Killer Photo Part 6 Read Count : 141

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Horror
 Chapter Two

   As we drove off, I took Sam, who was still crying, into the shower. As I helped her undress she looked like a little girl as she sobbed, “I don't want to be alone.” I took off my clothes and stepped in with her. Sam sat down as the water poured over her head. My motherly instincts kicked in and I washed and rinsed her thick hair. She stared down as the bubbles circled around the bottom of the shower and eventually succumbed to the pull and slipped down through the drain. Sam took a deep breath, stood up and announced, “Its all my fault. I thought it would add to the shoot if I got in with Dee Dee and stood over her in the tub, I wanted to surprise you guys, but I accidentally kicked Kevin's radio into the water”. Sam seemed more upset by ruining our shoot and Kevin's radio than she did about Dee Dee. I assured her that nothing was ruined. Sometimes accidents make for stunning results. 

   We drove east for about two hours non stop where we ended up in Vegas. Originally we planned to stay in California, but we didn't question Alex. Crossing the state line seemed like the logical thing to do in our current situation. The drive felt long and I was ready for some fresh air. The guys spent the drive going over each photo in detail, reliving the moment over and over. That was the beauty in photos, being able to relive a moment forever. In the two hours on the road we were all convinced that we finally did it. We finally nailed that one shot no one had done before. The excitement from it all had us ready to celebrate and blow off some steam.

  Alex found a place to park just a few blocks from the main strip. Danny jumped off the steps of the RV like a kid who just pulled up at Disneyland, he was ready to play. There was something so magical about Vegas, maybe it was all the twinkling lights. Either way, we were all happy to be here.  Alex and I held hands and Evol walked with his arm around Sam. Kevin and Mac shared a flask of Mac’s whiskey as we headed for the strip. 

  That night in Barstow we crossed a line. We were never going to be the same, it was like a rebirth. It reminded me of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. It was a whole new world for us. We felt invincible and hungry for more.

  For the next few hours left of the night we gambled, we danced, and we drank. We felt alive for the first time. This rush left us wanting more.

  The sun had been up for about an hour when we decided to get breakfast. The smell of bacon, sausage and cinnamon rolls wafted through the air. We were famished and the buffet was a hit for everyone. All around us people of all ages sat at the slot machines with glazed over eyes looking as if they had been there all night hoping for that one jackpot. 

  With our bellies full, we loaded up and hit the road. Danny offered to drive and decided we might as well hit the Grand Canyon while we were at it. I hadn't been since I was a kid and I would be lying if I wasn't excited to see it again. For everyone else, it would be there first time. 

  Our adrenaline was in full gear and sleep wasn't an option. We wanted to get to the Grand Canyon by sunset so we drove straight through not stopping along the way. Sam and Kevin were laying on the back bed when I saw Sam suddenly jump up and take off her clothes. She did a little strip tease for the lonely driver behind us, she got off when people watched. Kevin sat back and enjoyed the show as well. I'd be lying if I said it didn't turn me on. She was completely naked as she bent down to kiss Kevin who was now laying on the bed below her. I couldn't take my eyes off of her beautiful round ass. Mac just sat back with his drink enjoying the view. 

  Danny was watching Sam through the rearview mirror. I can see that he was getting excited. Evol stepped up and slid in the driver's seat so Danny could join the party. As he walked down the aisle to the back bed he removed his clothes and tossed them to the floor. Sam was still bent over kissing Kevin when a fully erect Danny jumped on the bed and shoved himself inside Sam so fast she screamed out in ecstasy. He fucked her hard and fast leaving red handprints on her ass as he spanked her. Sam liked it rough. 

  Kevin scooted up to rest his back on the pillows and unzipped his pants to free his erection. He grabbed the back of Sam’s hair as she devoured every inch of him. Watching all of this got my juices flowing and all I could think of was Alex. Hearing Sam moan and the smell of sex lingering through the air, I couldn't help myself as I rushed to Alex and jumped on her lap.

  Typically we were more private in our relations, but this time we didn't care. Something had changed. Alex bit my lip as she kissed me. She pulled off my shirt, and bit my nipples ever so gently as she continued to watch the trio in the back. Soon Alex picked me up and took me to the bathroom. Where she removed my pants and propped me onto the sink. With my legs wide open she devoured me. I screamed out as I came then I quickly tore off Alex's clothes and got on my knees as my tongue danced around her clit, I tasted her juices, she always tasted so sweet. Alex had my hair in her hands as she violently shook right before she climaxed. She pulled me up to kiss her, my lips still soaked with her sweetness. She held me there in her arms for a while until we jumped in the shower and got dressed. 

