Thy Who Brings Justice
Read Count : 120
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Drama
I walk down to the library, it's my day off, and I need to be in public. I walk to the history section. I grab a book, then turned it to me. 'Life before communism', state approved. I then sit down at a table to read it. "In the 2000s there was a group of people who made profit, selling what people needed, instead of willingly helping them. Because of this many died, they were unable to pay the small group selling all the products. This is one of the many reasons why the democratic communist party had to win an election, and reform our broken society." The Preamble said. I'm impressed that our ancestors could create this great country, were everyone is equal, owns land, has food, bills are payed, and have a say in the government.My friend jock walked up to me. "What you reading?" He asked. "I'm reading life before communism." I answer. "Ok, cool." He replied. He then walked into the economics section, and came out with das kapital. He was wearing a black suit, with a red tie. "So where do you want to eat?" Asked jock. "How about we eat at that fish place?" I replied. "I don't know, it would eat 1/6 of my pay check if we split it." Jock said. "We'll, how about the Chinese place?" I asked. "Yeah that should be good." Jock said. "I haven't eaten there before." "There foods amazing, plus it shows we support China." I said. "That's true, diversity is our strength." Jock replied. "How far is it away?" Jock asked. "About an hour buy subway, but we save 15 minutes by driving." I replied. "What about climate change?" Jock asked. "We'll have the news right about us supporting the Chinese, but not about us driving." I replied. "After work?" I asked. "Sure, that works." Jock said. "You still going to saint-tropez, with the wife?" "Yep." I replied. "I got to go, break is over." I then put the book back, and left the library.Day at the officeI sit down at my desk, I see the papers already shown up. I grabbed the first paper. Ryan, 68, found guilty of robbery, there are 3 circles, reform, which means send him to a hospital so he may become a productive member of society, jail, whcih means he house him away from society for a certain amount of time depending on how long the judge gives him, and slavery, send him to a farm, and force him to be productive. Every way, he goes to court, if the judge thinks I'm right in the punishment, he determines how long he should serve. If I'm wrong, his file goes to someone else. I circle jail without a second thought. I grab the next paper, stalin, 20, trying to change his name to stalin after sex reassignment surgery. I circle reform. As I grabbed the next I day dreamed about my vacation with my wife. I kept grabbing papers, and putting in the dots. I wonder if the waters are clean enough to see the river's floor. I imagined a massive building, shining like a gem, with golden window frames, and clear windows.The plate graphI went to the 1 o'clock meeting. A young man went up to a chart. "No I got an idea, we need to stop teaching the triangle graph, because it makes the workers feel like they have less power then us." He said. He flipped the blank page. "The elected class, are on top, then the office class, us, are just below them. Now we are selected by the elected class, and we have an arrow that shows that. Then below us is the middle class, the restaurant manager, we selected them, and pay for the building, and they serve the public. At the bottom is the labor class, they make the good, and work in the shops, in return they eat for free. Everyone is included, but one being on top of the other implies power over them, which ruins the idea of communist harmony." He then flipped the page, showing a blob, with little blobs inside. "This is the exact same thing, but it doesn't imply power. Any comments?" "Well, this seems like alot of work, why not just teach kids that it doesn't represent power, it represents society. Workers are the most important, making them the base. The middle class feed us, and the elected class, we make the decision, the elected class, choose us. As you go up, society progresses." I said. "It's alot cheaper." "Well let's see what the elected class says, who's idea they approve."CitiesThe young man walked back to his seat, while another walked up to the chart. He was in a black suit, blue tie, and had brown hair. "Now as we know the countryside is communist, and the cities are socialist, well what if we allowed those who live in the countryside to move into the city, if they want of course." The man said. "That would mess up everything, we would have to decentralize as the more markets." Robert said. "We need to keep things simple, by keeping the cities locked, we are keeping things simple." I chimed in. "The answer is no, and we shouldn't even waste the time of the elected with this." He then walked away in shame.IndustrializationThen Robert walked up to the chart, he was wearing white shirt, black tie, black pants, and shoes. "I believe that we need to industrialize." He said. "We should open open some factories in the countryside, they'll make, plows, nets, shovels, and any other tools the workers may need, then we become far richer." Robert said. Everyone began to clap, of course they would, his father is an elected one, and his father gave him this job, and got his parents, wife, and children, out of the countryside. The only reason why I'm here is because an elected one choose me. The elected one can make you rich, and throw you in a paradise, or they can force you to fund that paradise, receiving very little of the profit. I of course clapped, so I wouldn't lose my job. "Well, I'll bring it up to them." The runner said. The lessons to the meeting, hears any ideas that we like, and calls the elected ones.Back to workThe meeting ended, and I went back to my desk to keep working. I continued to work as I day dreamed. It must be great to live in Paris, that's where the elected live. It's our capital. In normal cities, majority are office class, and some middle class serve us, but in the capital the majority is the elected class, then there a few office class, and some people are in middle class. I imagine the sites, the arch of Karl Marx's, the Workers Tower. The yards of title in front of these sit-. My day dream is interrupted by a folder. It the last thing to do, I open the folder. Wilson Kirby, 50, killed his mother, and father. I'm shocked while reading what happened. "After beating them to death, he attempted to eat the evidence, he nearly ate his mother whole arm, but a friend caught him in the acted." The paper said. Before choosing I had to answer 3 easy math problems, to make sure I'm paying attention. Death, exile, or life in prison. I selected death. "How to kill him." The paper said. Hanging, firing squad, electric chair, or lethal injection. I was so disgusted by the story, that I drew a dot in hanging. My shift was finally over, which ment I could go home.Blackmail industryI then hurry to my apartment, I walk through the lobby, there a beautiful paint of Karl Marx hanging on the wall. I've seen it over a thousand times, and hope to see it a thousand more. I then marched up the stairs, to the 7th floor, and down the hall. I opened the door quickly. "Hi John." My wife said. "Hi Martha." I replied. I then kissed her on the forehead. "I got to meet my friend at a restaurant, I'm gonna call him." I said. "Ok." Martha replied. I then got on the phone, after a few rings he answered. "Hello." He said wondering who was there. "It's me, John. I'm off. when we going?" I said. "I'll call you. Are we taking your car or mine?" Jock said. "Your's." I replied. "Ok bye." He said. "Bye." I replied. I then hung up. I got on the couch next to Martha, we're watching the news. "Conspiracy debunked, many people in this town believe the rich, and powerful are hunting there kids, but the killer has been caught." The reporter said. I smile alittle. "There real good at spreading misinformation." I say to myself. I know for a fact that he wasn't the killer, information is like a body of water, the state approved news is like a dam, and we are like a village. We would love to drain the lake, but the water is needed to put out fires, washing our homes, and livestock. We sometimes flood house, but we block it off from the rest, this is dangerous because sometimes the water hits a house, breaking it, and many even cause us to go under. If you make the people who control the dam upset, expect alot of rain. I'm not sad to see the kids bodies on tv, because they were racist. There families were racist, so they inherit it. We put up with racist workers, but if your the kid of a racist, sleep tight. The man taking the fall is also racist, I don't feel any guilt for him taking my punishment.RestaurantThe phone then rang, I picked it up. "Hello." I said wondering who was there. "It's me, jock. I'm right outside." Jock said. "I'll be right there." I said. I then hung up, and kissed my wife goodbye. I walked out the door, down the stairs, through the hallway, then lobby, and got into jocks car. We then drove for nearly an hour to the Chinese restaurant. He was wearing grey pants, a light blue shirt, and slick back hair. I was wearing the same, but with a white shirt. As soon as we parked we went into the restaurant for the reporters, there was an order for them not to show the car, and say we went by bus. They took a picture of us at the table, and we pretended not to notice them, just like everyone does. They then left, and we pick up our menus. A waiter came up to us. "What would you like to drink?" He said in a thick accent. He was in a black suit, with a white shirt visible from the v collar, he had black hair, clearly gelled. "I'll just have some water." Jock said. "I'll have the bamboo water?" I said. He then wrote down our orders. "We'll have it for you right away." He said. He then left us. "So, how long until your vacation?" He asked. "Next weekend." I answer. "You excited for it?