An Ode To God, For You, Myfriend.
Read Count : 161
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
If I had a heart dip-stickTo measure the level of sincerity,Like the engine dip-stickThat measures the level of engine-oil,I would have sent it to you,Together with this Thank-you Note,So that you measure its sincerity;For I know like me you receiveMany a Thank-you notes from people,But sometimesThey are shallow and empty -Meaningless imitations -Mere by-the-ways but notGenuine feelings of appreaciation.This my Thank-you Note,Is out of the depths of a heart,Touched by noble words and or deeds;Acts that testify God's love for me,In my thankful and now singing heartFor all your unforeseen and unexpectedActs of kindness and mercyIn my very desperate and stressful situation.Many relatives and friends do I have,But few ready-and-willingAmong them do I have.For none had I seen when you came,That's why I thought thisA Thank-you Note,But then realised it was not,And later decreed, and now declareThat this, is rightly,An Ode to God for you, Myfriend.For when I came to the end of me,And could not myself help out,You, unannounced and uninvited arrived,And beyond my imagination attended,To my multiple problems at once.And just like you had arrived,Without ceremony -You departed without one -Leaving me reflecting on HIMAnd HIS mercies and grace.I cannot worship you, Myfriend,But for your deeds, I must worship,HIM who must have stirred you -And sent you to me that timeWhen in darkness I groped for a way.Mother could not walk -And I needed her to move around and aboutShe was sick -And I needed her treated and wholeBut ideas, money, things and friendsNone had I that day to do the needful,And I had come to my wits end.Then, there you appeared,And confronted my problem head on,Before you left, leaving me beguiledLike one coming out of a dream,Overwhelmed by the powerAnd the love of God, through you.And so here now I pray to HIM,To shower you, Myfriend,With HIS blessings forever,According to HIS riches in glory.Thank you Myfriend,... NO!An Ode to God, for you, Myfriend.