  We were all ready for some fresh air when we pulled up to the entrance of the Grand Canyon. It was almost sunset as we hurried to grab our gear before we missed it. We were feigning for that rush we got in Barstow, hoping to feel it again as we watched the sun put on quite a show. The display of pinks and purples in the sky was mesmerizing  as we clicked away. Before we knew it the sun slipped away. Feeling let down, we quietly headed back to the RV. It was everything we ever would imagine, but the rush was gone. After the events of last night, that simple high we once had was non existent.

  The walk back to camp was a quiet one. We were all lost in our own thoughts. We didn't share our images like we typically do. This time, there was no excitement, instead we powered them off and put them away. 

  Kevin and Evol got the fire going as the rest of us set up the chairs. Sam lit a joint and passed it around. I sat staring into the flames as they danced while my thoughts wondered. The pops of the logs as the fire burned through them echoed in the quiet air. Sam had been clean for years, but after the lack of excitement after the sunset she needed a little escape. Kevin gently strummed his guitar as we all sat in silence listening to his soothing voice. 

  Sam had been awake for too many hours and needed a release. Mac sat in his chair drinking his whiskey as he and Sam locked eyes. He patted his lap and gestured for her to come sit. She willfully walked over and sat on his knee. She bent over to kiss him, tasting the whisky on his lips turned her on. Mac set his flask down and slipped his hand under her dress. As he entered her with his fingers she tossed her head back. Her pouty lips opened as she moaned in pleasure. Mac’s arm moved slowly like a dance, then suddenly fast and hard. Sam moaned louder as she came. God she was beautiful, I thought to myself. I was so turned on that I grabbed Alex and led her to our bed. She knew exactly what I wanted as she bent me over and fucked me hard with her fingers. After I came Alex took her fingers and put them in her mouth to taste me before it was my turn to return the favor.

  That night we all slept really well, we needed it. Early the next morning I heard Kevin in the kitchen and the smell of coffee. I could hear the muffled voices of Mac and Danny chatting at the table. They seemed to be talking about another shoot, like the one with Dee Dee. Danny was pumped and itching to do it again. They both had been editing the images of Dee Dee, trying to relive it, but it wasn't enough. 

  Eventually we all woke up and gathered around the table as Kevin set out coffees for all and a plate of fresh sausage and warm buttered toast. I was starving as I munched on breakfast and sipped my coffee. After much discussion, we were all on the same page and ready for another shoot. The only question was, who would be our next subject? 

                      Chapter Three

  We had been driving a while without much excitement. I’m not even sure how long it had been since we left. When driving those lone desert roads, it felt like it had been hours since we’d packed up and left the Grand Canyon, but I knew that wasn't the case. Sometimes taking a nap helped speed up the drive, however my mind wouldn't shut down long enough to keep my eyes closed. I sat quietly staring out the window with my journal in hand. Everything looked the same as we drove. It was as if we were stuck on repeat. 

 It seemed as though we were passing the same tree we had before when something caught the corner of my eye. It went by so fast as Evol drove at full speed. I ran to the back window to see if my eyes had played a trick on me, I caught another glimpse as I jumped on the bed to reach the window as quick as I could. Yup, I was right. He was standing there desperately holding out his thumb. His body turned as we passed as though he hoped we would stop, but Evol kept driving. I flopped down on the bed where Sam had been lying, looking at her trying to articulate my thoughts. Curious, Sam sat up to look out the window to see what I was seeing. Her eyes lit up as she faced me. Without saying a word, I knew we had the same idea. 

 Sam jumped off the bed and ran towards Evol "Turn around! Go back!" Evol was startled and confused when he quickly pulled off the road. Dust was flying over the front window as we stopped a little faster than we should have. Everyone perked up wondering what was going on. Sam and I tried speaking up at once which confused everyone. Sam took a breath and gestured to me to tell them what we saw. 

 It wasn't long before they all had the same hungry look as Sam and I. “I saw a hitchhiker” was all I needed to say. We sat in silence and communicated through our expressions when Danny suddenly chimed in and excitedly yelled to Evol, "Let's turn this motherfucker around!"