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied. "I don't know what it like down there, but atleast I know what it like on a plane." I joked. Jock then gave a chuckle at my joke, more then I expected. The waiter came back with our drinks putting them on the table. "And what would you like to eat?" He says. "I'll have the noodles." Jock replied. "And, I'll have the..." I think for a moment. "Rice." I blurted out. He said something, but I couldn't understand with his accent.ChildrenAfter we finished our meals jock drove me back to my apartment. I walked inside, and went into the bedroom to put on my pajamas. As I was putting on a white tshirt, my wife walked right behind me, and put her hands on my chest. "Honey. I want to have a baby." She said. I turn around, she's wearing a white dress. "Are you sure?" I asked. I think about it for a minute, the government would subsidies this, meaning it won't effect my income. "Yes." She says. I then hugged her, and forcing both of us on the bed. After we made love, I worried if this was the right thing to do, and whether or not this was a mistake, but we could always abort it.The first day of vacationI clean my desk before heading home. After cleaning my desk I collected my paycheck before leaving. 2,000$, just this weeks pay check. I then left for my apartment. As soon as I walked in she hugged me. "I'm pregnant." She said. This was both exciting, and shocking at the same time. "That's amazing." I said. I looked over her shoulder, everything we need was already packed. I give her a hug. "Ready to go?" I asked. "Yes." She said. I then brought the luggage to the car, and we started our journey to the airport. As I drove I called jock, using my cellphone, made in China. "Hey Jock." I said. "My wife is pregnant, and I'm on my way to saint-tropez. I need you to tell the elected that." "Alright, I will." He said. "Ok bye." "Bye." I said before hanging up. We then got into the plane, and flew to saint-tropez. As soon as we left the airport we were greeted a large, beautiful city. Each building had a massive dome, each dome had dozens of windows, letting light in. The sidewalk were clean, and painted light red. It seems like majority of the buildings were painted yellow, with some grey painted areas. We then began to walk through the city, our cabin was near the river. As we walked my wife asked. "Do you smell something?" I took a big whiff. "It's a mixture of Italian food cooking, and Spanish food cooking." I replied. There was Italian music playing as we walked. The city was more beautiful when your in it, then when your looking from a far. There were shops lining the streets, red, and white swinging chairs, and some times there would be a brown hammock. The French flag was everywhere, it hung in the steets, and on tall poles. The people all looked similar, they wore black coats, the women wore red hats, the men wore black hat, similar to what the amish wear. We finally made it out of the city, and just a couple feet way were a couple of cabins, each far way from each other. As soon as we found our cabin we unloaded our luggage. We first hung up our picture of Karl Marx, and Fredrick Engels. We then put the book 'scum' on the coffee table. After we had finished the important tasks, Martha put the food in the fridge, and I put the shampoo, soap, scrubs, ect, in the bathroom. After that I put the disks in a glass cubber. After we had finally finished unloading we sat on the couch to watch Netflix.The second dayOur vacation has just begun, but it's almost over, we only can stay for 3 more days. "What you want to do today?" My wife asks as we eat toast. "What if we got on a conoe, and went down the river." I suggested. "That sounds like fun, were would we get the conoe tho." Martha said. "I think I saw a public conoe rack not to far away." I said. "Ok, let's go check it out." She said.We then went down to the office. "Is it ok if we use a conoe for a moment?" I asked. The man at the desk looked at us. "You'll need to fill out this paperwork, then you can use the conoe." He said. Me, and Martha then sat down, we both were given one paper. "Do you have insurance if the boat breaks." Was the first question. I wrote. "Yes." "Do you know how to swim." Was the next question. "Yes." I wrote. "The state is not responsible for any damage to the boat." The next question said. "Yes." I wrote. "The state is not responsible if you are injured because of this ride." The last question was. "Yes." I wrote. I then put the pen down. The man got up, and shock my hand as I got up. "Let me get your conoe." He said. He was wearing grey pants, and a yellowish shirt with 2 beast pockets. He then walked us to the rack, and unchained one of the many boats. We then got into the boat. "How far you plan on going." He asked. "To the Darwin harbor." I said. "Alright" he said as he left. The Darwin harbor is not to far out of city limits. The city was beautiful from the water, the river was massive, similar to an ocean, yet it's technically a river because on both sides there a land mass. After we left the cities borders we saw massive fields. It was so beautiful to see nature undisturbed. We were close to the bank, with a line leading us back to the city. We then say a family of fishers. They used medium sized ropes, each on with a metal hook attached to the end. One of the women was holding a basket filled with water. As we passed we saw one of the boys pull up a fish. "Hey! You're blocking the river!" The dad yelled. "You owe us one of the fish you catch!" "We're aren't catching fish, we're just enjoying our vacation." I replied. "Hey, are you an elected one?" He yelled. "No, office class." I replied. "We've gone from 3 meals to 2 meals! Yet food production is up, what gives!" He yelled. "We're working on it." I replied. "Hey! Why haven't you lost weight to?! You should be as skinny as us." He yelled. "It's been 2 weeks." "My job is more scarce, so they feed us more." I say as I paddle faster pushing away from the coast. "I thought we're equal!" He yells as we paddle further away. He had spoiled our entire day. We were laying on the couch. "Honey, I think I'm gonna go to the range." I say. "Ok, be back soon." Martha said.The RangeI'm sitting in a bus, with other Government officials, the middle class must never learn this, so we travel at night. We must keep this secret from everyone, including the ones we love. My wife thinks this is just a normal shooting range. I met her when I just became an office worker, she was born in middle, it was love at first sight. I think to myself. "That man was so angry, maybe if we just gave the workers so weed, they'd calm down." I'm then waiting for my turn. Another shot is fired, and the body is removed. Another racist moves up to the wall. I like being last, the adrenaline of killing is like being on cocaine, and after you kill, it's like being high, but stronger. Just like drugs, the more you do it, the more it takes to have the same effect. I then take another step in line. This is extremely efficient system. I take another step up. It saves our drug supply, and lower the number of racist. These are non-working racist. I take another step up. If you have a disability, or are to old, you don't have to work. If you're a racist, and you don't have to work, you're sent to a range. It's finally my turn. An old man steps infront of the wall. He's shaking uncontrollably. I raise the gun, slowly, to savor the adrenaline. Then I fire. His body hits the walk. The adrenaline stops, and I begin to shake, it made me both calmer, but paranoid. I then get on the bus, luckily I was the last one, so we leave as soon as I get on. I savor the feeling, feasting on it. I then returned to the couch to watch Netflix, with my wife. She's drinking Starbucks. "I got while you were away." She says. She then got up, and brought me my coffee.The partyIt's the third day of our vacation. We decided to go to a Party to day. We head to the building, I'm dressed in a grey suit, with a white shirt, which can be seen through my v collar. I'm also wearing a grey tie. Martha is wearing a black dress. We entered the party, there is multiple large leather couchs for everyone to sit on. It's well lit, and servants hand food to the party goers. The servants are middle class, and the party goers are government officials. We go to the bar, get 2 beers, and sit on the couch to chitchat with anyone who wants to talk. A man sat need to us. "Hello there." He said shaking my hand. "I'm Henry." "I'm John, and this is my wife, Martha." I replied. "Nice to meet you all." Henry said. "Are you local?" "No, we're on vacation here." Martha said in between sipping her beer. I then started sipping my beer too. "Small world, where you from." Henry said in between sipping his vodka. "Kropotkin." I said. "Oh, nice. I'm from Volin. What a small world." Henry said. Our cities are extremely close together, there probably 2 miles away from each other. "When you heading back?" I asked. "In another week." Henry said. "Oh, we're heading on Friday, 2 days." I replied. "Do like to go to the range?