Rediscovering That I Do Have Strength! Read Count : 209

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : World
I just want to take a moment to express how grateful I am for this time that we all have spending our days at home. Even though so much misfortune, sickness and even death is going on around us, I still try to remain positive and see what good can come out of this. There is so much happening from one end of the spectrum to the other, that we really need to find our center and stay grounded during these times of this pandemic. It would be very easy to let yourself “go” and act out all the anger, bitterness and hate that we could  feel right now. But, at the end of the day, it hurts no one but ourselves. There are many weak, sick and dying people that need the strong, healthy ones to be there for them. It is a choice that each one of us face on a daily basis. Let’s choose to be the strength, the support, the shoulder to cry on, that so many need right now.
We are humans, yes, and can only deal with so much. But there is a willpower and strength inside all of us.We just have to reach down deep inside and pull it out.
Just my thoughts for the moment.


  • gamer Martin

    Gamer Martin

    😑true i am bored

    May 18, 2020

  • May 18, 2020

  • May 18, 2020

  • Well done! It good to hear a positive encouragement to this with so many negative twists going around

    May 18, 2020

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