 He was short, standing at about 5'7 with a stocky build and he filled in his jeans quite well. He wore a cowboy hat,  which seemed pretty common out here. His blue T-shirt had stains and his jeans looked as though he had been wearing them a while. You can see his back pocket had faded around the area his wallet sat. There was a chain that connected his wallet to his belt loop. He wore old dirty boots and had enough facial hair to show he hadn't shaved in days. He looked tired, hot and relieved when we pulled up. Sam opened the door of the Death Star and asked where he was headed. He had no destination, just out of Arizona. 

 We welcomed him inside and offered him a seat. He was well mannered with a southern drawl when he introduced himself as Chuck. He said things like, Yes Ma'am, and yes Sir. You can tell he wasn't from around here. We all introduced ourselves and told him that we were traveling photographers looking for inspiration. Sam piped in and said she came along for the ride and did some modeling for us once in awhile. 

 Evol pulled away and started driving once we were all settled again. Kevin said that we were just about to have lunch and asked if he would like a BLT sandwich. Without any hesitation he replied “Yes sir, I would love one.” As Kevin started the bacon we all sat around eager to hear the story of the handsome hitchhiker.

 Chuck told us a heartbreaking story of walking in on his longtime girlfriend sleeping with his best friend. It was a heartbreaking story and he had been completely blindsided by it all. In fact he had been planning to propose, he even moved out to Vegas to be with her. Not like he had much left back home in Texas. Chelsea and him had dated the last two years in high school and after graduating she had moved to Vegas for college. He stayed back in Texas trying to close up his dad's mechanic shop after he recently passed away. He never knew his mom and he was an only child so the burden was all on him. After what felt like an eternity the shop was closed and off to Vegas he went. Chelsea and him rented an apartment close to the college and at night she worked at a local Casino and Chuck found work at a mechanic place in town. Life was simple for them, he was happy, he thought they were happy. 

 One afternoon Chuck decided to surprise Chelsea with lunch. He knew that she didn't have classes that afternoon so he stopped and grabbed take out from her favorite Chinese restaurant. It wasn't a special occasion, he just liked to surprise her every now and then. Chuck loved Chelsea more than anything and he never even looked at another girl since they met. Being apart for those months while she was in college was awful. Chuck pulled in to the assigned parking spot at their complex and grabbed the bags from the back seat. As he walked up he took notice of a familiar car in the guest parking. Why was his best friend here he wondered, he usually calls before he stops by. Chuck opened the front door expecting to see Chelsea and Rick chatting on the couch, but they weren't there. He sat the bags down on the table and walked down the hall. Something wasn't quite right, he could hear faint music coming from behind their closed bedroom door. He walked over and held on to the the doorknob for a moment, he was afraid that what his gut was telling him was true. After a few moments he took in a deep breath and opened the door. He stood frozen in shock by what he saw, it would forever be etched in his brain. Chelsea had been on all fours with her backside facing the door. The music was so loud that they hadn't noticed Chuck standing there. Rick was smacking her ass as he was inside her from behind. He had a handful of Chelsea's hair as she was screaming for him not to stop. The bedposts were banging against the wall as Rick was just having his way with the love of his life.

   He couldn't move, he was in shock. After a few moments they must have felt him standing behind them because Rick turned to see Chuck standing in the doorway. Chuck didn't say a word, he turned around, walked out the door and never looked back. He was hurt and humiliated by the only two people he ever cared about. Now Chuck was all alone, he took only what he had on him and just ran until he couldn't run anymore, then he walked and kept walking. 

 When we found him on the side of the road he had been out there for a few days. He doesn't even know how long. He had gotten this far by hitching a ride with a truck driver the first bit and the second with a man who had given him the creeps so he had asked to be dropped off. Chuck was visibly emotional and felt the need to spill out his recent experiences. He looked as though he hadn't had a shower or a good night's sleep in days. After Chuck ate some food we offered him a place to get cleaned up. We pulled off to get gas and stretch our legs, Chuck stayed inside to shower. Sam had the idea to "cheer" him up. She went over and knocked on the bathroom door, when there was no answer she eventually just went in. I could hear some mumbling through the door then I heard a little commotion, soon after I heard both of them moaning in pleasure. At that point I smiled and walked out to join the rest of the group standing around the back of the RV. 


  • I'm enjoying your story! Plz finish!!

    Jul 28, 2017

  • keep it up

    Jul 28, 2017

  • Jun 26, 2020

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