Rachel Dracula's Diary
Read Count : 67
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Dear stupid peice of paper, So first let's get this through with,my mum said writing a diary (well I think that's what it's called) could make my life much easier,but I don't see how I mean it's just a bunch of words that waste of time...BORING! Anyway I guess I should name this pile of words hmmmm-10 mins later-aha! I will name it 'my life'! ok 'my life' my name is rachel and I find this whole telling you who I am thing is crazy. This morning my HUMAN mum gave me some pancakes and orange juice for breakfast and I'm like crap this and I shouted for my DRACULA dad! He makes the best meals like blood juice and eyeball omlet YUM! Then around bedtime my mum tucks me into bed an tells me i am starting a HUMAN high school im the morning 😱 how! Dear my life, You will never believe how lame this school is I mean so lame like no magic no goblins no nothing of what I expected. The teacher's here are useless at history I mean I know alot ALOT more than them from my side of the realm. I made 1 friend today but she seems like she is a bit coocoo in the head sooo..I kinda out a spell on her and she became SO popular thay I was forgotten!😢 So much for having friends😠.also some other weirdos came up to me and said I look like a dead monster and I said"look here smarty pants in not dead but I am the daughter of the dracula!" And I kinda was made a fool of my self. That's pretty much my day not much fun at all.maybe later on in the term.(👍hope your liking it so far:from writer👍) Dear my life, Today was pretty much the same except there was a group of boys staring at me and believe me they were an ugly bunch but I felt like I recognized one of them.after school I want straight home but the on i said I recognized came up to me and said "hi rachel,long time no see" in a kind way! Now I started to think who was he and where do I remember him from. *in the bacground mum shouts:go to sleep now*.aahhh so much for staying up late. Dear my life,12st july, I thought maybe writing the date would help maybe...joking mum said to hehe.today was just aquard because ever since the not came up to me I have felt this icky feeling but not the type that would make me throw up...should I egnore it? Maybe i should speak to him and try to bring back memories or just leave it??? I will try to ask him tomorrow.😨 Dear my life,14 july, I'm starting to get used to this diary thing I mean I have missed a day because I was busy last night but I writing now so who cares😄.so I will explain yesterday and today about the whole sick feeling😕.I went into school and at lunch I asked the guy if I could speak to him after school which only made the feeling worse.after school I met up with him outside the school, further behind us I could see his mates smiling and giggling at him which sorta made me laugh a bit but I should never have because it made the feeling so bad I bent over in pain! The guy said "are you ok rachel?" I was like sorta but the first thing I asked was "who are you,I recognise you but from where?" He laughed and said we went to nursery together but no one else knew! We carried on walking for some reason and we're talking and adventually I brought up the fact I felt a weird feeling around him and that I should not be around him(by the way he said his name was drake) He said sadly"Rachel,you can always tell me how you feel but I didn't realise...then I cut short and said my bye bye half bent walking down the road.I heard him say something behind my back like "the vampire thing must have caut up with her,I just wish she would tell she felt the same way i do,". Now for today's diary I want into school and tried my hardest to avoid him but drake was the oposit...look at me im acting sweet WTF! Anyway he would ask me if I needed to talk and I was like "no I can't,the pain" and I ran off.after school he said "I will tell you why it hurts but you must list..." before he finished I ran and ran home and I'm staying in bed for at least 2 days! (dear readers I will be adding drakes diary soon!can't wait,I apreciate you reading and I hope you enjoy.if not im sorry but I am a terrible writer and hoping to get better at it😊) Dear my life,16 july, It's my birthday today!!!and all I get is a bloody pencil case from my mum but my dad got me the best present in all history of vampires a.......wait for it.....a pet bat! It had to be a fruit bad because my mum isn't a vampire or some other creature like wolves or pixies or whatever.Anyway I went into school (it's a Friday today so last day of week) and drake asks me if he could come round to mine like we used to when we were little and of corse I said yes! He added that he had a present for meeeeeeeeee! I just got home from school at the moment and I'm writing now because I didn't want to end my story at night I want to enjoy today!so tommorow I will let you know what I got from drake and all the rest P.S I wonder if drake had a diary too lol😂❤. Dear my life,17 july, Last night was mostly amazing except...the pain was made worse and better it's hard to explain.well when drake arivied my dad went crazy like they did a weird hand shake thing that I remember,so strange.we had a huge red velvet cake with blood icing(yes loads of blood)it was so tasty.I wish my mum tried some but humans don't see things the way me and my dad do.i was freajed out when drake at two whole slices!Then we had a little disco and the best part was when drake turned into a wolf!A WOLF! After the wolf thing he just sat down and since then he was really sad like he didn't want me to know the wolf thing. I wasnt that surprized but i understand. Then drake gave me my present it was a...gold bat key,he said it unlocked the other part of the present which was...a secret box to store my stuff in! After I said it he wanted to sleep over but he cut me off and said "Rachel I can't stay but I will tell you one thing to think about...your pain is not a sick one is is the pain of hiding" then he said the word LOVE.I passed out and I woke up with drake by my side he said he must go and left before you could say blood bath.I got up and now i am writing what happened.I think I understand why I was so sick before but since he left I haven't felt sick at all.could it be? Today I'm just cleaning and gardening.I might get to go to the park but my annoying mum said I should stay home(someone's overprotective!)Then tomorrow same thing lol but I will back at school monday and everyone will be talking about last night and what happened.my only consern for monday is that drake will be there and..well..I need to tell him somehow and someday.I just have to go up to him and say "I like you,see you at lunch," and run of like an idiot! -_- this is just crazy I'm talking all sweet and it's just not like me!-_-I just hope the plan works *fingers crossed*.
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