Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
"conTenT n comForT"-im a maniacaL LyricisT
Bc oF watz n mY Larynx
I sound like a SpiriTisT
So I FirE u up wen ure hear'n dis
Stop comParin dis
2 daT Bc daT AinT dis!!! Stop comParin shiT
Bc I AinT da type 2 b sharin shiT
Esp wen ure nt da type daTll cherish iT
& ure da type 2 do sum DcKhead shiT & embarrass shiT
"She dumped you & then 3 years later, yaw get married & sht!"
Im conFronTaTionaL so Rn, ImmA DeaD dis den bury iT
W da weighT oF da WrLd on mY shouLadaz, I wuznT TrYna CrrY iT
I oWe u no eXpLanaTions abt shiT so DnT kum near me BtcH
No1 supprTd me so YtF shud I make x 2 b hear'n shiT?
We made our decision so I DnT care 2 hear u wear-&-tear on shiT
I caused aLoTTa issues by LauncH'n missues & smear'n shiT
W/O a reFLecTion, u Vampires like CaLi FaiL'd TrYna mirror shiT
Im noLnGr "conTenT n comForT"...eLeVaTion, Im nt scared oF it!-Fb:CycoPath
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