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Maybe if there a range in between us, we can go there." "Ever go to Darwin Range?" Henry asked. "No maybe one day we can meet there." I said. "Let me give you mine number so we can go together." Henry said. "Alright." I said. I pulled out a paper, and pen. As I wrote our house phone number I asked him. "Are you married?" "Yeah, to a man name Richard." Henry says. I was taken a back, not because I'm homophobic, but because I didn't want to offend him, so I want to make sure I don't offend him. "So your husband won't get mad that you have another mans number." I say. He then nervously laughed. I begin to mentally slap myself. "He thinks you're a homophobe." I said to myself. I then took a long drink, to calm my nerves. I probably won't be sent to a range even if he reports me for being homophobic, for 2 reason. First being homophobic is the least likely reason to go to a range. Second I'm an official so as long as I don't call him a slur, I won't get in to much trouble with the law.CelebratoinThere was a large tv on the wall. "This just in, factories are opening up in the countryside, rations expect to go up from 2 meals to 3 meals in just 3 days, and we expect it will continue to rise." The anchor said. There was then cheering, the servants the started to hand out bottles of wine. "A toast! A man said standing up. To equal, democracy, and progressive thinking." He said. Me, and Martha arms locked, letting me drink her drink, and she drank mine.HangoverWe had drank so much, and partied for so long, both me, and Martha had a hangover for the entire 4th day. We spent the day nurturing ourselfs back to health. Majority of the day involved us running to the bathroom, and laying around.The final day of the vacationIt's our last day here. After we get on the plane, I'll have to work long days at the office. "What do you want to do for our final day here?" Martha asked. "I don't think we have enough time to go conoeing." I replied. "How about we go on a date at Starbucks. We've been to enough fancy events while on this vacation." "That sounds like a great idea." She said. As we were getting dressed to go, the phone rang. "Hello." I said. "It's Henry, want to go to the range, the bus will be taking us soon." Henry said. I then put my hand over the phone. "It's Henry." I say to my wife. "He wants me to go to the range with him." "Well, Starbucks won't close soon, I'll be waiting." She replied. "Thank you." I replied. "Yeah, what time." I said to Henry. "20 minutes." Henry said. I'll be there. I'm sitting next to Henry on the bus. "It's such a weird feeling, but it's having less of an effect on me." I say. "I know what you mean." He said. "I only have a minute of paranoia now." "I hope that doesn't happen to me, next thing ypu know you don't even feel the adrenaline." I said. "Yeah, then there no reason to go here." He said. "But, it's so addicting, you just go because it's so normal to do." I say. "Yep." He said. We didn't take for a few moments. "I had an idea, what if we gave weed to the workers to calm them down." I said. He didn't speak for a moment. "That's a really good idea, but we have to make sure they have enough food to deal with the cravings." He said. The bus came to a stop, and we got into a single file line. I feel the tingling nervous, as adrenaline begins to kick in, there always that thought in the back of your head, maybe we shouldn't, but that's what makes the adrenaline so much fun. When it's finally my turn I'm hyped up. A kid who clearly has down syndrome walked up to the wall. "He doesn't deserve it, he's paying for my crime, take me instead!" A old man yelled. "Who is that guy?" I asked a guard. "He's his father, he's to old to work, and the son can't work with the father's help." He replied. "Make him watch." I said. 2 guards grabbed him, forcing him to watch. The adrenaline of him watching was great. I then raise my gun. Taunting the both of them. I then shot the boy. "Take him back to the back of the line." I yelled. They then dragged him to the back. He seemed to put up a struggle by not moving his legs. "He's passed out sir." One of the 2 gaurds dragging him said. "Bring him to the medic." A gaurd said. I then walked away. The guilty set in as we were in the bus. I've never felt this before after a killing. It wasn't the enjoyable high I liked after killing. "Something wrong?" Henry asked. "I feel a little guilty for killing is son infront of his eyes." I replied. "You have nothing to feel bad about. These people, aren't people. If they had our power they'd hunt every single minority on the planet until it was only white people. Then they would kill everyone in the LGBT community. Killing these guys, and making them suffer is a noble thing to do." Henry replied. "Your right, he'll be fine." I said.The DateI then enter a cabin, I give Martha a kiss on the cheek. "You ready?" I asked. "Yes." She said. We then walked to Starbucks, taking in the smells, sights, and music. We then open the Starbuck's door, a bell rings as we walk in. There only one table left. "You order, I'll man the fort." I said. She gave a little chuckle as I speed walked over to the table. She then went up to the corner to order. She then comes back with in an instant with 2 pumpkin spice lattices. "Honey, do you think next time you go to a range, I could come with?" She asked. I then gasped a little bit, I hoped this day would never come. "No." I said. "They'll only allow office class to go." I said. "Ok." She said kinda shocked. I then knew I need to change the subject. "I can't believe we're leaving this beautiful city." I say. "I know." She replied. "Such a shame we had that hang over." "I know." I said.ChinaThe news is playing on the Starbuck's tv. "Breaking news, war crimes have been committed in china, and what the government is doing to stop another war crime from happening." The reporter said. We had only been at war with China for 2 months, but that's why it so important to support Chinese immigrants. The Commity of Public Affairs have been working extremely hard to stop racism towards the Chinese. The Commity of Public Affairs is a check for the media, and they use this power to stop racism, and they also can do other things if necessary to stop racism. The public commity is a group of the elected ones. The other group is Commity of Foreign Affairs. They focus on diplomacy. Our job is to develop France, there job is to control what we create. The Commity of Public Affairs also runs the Public Affairs of Algeria, Libya, Egypt, and Maul. This helps develop these poorer countries. "Chinese soldiers were tied to poles, and shot at. They died a slow, painful death. Because of this, there has been more training, and background checks." The reporter said. "And, the soldier have been severely punished for committing such unspeakable acts."LeavingWe then walked through the city, taking in the sights, smells, and music one last time. We looked at the beautiful yellow buildings, the swinging cars outside some stores, and the hammocks out side the others. We looked at the white fountain, for the first, and last time. We then got on the plane, and returned home. When we got home, it was nearly night time, we then unloaded the luggage, and went to bed.Calming the workersI walked up to the meeting manager. "Hello, at the 1 o'clock meeting, I would to give one off my ideas. "Alright." He said. "Do want a paper on the chart to help explain?" "No, I think I'm good.' I replied. "Alright, it would be a good idea to write your idea down." He said. "Alright, I'll go do that." I said. "You're the 3rd person to share." He said. "Thank you. Bye." I replied. "Bye." He said as I walked away. I then wrote my idea down on a piece of paper, with some arguments. After I finished that I got back to the paper work.New plowWe all gathered in the meeting room, the first man walked up to the chart. It was Robert. "A farmer requested a meeting with me." He said. He then put a piece of paper against the chart. It was a new type of plow. Our plows looked like boxes, with 5 hooks attached to the back. This one look like 7 hoes, with 2 poles going threw each one to keep them together. "It wouldn't create any extra carbon to produce, and you can tie sand bags to each hoe to make the horse go slower, or make the plow go deeper." Everyone, including myself started to clap."I'll bring it up with the agriculture department." The runner said. "Wait, why not bring it up to the commity of public affairs?" Robert asked. He clearly knew he could easily get this passed there. "Because they don't deal