Beautiful Angel Read Count : 63

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Sleeping with my head on your shoulder, 
You protect me with your kiss. 
Beautiful angel coming down from heaven, 
Your smile touches my lips. 

Whispers warm our ears
 While our hearts warm the fire. 
Leave the curtain for the stars,
 I want to get higher. 

Reveal my soul to find out 
who I really am. 
I burn in the flames of love 
When you allowing me
 Touching your hand. 

I will believe in you whatever you say. 
A man who truly loves the other,
 is incapable of doing harm.
 Our love means freedom. 

Let the bad things go. 
My eyes will be a mirror
 So you can see yourself through them.

 Hearts walk loose, 
There is no one to bind them.
No act can change their trajectory.


  • Jun 20, 2020

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