A Sand Dew Chp1 Read Count : 268

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
whoa !what is this on my hand I cant live meera where are you i miss you everything I had of urs was beautiful man man wake up who are you what are you doing I should ask you ? don't waste my time man I don't talk to strangers im going to Rajasthan would you come will come so do you know the map yes then come with me I went with him and he ask my name I said yuvraj myself Khalif the man was very quiet he asked me who is meera I said she is my love ohk WOULD you say me your story how you both met sorry I cant why so ? that's my path don't disturb at night we rested he saw my bag and he asked me what you keep in it I said my diary photos and water ok ok I'm sleeping man when i slept he was glappoing to know my diary I slept and he was quiet at last then I woke up hearing sounds he ran i ran to catch him and give my diary he said you tired yes wait on oasis and say anything you like please say your story  I beg you yes I Will say it was half morning I Will say.my chp2 will be posted soon


  • Mar 24, 2017

  • Mar 27, 2017

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