agriculture." He replied. "Well we got away with it for industrialization." Robert said. "That's because there was no department of industry, but there is now if you want me to bring it up with them." He replied. Robert waited for a moment. "Fine." Robert said. The runner there wrote something down.Robert went back to his chair. The runner was pretty brave, or stupid to stand up to Robert. Robert could easily have his dad frame the runner for murder, or worse racism.Sex edThen Jock went up to the chart. "I think it's time we focus on putting sex ed in school." Jock said. "The pregnancy rate has gone up, and when someone is pregnant the eat more, meaning we give them more rations. This costs us food, and is one of the reasons why the workers only have 2 meals a day. Now we give sell alot of condoms, and birth control, so why don't we teach people how to us them." People then began to clap. "I'll bring it up with the education department." The runner said.DepartmentsWhen some gives an idea, the runner tells the commity of public affairs; however if he feels that a department, with handles certain issues could handle the idea, then he'll call them instead. He only calls a commity if it deals with media, race, class, LGBT, ect, relations, or that there not a department for it. Departments are similar to the elected ones, but there not elected, so there considered office class.My TurnI then walk up to the chart. "During these troubling times, we need to calm the workers down." I said. "They're extremely stressed out at the thought that there rations are low, and may rebel if we don't calm them down. I have 2 ideas, we them free weed, or we teach them that getting extremely angry is unhealthy, from both a religious view, and for the atheist majority, a significant view." "I think I like idea 2 better." Said Jock. "If we interfere in religion, or science, we could get the public affairs involved. They've done it before to make Christians less homophobic." Robert said. The runner then started to write stuff down. "Thank you for listening." I say. I then walk back to my seat.BoyfriendAfter work I when back home to my wife. "I have something I've been meaning to ask you." Martha said. "I want to have a polyamory relationship." It both upset me, and angered me, but I don't know why. I kept my emotions hidden. "I can't love just one person." I nearly brust out crying when she said that. I had to keep myself together, it's the progressive thing to do. "Alright, but I have to meet the guy first." I replied. She then gave me a big bear hug. I hugged her back, but I felt like she stabbed me in the back.PoliticsMe, and Martha are sitting on the couch, watching the news. "There a new candidate for the stalinist party." The reporter said. There are 2 parties, stalinist party, and the anarcho-communist. The stalinist party is extremely atharain, they believe that the USSR was great. The anarcho-communist party is a moderate party. They believe that the government should develop France, and the slowly devolve until there is no government, and there just the will of the masses. It's just like our country. Personally I'm anarcho-communist, but most people are communist instead. Nearly all elected into government is an anarcho-communist. Most people who are hired by the government are an anarcho-communist. So I'm proud to be one.Globalist classI'm at the 1 o'clock meeting, a older man walked up to the chart. "I believe we should create a international trading department. It would handle trading between each member. This would give The Commity of Foreign Affairs, less to do." He said. He then pulled up the blank paper, showing the triangle chart, but above it was a light blue circle. "The circle represents the earth, and globalist class. We would start by forcing North African into the group, this would not only give us more access to African resources, but it would also give Africa more ability to develop." "This sound like a great idea." Roberr said. Everyone began to clap. "I'll call right away." The new runner said. The old runner was arrested for assaulting a old woman. In order to make a decision this big, both 2/3th of the CPA, and the CFA would have to agree on it.The first boyfriendI returned home, to find Martha crying on the bed. "What's wrong?" I askes. "I found this really nice guy, and asked him to go on a date with me; but when I told him I was married, and wanted a polyamory relationship he left the restaurant." She said in between tires. I then gave her a hug. I wanted to cry, I had entered a polyamory relationship, I'd think that there nothing wrong with a polyamory relationship, but I don't want to enter one. We just sat there together, she was crying, and I cried. "Why are you crying." She asked. "I'm crying for you, you don't deserve to be treated like trash." I lied. "Maybe we should stay in this relationship." She said. I nearly jumped up, and down because of her saying that. "Yeah, that's a good idea." I replied.The High of KillingI slowly lost my ability to get any feeling from killing. I now get little adrenaline from before killing, and I have very little paranoia. The weird calm feeling has been replaced by guilt. Even though I don't het the high of killing I keep killing, to lower the number of racist, and because it's just so normal. It's like eating when you're not hungry. I've resorted to doing other things to up the high of killing. I remove 1 bullet to make them think there safe, then I shot them. This brought back my high, but I quickly lost it again. I watching the state approved cabin in the woods, when I realized that killing people in creative ways is more fun. I was on the bus with Henry, after we had went to the range. "I got idea, let's rent out this cabin." I said while pulling out a map. "A go on a murder spree. There a town for racist workers near by." A town isn't socialist like a city, rather it's where people go to pick up there rations, and if someone lives to far away from the nearest town, people closer by will usually pick it up for them. "And you're sure this will give back the high of murder." Henry asked. "Yes, we'll get a permit to hunt racist for a whole week." I said. "Then we can kill creatively, we can even buy some stuff to help the us have more creative kills. Like costumes, knifes, rope, an axe, machete, and horror movies for inspiration." "This could be really fun, and we can even taunt the racist by hiding the bodies in town." Henry said. "Yeah." I replied. We bought everything we need, matching costumes, the same looking hunting knife, and fake blood to make it look like the other was attacked. We had everything we need to go on this spree, a permit, a location, and we even got a shotgun, which is rare even for government officials. I told my wife I was on a business trip, I think by the way she was acting she found another boyfriend. She acted excited, and seemed to want me to leave.The CabinWe had inspected the cabin, perfect for murder, no one around, and alot of area fenced in to chase victims. The biggest room was the living room, and there were smaller rooms surrounding the living room for the other to hid in. There was even a torture room, which was a medium sized room with a big table in the middle. Although it was perfect for murder, it was also comfortable. The walls were made of wood logs, the cabin was surrounded by trees, and there was a long thin wooden pole in the middle of the forest which flew a French flag.The first murderI was walking through the town, looking for my first victim. "Excuse me." A teenage girl said. "Could I drink at your place." "Sure." I said. "Get in my car." She then walk into my car, putting a box of beer in the back. She then got in the passenger side. I then started driving her to the cabin. "So why do you want to drink at my house." I asked. "My dad's a Muslim, and my friends don't want me to drink over at there house today." She said. "Have you ever done weed?" I asked. "No." She said. "How about you smoke weed today, and tomorrow you drink at my house, and I hide the beer at my house." I said. "Thank you." She said. She then started to rub my thigh.We then arrive at the cabin. "Stay here for a minute, I'm going to clean up alittle bit." I said to her. I then slam the door, as she waited for me. I walked in the cabin. "Henry, we have a guest." I said. He then looked at me from the couch. He then ran to put the costume on. As he did that I draped the floors with a tharp. The furniture was leather so we could wipe the blood off. Henry then walked out with an axe, in his costume. It was a brown costume, with a hood covering his face, with two holes for eyes. "Hide in the bathroom, I'll get her high." I said. He then marched in the bathroom hiding in the shower. I then brought her to the cabin. We then smoked weed while watching the chainsaw massacre. "The reason why this is legalized is because it shows the evil of capitalism." I told her. "That's amazing." She replied. I maybe able to convince her to go to bed with me. "You want to go to the bedroom?" I asked her. She then turned to me, with a glazed expression. "Yes." She said. "Go in the bed room, I'll put on a condom." I said. I brought her to the bedroom. As soon as she closed the door I went