Read Count : 126
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I weep for my children,
My heart is broken for them,
I thought you would be a source of joy to many,
But it seems they have found many ways of making my children's life a misery,
My children are crying everyday,
And their tears have turned the soil salty,
I wail with you my children.
One of my daughters is being married of today,
I should be happy to see my child's wedding,
But the bride is still a child,
And the groom only has a few years on earth,
Why is this tradition unfair to my daughter,
Her future has been traded for by a few herds of cattle,
Oh my daughter my soul weeps for you.
I see another of my daughter crying,
And why is she in that hut with those old women?
Is that blood I see streaming down her legs?
Why have you done this to my daughter?
My daughter has been mutilated by force,
I left her under you care only for you to torture her,
Why are you doing this to my children?
My children are starving,
Why is no one giving them food,
Can't anyone hear their plight?
Or are their cries falling to deaf ears?
I thought food was a basic need,
Then why is so much money being invested in war,
Are your weapons more important than my children's life?
Education is every child's right,
But my children are not in class,
They are working in that tea farm,
I thought child labour was illegal,
Or is it because their employer is rich?
It seem that my children's future has been bought,
Bought by someone with only his selfish desire to fulfill.
I weep for my children,
Everyday I hear the cries of my daughters and sons,
Won't anyone come to their aid,
Won't anyone listen to their cry of help,
Because the suffering of my children is great,
I beg whoever is listening to me,
Please help my children.