We Could Split The Heart In Two Read Count : 89

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
We could split the heart in two 
To be equal in feelings.
  I don't want to hear reproaches,
 That I love less than you love me.  

We could share the same thoughts,
 Not just a foreign bed
 That we rarely use to rest,
When we don't fall asleep before.

  It can happen that the walls break 
And only a deep pit remains between us.
  It can happen that the water falls
 and floods our thoughts.

  If I'm hurt, maybe you could feel my pain.
  If you're hurt, maybe I can steal your pain. 
 Who I am, you can tell me by your name, 
If I am as you imagine me,
 Dream about me more. 

 Take care of what I am for you, 
Don't tell me the next day 
That there are no more feelings.
  Take care of me, 
And don't make me suffer once again.


  • Jun 14, 2020

  • 👍

    Jun 14, 2020

  • Jun 14, 2020

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