into the bathroom. "We're going to the bedroom. Wait in the corner so she can't see you until she gets on the couch, then kill her with the axe. He then nodded his head in approval. Both me, and her had sex. After wards she went into the living room. I felt the adrenaline, and felt like stopping the kill, but I didn't. I then heard her scream, which abruptly cut off. There was a knock on the door. This whole time I had an adrenaline rush, as far back as when I was looking around for victims, now as there was a knock at the door, I felt the calming high, and paranoia. I opened the door for Henry. "I killed her, what now?" He said. He was drenched in blood. "Take her into the forest, tie her to a tree, and skin her, I'll be out after cleaning the blood. I then rolled her up in the trap, and he walk out with it. There was blood on the couch, and some blood on the walls behind it. I then wiped the couch, and bleached the wall. I think I got all the blood. I then got into costume, and joined him with a machete, we then cut her up into little pieces, put her in a bag, and that night we drove into town, and dropped the bag next to a butchers shop. We then slept peacefully, in separate bedrooms.The second murderI was sitting on the couch, waiting for Henry to come back, he said he was going to the gay bar to pick up a guy. I had an idea. "It would be fun to tie him to a tree, duck tape his mouth, and shot his legs with the shotgun, and wait for him to bleed to death. I then waited for a few more minutes when Henry walked in. "I got a guy." He said. "Tie him to the pole in the forest, for kinky sex. Bring in here first, then wait like 10 minutes, then bring him there." I said. "Okay. Just ger in costume." He replied. I then went into the bedroom with the costume. Mine was clean. It was brown, and baggy, with a hood over it. I put on the brown suit on first, then the hood. I could see suprisingly well. I then left the bedroom, and grabbed the shotgun. "I'll go out the back." I told Henry. I then left, running behind trees. I then waited a couple of feet way from the pole, hiding behind a tree. I just started to feel a adrenaline rush as they playfully ran to the pole, Henry had rope, and a tall step stool, it was around 2 feet tall. I then saw the rope go around the pole. It was at around 8 feet. Henry then walked back, then I walked forward. I got on the first step, and put the duck tape over his mouth. He seemed confused, I then removed the step stool. He then had a face of realization. I grabbed the shotgun, and backed up. He seemed to panic. This was the longest, and strongest adrenaline rush I've ever felt. I then shot him aiming at the thighs. His body seemed to go lower then before, it seemed like his arms may break after he bleeds to death. We then went back to the cabin. "You were right, that was the best adrenaline rush I've felt, and this after high, it's great." He said. "I know, it's better to be the date." I replied. "Next time let's kill them like leatherface." "That sounds like a good idea, let's bring them in that room, and use the electric chainsaw on them." He replied.The Third MurderI went to a bar to pick up the next victim. A cute girl sat next to me. "Hello there." She said. "Hi, can I buy you a drink." I asked. "Sure." She replied. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked. "Yeah, but I'm looking for a polyamory relationship." She said. Something then click, she was just like Martha, but a teenager. She had the same colored hair, and the same eyes. "My name is John. yours?" I said. "Sandy." She answered. "Well, Sandy, want to come to my place after your drink?" I asked "Yeah." She said. "Two drinks my good man." I said. He then pored us two beers. If there is a surplus of alcohol after we distribute it, then they give it away at the bar. The only thing they give out is beer. Having an alcohol ration is optional. I had drove her to the cabin. "Wait her, I'm going to clean up." I told her. I then walked inside. "Henry, we got one." I said. He then ran to a bedroom. We already had it planned out, I would tie her to the table for kinky sex, then I would leave to get a condom. Henry would then put fake blood on the side of my head, to make it look like I was struck with a hammer, then he would cut her up. "Henry." I said. "What?" He replied. "I want to kill her, she reminds me of someone." I said. "I'll just act like my costume is for sex." "Ok." He said disappointed. "Stay in there." I said. I then brought her in. "Want to have some fun?" I asked. "Yeah." She replied. I then chained her hands an feet to the table. She seemed turned on by this. The electric chainsaw was under the table, hidden from those walking in. I then slipped on the suit playfully. There was more adrenaline then I have ever felt before. I had this adrenaline as soon as I asked her to come home with me. She seemed to be enjoying this. I bent over seeing the electric chainsaw, there was a hammer right next to it. I then plugged in the chainsaw. I then stud up, with the electric saw. Her face changed, and the adrenaline got stronger. I then squeezed the safely, and start button. She then started to scream. "What are you doing?!" She shrieked. I then sawed of one leg, the part that contents to the body, then I moved to cut off the other. "Why?!" She shrieked. I then sawed of the other leg, then I went for the arms. After sawing of her arms, legs, I sawed off her head. I was drenched in blood. After sawing off her head, I took a lock of her hair. After the adrenaline rush ended, I didn't feel the calming after kill, I felt paranoid like usual, disgusted, and guilty. I killed someone who looked like my wife, and I choose to be the one to kill her instead of doing the original plan. The worst part is the smell, and if we didn't take away her body it would get worse. "Henry, get the bag." I yelled. We stuffed her in a bag, and buried her out in the forest. We then sprayed the room to get rid of the smell. "What if tomorrow I bring home a girl, and we make it look like you stabbed me, after she runs outside you cut her up with a machete?" I asked. "That's sounds like a good idea." He replied.The fourth murderThis time I decided to pick up a prostitute. If a woman can't do hard labor, in order to make sure there pulling there own weight they have sex with working men. This helps raise moral because no worker is excluded from sex when there free prostitutes. These women don't have disabilities, and there not old. There to weak to do labor, and to dumb to be middle class. I go up to the distributer. "1 blonde." I said slipping him my permit to kill. "I see." He said. "We may have one for you're wishes." He then turn to the back. "Hannah, we have a customer." A girl in blue jeans, and a white tank top. "Hello, want to go to your house, or do it here." She asked. "Let's do it at my house." I said. I then brought her to my car, the disrupter had a face of remorse, and discuss as I did. I then drove her to the cabin. "Wait here for a moment." I said while leaving the car. I then walked in the cabin. Get everything ready. I told Henry. "Go into the bedroom, I have the fake knife, and fake blood there, do it on the couch. I then brought her in, the adrenaline strengthing. She layed on top of me, we made out for a few. "I'll go get the condom." I said. I then when into the bedroom. Henry was already in costume. "The door's lock, it'll take her a minute to get away." I whispered. He then got the fake knife, and the blood. He first drenched my shirt in the red paint. He then added the knife. It was just a handle with 2 hooks which went into my shirt, and didn't aim at my stomach. I then turned around to the door, falling out of the room infront of hannah. She began to scream, and run. As she ran out the door Henry followed. I then heard a shriek of pain from a far. I got up, took out the fake knife, and went for the costume. We plan on skinning her, and I don't care if blood gets on the costume. I then went out there, seeing hannah limping in the middle of the road. "Got to do everything yourself." I said to myself. I sprinted acrossed the road, on the other side of the forest. I ran towards her without her noticing. I then lunged at her, stabbing her in the chest. I then stabbed her in the throat. She had nearly gotten to the intersection, connecting our road with another road, which lead to the town, this was the way the trucks took when heading home. I dragged her into this intersection, I made sure to check her pulse. She had no pulse. I then walked back into the cabin. I then made a phone call. "Hello, there a stabbing victim on the intersection between Jason street, and Michael street. Dispose the body." I said. "Right away sir." The morgue replied. I then went looking for Henry. I found Henry tying a noose to a tree. