My people are senseless, says the Lord, they do not know and understand Me. *They are thickheaded and stiffnecked "children", and they have no understanding. They are wise/clever to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge [and know not how].*✍️
The above on children continues👉 They want everything done for them and rarely does anything of real good, nor are accountable for anything, they regularly pout, nitpicks, complains about everything, nothing ever suits them, they want what is not given them and refuse to accept what is given them, they run-excess on everything, always pointing fingers yet are rarely truly helpful, ever receiving and invested upon but rarely notices nor act so, ever wanting, never utilizes, ever pampered and petted, yet feels so🤔✍️(REMEMBER THAT THIS 👆 IS ABOUT YOU THE 15-70 YEARS OLD BELIEVERS WHO STILL ACT AS SHOWN IN THE ABOVE WORDS OF CHRIST).
Here is a closer look at our text in hand, 👉Matthew 11:16-19 But whereunto shall I liken (The children of this generation)... - Christ proceeds to reprove the inconsistency and fickleness of that age of people.(As also seen today) He says they were like children - nothing pleased them. He refers here to the “plays” or “sports” of children. Instrumental music, or piping and dancing, etc.
👉Children imitate their parents and others, and act over in play what they see done by others.(Yet christ charge against today's spiritual children is that they refuse to do/replicate what is being shown them or done for them).
It is not improbable that children also, in play: imitated a mournful funeral procession. *One part are represented as sullen and dissatisfied.* They would not enter into the play: nothing pleased them. The others complained of it. We have, said they, taken all pains to please you. We have piped to you, have played lively tunes, and have engaged in cheerful sports, but you would not join with us; and then we have played different games, and imitated the mourning at funerals, and you are equally sullen; “you have not lamented;” you have not joked with us. Nothing pleases you. So, said Christ, is this generation of people. “John” came one way, “neither eating nor drinking,” abstaining as a Nazarite, and you were not pleased with him. I, the Son of man, have come in a different manner, “eating and drinking;” not practicing any austerity, but living like other people, and you are equally dissatisfied - nay, you are less pleased. You calumniate him, and abuse me for not doing the very thing which displeased you in John. Nothing pleases you. You are fickle, changeable, inconstant, and abusive. (Even as many sees our CAPS TYPING AS THE PROBLEM, NOW IN👉 lower letters, THEY STILL DON'T SEEM PLEASED 😌)🤔✍️.
That is, abstaining from some kinds of food and wine, as a Nazarite. It does not mean that he did not eat at all, but that he was remarkable for abstinence. He hath a devil - He is actuated by a bad spirit. He is irregular, strange, and cannot be a good man.(THEY THINK OF JOHN, JESUS AND US). 👉And The Son of man came eating and drinking - That is, living as others do; not practicing austerity; and they accuse him of being fond of excess, and seeking the society of the wicked. 👉Gluttonous - One given to excessive eating.
👉Wine-bibber - One who drinks much wine. Jesus undoubtedly lived according to the general customs of the people of his time. He did not affect singularity; he did not separate himself as a Nazarite; he did not practice severe austerities. He ate that which was common and drank that which was common.
Again👉 *Whereunto shall I liken this generation That is, the people of this age? should they remain as those froward children, of whom their fellows complain that they will be pleased no way. Are you still?...*
Why say all these 👆to all? 👇Paul says it better, that it's
Romans 16:19 *For your obedience to be stable, known and seen by all,* (AS MATURE AND WALKING IN THE LIGHT, NO LONGER AS CHILDREN) so that we may rejoice over you, *and I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.* Amen.
So that 👉Romans 16:20 The God of peace may soon crush Satan under your feet.(And on every side) Amen. ✍ The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen!!!.