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm going to hang that girl." He replied. "You know, she nearly escaped." I replied. "Really, she had no pulse when I felt her." He said. I was shooked by this, I then ran back to where I left her. She was crawling away. I then stabbed her in the back of the neck, and then the temple. "She has thick skin, we can't feel her pulse" I said to Henry when I returned. "But, she should be dead now." I said. After a few minutes of waiting they took the body away, we weren't lucky someone didn't drive down that road, because they don't hand out rations at this time. We didn't schedule that thought, that was an accident.A Party"What if for the last day we throw a party, we get a bunch of people high, then murder them?" I asked him. "That would be fun, but wouldn't it be hurted?" He replied. "We rent a van, we get them to hot box it, then we disable the van, and lock the gates." I said. " after I do that you stab someone. They run to the van, then we ambush them. You stab the driver, and I enter the back were everyone is." "But, what if they don't go for the van?" Henry asked. "Then they go to the police, and they arrest them for fake charges." I replied. "Yeah... yeah you're right, nothing could go wrong, either way we win." Henry said. We then went to the office. "We would like to schedule a party." I told the governor slipping him my murder pass. "I see." He said. "Well we should have a party van for that." He then walked us acrossed the street to the car distributer. We legally need a van to pick up the party goers. They reserve vans for parties, because parties boost morale, that's why there almost always a party. "We'll take care of the fliers, you just plan the party." He said. "What day, and time is the party?" He asked. "Tomorrow, 3pm." I replied. "Where's the location?" He asked. "A cabin in the woods, that's all we want them to know." Henry said. "Last thing, how many people are you inviting?" He asked. "15." I said. "Are you sure you can handle 15, I suggest 10." He said. "Alright 10, we're using knives, and a machete." I said. "Well, I think you'll want a pistol to, but after we get the van." He said. We then walked into the place. "We think you'll love this one." The distributer said. "It can be unlocked by two keys, but you only need one to activate it. It's really easy to disable, it's designed to be easy to disable." It was a blue van, with orange flowers on it. "Looks very nice." I said. "I think we'll take it." Henry said. "Wonderful, we have it ready for your party." He replied. The governor then point at a room, and start to walk to it. We followed him, he was atleast in his late 30s.The PlanWe then walked into the small room, the governor sat on the other side of the table. "So what is your guys plan." He asked. "Well we're going hot box the car, and bring them in the cabin. Then I disable the car, and Henry will scare them into the van. Then I attack everyone in the back while Henry kills the driver." I said. "You may need an extra person, to block both exits." He said. "Do you have costumes?" "Yeah, zodiac costumes." I replied. "Me too, is it alright if I join you?" He asked. "Yeah... that'd be great." I replied. "Good." He said.The MassacreWe drove into town, the governor was already at the cabin hiding in the bedroom. I had left my costume, pistol, and knife in the woods so I could leave without them. Henry would tell the governor to get ready before shooting someone, the governor would then wait by the fence just in case anyone tries to escape. I felt a rush of adrenaline as the teens got into the car. I was ready to kill for this rush, but you almost always rethink murdering before you kill. I also was thinking about eating one of the victims to see if it would help the rush. "That's everyone." Henry announced. He then shut the two back doors, and drove off. We drove it alittle into the forest, but not far enough for them to see the man on the pole. We then got the weed. We had all the windows open, and left the van unlocked. Henry was inside the house, while I watched the van to make sure no one left. 20 minutes later Henry called my cellphone. "Send them in." He said. I then opened the 2 door. "Party games in the house." I said. After a minute they got out, and started walking to the house. I then did my chores before the killing spree could begin, disabling the van, locking the gate, and collecting my tools. After I did all this I called Henry. After a few rings he answered. "I'm ready." I said. Adrenaline rush right after I said that. A moment later there was a gunshot, and screaming. I made sure no one could see me behind the tree. It seemed they were heading to the fence. Then there was louder screams, and they started running to the van. Two people got in the front, while the rest ran into the back area. Then Henry, and the governor blocked the two exits. I then opened the back door, machete in hand. A second after I entered they began to scream bloody murder. I first cut the throat of the teen on my right, I did the same to the one on my left. Two teens got up, and started approaching me, with there fists up. I plunged the machete in the shoulder of the guy to my left. The guy on my right punched me in the face before I could pull the machete out. It was a good punch, up it didn't knock me down. I then punched him in the face, he fell to the floor hitting his head. I then pulled out the machete. The remaining four threw me out of the van, holding my arms up so I couldn't fight back, as soon as I hit the ground the adrenaline died, and I felt a sharp pain, I had landed on my keys. The four ran out of the van, but one lady decided to land on me, then run away. I remember her face, brown eyes, lots of blush, brown hair, and I memorized her clothes too. Blue jeans, a red and white striped shirt, and a blue jacket. The two of them chased after them, as I struggled to get up. I then limped back into the van, and slit the throat of the guy I knocked out. The then cut him from the forehead to the groin, making the body have a cut in cross. I then stabbed that a few times with my knife, before heading to the house. I was still limping, my back still hurt, and I had already killed half the party goers. I locked the door behind me, and made myself a veggy burger. As the burger cooked in the microwave, I turned on the tv, keeping the volume down, and the curtains shut. "The Department of Agriculture has approved the new plow for testing, so far it's working perfectly, up next the debate over the global class." The reporter said. There was then pounding at the door. I turned off the tv, and check the peep hole. It was the girl who jumped on me. Luckily I was still in costume, so I grabbed the axe laying by the door. "Please! Open this door!" She yelled. "Alright." I said to myself holding the axe. I opened the door, she was terrified. She began to scream as I swung the axe, aiming for the legs. I had the best feeling while cooking her up. I couldn't eat an animal, but these aren't animals, there worse.In the morningThe clean up crew arrived, I had kept her head persevered. I then walked up to the chief. "Can you get rid of the skin, and brain, and send me the skull? Here's the address of my home, just mail it to me." I said. He wasn't shocked by this, this was a Tuesday for him. The workers got to work as we left, but I was still in pain from when she jumped on me.Trouble on the home frontAfter that week of murder, I returned home to Martha. As soon as I walked in see made me nervous. "John, we have to talk." She said. "I found my boyfriend, and I love him, but he wants me to himself." I was shooked. "I still love you, so maybe we could be friends." "What about the baby?" I asked. "I got an abortion, Rick wants his child to be his. I'm pregnant with his child." She said casually. I was shooked to learn this, I felt both angry, and sad, but I didn't know why. "Rick is going to pick me up in a hour." She said. I then calmly walked over to the kitchen. "You want so wine for the road?" I asked hiding my feelings. "Sure." She said walking in. I then grabbed a knife, and ran towards her. She then began to scream. I stabbed her right in the left cheek. I then kicked her down, while pulled the knife out. She tried to get up, but a swung the knife into the left side of her face causing her to fall down. The knife was logged into her face. It was a short knife, I went back into the kitchen for the butchers knife. She tried to run out the door, so I leaped over the corner, tackling her. I stood 2 feet away fro her, he cheek was bleeding, and tires ran down her eyes. I then stabbed her in the stomach as she was down. Then I pulled out the knife, and slit her throat. I grabbed the knife in the side of her face, and yanked it out, contending the stab wound, and the mouth. I then called the police, I then began to cry as the phone rang. I didn't feel the high of killing, just rage. "Hello?" The operator asked. "Help, Rick killed my wife, he'll be back in a hour." I cried. The police came over, and arrested rick as soon as he walked in. "So... why did do it?" A young cop asked. "Because she was going to leave me." I replied. "She was pregnant with his child, she aborted mine for his." "I'm sorry." He said. "My name's Josh." "John." I said. They then made it appear he did it, took some photos, and cleaned it up. They gave me a story. I was at Chinatown when it happened, and a naboir, who we payed to go along with it, called the police, and I just returned as he was being arrested.At the Bar with RobertI was at work filling out the paperwork when Jock walked in. "John, I just heard about you wife, I'm so sorry." He said. He then gave me a hug. "They gave me his file, I didn't know he murdered two other people." He continued. "I sent him to the gulag." "Thanks, but I thought he only murdered my wife." I replied. "Weird. Goodbye." He said as he left. I was alittle confused, but not to bothered by this. After work Robert walked up to me. "Hey, I'm sorry about your wife. do you want to go to the bar?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "Good, how about at 9." He said. "Yeah." I replied. I then returned home, and got ready to go to the bar. Robert was very important, so I had to make sure all my clothes were nice, but casual. I wore black shoes, grey dress pants, and a blue button up shirt, with a white shirt underneath it. We then went to the bar. We decided to just buy two bottles of wine, and go to his house. We had downed one bottle of wine before he started talking. "I need to tell you something." He then took another drink. "There a secret department, called the editor department, there job is to alter files to give better, or worse punishments." I nearly spit out my wine, luckily I didn't. "Why?" I asked. "Diversity, and our pleasure." He replied. "We got addicted to murder, but we also stopped racism, so we charged people with horrible crimes, and then sent the to the range." "I think I need a minute." I said. "Where's your bathroom?" "Over there." He said while pointing to it. I then ran into the bathroom, and threw up. After I finished I returned to him. "So how does this help diversify?" I asked. "If there a minority we lower there charges, if there white, and French, we raise the charges." He said. "Are you gonna kill me now that I know this?" I asked, tearing up. "No." He answered. "I like you, and I would like to date you. My wife is ok with it, she has a mistress as well." "I'm straight." I replied. "That's just a preference." He said moving closer. "No, I have Cisanra." I replied. "Oh, I'm so sorry." He replied.CisanraCisanra is a mental illness, which effects hormones, and sexuality. Sexuality is merely a preference, if you like men, you can still do it with a woman. It's very common for a straight man to have sex with a man once or twice; however Cisanra makes it so you can't make love to anyone who doesn't fit your sexuality. Bi sexual, or pan sexual just means you don't have a preference. Sexuality is a spectrum, Bi sexuality, and pan sexuality is on the complete opposite side as Cisanra. If you're Bi or Pan, you can't catch Cisanra, but if you have a preference then you can get Cisanra at any time. Less, and less people get it, I'm among the 30% who have this mental illness. It doesn't effect your day to day life, just sexuality.Robert's DeathWe had drank, and drank, unfortunately Robert drank to much. When I woke up, he had no pulse, I ran to his phone, calling the cops. They had took him away, he had died of alcohol poisoning, two people die from this everyday, well atleast in the cities. Because of Robert's death, the global union was created, North Africa, Spain, Portugal, India, and Britain had signed up, all we had to do was create the treaty, then the union would be born. Each city had to create three drafts that maybe put in the treaty, and the elected ones would stitch our work together. Our class, the office class, was assigned to create these drafts, just like every treaty.The board draftJock walked up to the chart. "This is how I believe the board should work. Each country elects a representative, they choose how to elect the representative, and how long each term is. The job of a representative is to give out trade deals, they can offer it to each country, or just one, and they can choose how many may accept a deal." He then took a breath in. "Representative can also propose changes to the unoin, and treaties with other countries." Everyone then clapped after he finished, Jock handed the bill over to the runner.Influence draftAnother man walked up to the chart. "I think each representative should be able to promote a bill which has made there country better. If another representative likes it, they can bring it to there country's elected ones. This would increase each country influence over each other." Everyone clapped, and the runner took the bill.Travel draftI then went up to the chart, taking a deep breath in. "My idea is that each country should choose how people travel. For example India can have open borders, but North Africa doesn't have too. They would be encouraged to have open borders, but it's not mandatory." Everyone clapped, and the runner collected the bill.IndiaThe treaty was finished, and each of the country's joined who had said they would. We decided that it would be a beautiful sign of friendship to go to each country capital to hold the funeral, then bury Robert next to the cities borders. We went to pairs, then lodon, then we headed south to the southern side of the unoin, our last stop was india. As soon as the plane landed we were greeted by a guide. "Hello." She said in pretty good French. "I'll be your tour guide. Be cautious because we often get bombed by china, it's their last attempt to get us to surrender." People handed out papers showing the war. Most of the fight to place at the north, china was being invaded by India, and Russia. We backed up India. Russia, and India weren't working together, they just didn't attack each other. We also had a blockade at China's coast, back up by Japan, and Taiwan. They were also our allies, if we won, the South Pacific would be safe, if Russia won the coast, then we would have to continue protecting the South Pacific. We didn't want to destroy China, we just wanted to stop there explanation. All of our allies, including Russia, even though they aren't helping us, would gain Chinese land. We then left the airport, walking to the bomb shelter where the funeral was going to take place at. People walked quickly place to place, to spend a second outside longer then they had to. India wasn't communist, they were experimenting with Socialism, a mixture of democratic socialism, and militarism. A news reporter came on tv, immediately people stop what they were doing, and ran to watch. She was speaking in her native language. "What is she saying?" I asked the tour guide. "She's reporting the war. I can't hear what she's saying though." She said. Men in uniform walked the streets, armed, sometimes carrying gaint bullets, made for some type of canon. We then walked into the bomb shelter. A Indian priest blessed Robert, although Robert's dad is Jewish, he allows Indian customs to be done on his son. The phone rang in the middle of the ceremony. "Run!" The tour guide yelled. "That means paratroopers are flying towards us. The priest shut the casket, and ran up the stairs. We went down a tunnel. The tunnel took us to a field, were soldiers picked us up. After the raid had ended we took the casket back to France.The burialWe were on the jet, the casket was in the back. Robert's dad looked at me. "My son had a crush on you. He wanted to ask you out. what happened?" He asked. "I told him I have Cisanra." I replied. "I want you go to therapy for that. It would mean alot." He said. "Alright." I replied. He then wrote something down, and handed the paper to me. It was an address. "What the address for?" I asked. "It's a place to get therapy." He said. "Alright, I'll go there tomorrow." I said. We then landed, we rapped Robert in a cuckoo, and buried it. It allows the body to decay naturally, and turns the body into fertilizer. This is what we did to all the dead.TherapyI went to the address as I promised. I told the front lady my name, and see said an appointment had already been made. No less there two minutes later I was called in. "I hear an Richard had made this appointment." She said. "Yes, he was a friend of mine, dad." I replied. "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that you were close to Robert." She said. "He's a really good man. Really good leader too." "So, can you cure me?" I asked. "Maybe, it's a three step process. WPA. First step you watch porn, gay porn, lesbian porn, and straight porn. This grows an acceptance to having sex with those of the same gender. Next is Participation, you have sex with men, and women. After that you're nearly cured; however to truly accept it, you must make your own porno, this will be used to help others." She said with no shame. "Is this the only way?" I asked. "Yes." She replied. "Alright. Here's my email." I said handing here a piece of paper. "You're free to go." She said. I then left.WilliamRichard resigned so he could run for France representative. Leaders stay in office until there death, or they resigned. So we had to elect a new member of the elected ones. I was home watching the news, my skull had just arrived. Then I saw the two candidates. Josh was one of the candidates, the police officer who talked to me, and the farmer from my vacation. His name is William. William was running as the Anarchist, and Josh was running as the Atharain. "I have three demands, reform to the rations system, reform to the term system, and reform to the media. I began to clench my pillow, I was watching live, but non government officials will be watching the edited version, coming out in a week. "I have one demand, more power, so that we can have more progress." Henry said. France was stuck with two bad leaders. One was a revolutionary, and the other unironically wants the rebirth of the USSR. We have three months until the election.My addictionWhile I was alone in that apartment, I began to think to myself. "Why am I still going to the range?" I asked myself. "I know there not racist, yet it took me a week of relaxation to even consider stopping. Am I addicted going to the range? I decided that I would never go back to the range. I may continue killing, just because it's so normal, but now I should acknowledge there people too." I didn't go to the range for the week, but I returned out of force of habit when the week ended. Everything time I did I beat myself over it. "This is that last time." I kept saying to myself, yet it was never the last time, even though they aren't racist.The NewsI was sitting on the couch watching the news, it was time for the election. "Richard has won, Richard is now the global representative of France." The reporter said. I nearly jump when hearing this. It was so exciting. "The touching story of how he sword fought Chinese soldiers won him the election." It said. "Wait, that didn't happen." I said to myself. "And it was beautiful how he allowed other cultures to practice there customs on Robert." The reporter continued. I tried to remember what I just said to myself, but the reporter made me lose focus. "He promises to put the organization over France, so we all prosper." He said. I then forgot what I was thinking to myself, and just continued watching. "The war in China has become more centralized, all countries apart of the union have joined the war, and Japan, Taiwan, and Korea have joined the union. The only country at war with china that isn't part of the Unoin is Russia, but they agree to supply the Unoin, and soldiers may group up if necessary to raid a city." The reporter said. "This is the beginning of the end.""William has won the election by 50 votes." The reporter said. "No!" I yelled. I then called Jock. "Are you watching the news?" I asked. "No, what happened?" He replied. "The farm boy won, we need to stage a protest." I answered. "I'll get the group." Jock said then hanging up.ProtestHe had met up at the town hall. We then called the governor of new pairs. It was the most progressive town that's ever existed, it was the birth place of the democratic communist party. The women walk around however they want, and every sexuality is equally represented. The governor answered, and said that we would have to see him first. We then went into the dressing room, we had to look completely different. I put on a red wig, blue hoodie, and blue jeans. After we finished, we drove for hours to get to new pairs. The roads were covered in ashes, every woman was dressed head to toe in black, and walked behind the men. We then parked right outside of the governor's building. It was almost night, so we have to do the protests tomorrow. We then walked in. "Here's a key to a motel room, if the manager tries to talk to you, tell him you already got a key. He'll kick you out if he finds out you don't have Cisanra." The governor said. "Alright, but why is the streets filled with ash?" Jock asked. "They burn the state approved Qurans, they think we're trying to control them. They only read, and print the original." The governor said. "Isn't that Islamophob-" Jock tried to say before getting cut off. "You got to hurry, it will be easier for the manager to get to you if you're alone. So hurry while there still people going in." The governor said. He then handed us a map, with had a red circle around where we are supposed to protest, and the motel. Luckily the manager didn't notice us enter, so we high tailed it to the room, and told a janitor that to tell him we already had a key. That morning we staged the protest; however the people weren't happy about it. "Protesters! Go home!" One man yelled in a thick ascent. People began to chant that, as they slowly boxed us in. We ran to the van, and quickly drove back to town hall. "Atleast we can report there was a protest." Someone said.The elected onesI received a phone call. "The elected ones would like a word with you, they've sent your ticket to pairs too the office." A lady said. She then quickly hung up. I was shocked, and scared. I quickly got the ticket, and went to pairs. I was extremely nervous, especially when I noticed who else was on the plane, everyone who was at the protest. Pair is beautiful, yet I didn't get time to enjoy it, because I felt like if I was late they would expose all my murders. We waited in a single file line, my heart was racing. I was last in line. I felt the adrenaline rush, but it was a bad high. After a moment the first person who went in walked out. The fact he was walking calmed me down, until I saw the look of horror, and paranoia on his face, then it terrified me even more. I waited as each person walked out, each one looked stressed, and it seemed like it had gotten worse each time someone left. When it was finally my turn, I slowly walked in. The five men looked upset, but William looked extremely angry, like he was ready to kill everyone. There was Jeffrey, Fredrick, Jackson, and Ivan. Each one was extremely famous, and had several for atleast nine and a half years. They sat around a circular table, but it was like the top of a circle instead of half of one. As soon as I got in the middle of the circular room, they began to speak. "We understand you staged a protest at new pairs." Frederick said. "Yes, may I ask. What happened too it?" I asked. They then fell silent. Jackson cleared his throat. "Before we won France, it was the most progressive city in France. It wasn't as progressive as we said, but it was the most progressive. Left wing philosophy thrived there. We won there hearts, and minds. Then we won France a decade later. Then, it became as progressive as we made it out to be." Jackson then paused. "Then, we started the culture war, and in order to cover it up, he gave up new pairs. The only people who live there are immigrants from Muslim countries." A tear formed in his eye. "We had tried to assemble them, but they stopped every attempt." He then sat back in his chair, tearing up. "Nothing worked. Nothing." He then straightened himself. "My ancestors founded that town, which was a city at the time." He then leaned forward, covering his eyes with one hand. "Just go, we got everything we need." I then walked out. I was paranoid, and terrified what would happen next.The culture warThe culture refers to France's war with the middle east. The middle east is Fascist, and France wants it to become Communist, but France can't go to war with the middle east because they have to much in a say in OPEC, and France still needs oil to run the public buses, and the upper class's cars. So instead of going to war with the middle east, they send books about blender theory to the special schools, because they would be the most likely to agree with it. They would also raid the house's of Fascist, and blame it on the protesters. This is an extremely costly war, but it's better then losing the support of OPEC. Then the only oil would come from Egypt.Blender theoryBlender theory is the exact opposite of melting pot theory. Both have one main culture; however blender theory mixes all the cultures together to make one. Nothing has cultural significance to people. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, are all basically the same, and Atheism is extremely similar to every religion. Nobody has any strong cultural ties, unless there a immigrant. People will sometimes completely switch cultures without noticing it. The hope is to get rid of nationality, race, sexuality, and politics, completely. It would be one race, a mixture of all races, no preference, and the complete abolishment of the word politics, replacing it by the word decisions. The end goal is to make the entire world, one country.StressI've been stressed all week, it's been hard to work, sleep, I can barely enjoy a meal. I talked to my therapist, just about me being stressed, not about the murders, but all she suggested was more porn. I rubbed the skull over, and over again. Then I had an idea, why not get a trophy case. I then went to a racist town, and poisoned a guy. I had a great adrenaline rush, both while handing him the drink, and while he drank, but I didn't have the nice after high, the adrenaline just stopped. I then had the local morgue ship it over to my local morgue, and went to talk to the muraid about getting a nice trophy case.Muraid classThe muraids are less of a class, and more of a society. They have two jobs, make sure no one finds out about the murders, mainly the middle class, and providing the tool necessary for the killers to have the most fun kill. If they want a torture room, a construction worker will build a sound proof room, and a muraid will add the necessary touches. There given all the tools to cover it up. Every journalist is a best friend of an elite muraid, every detective must answer to a muraid, not know what the muraid job is, and every graveyard, morgue, is controlled by the muraid's. But if a muraid were to reveal these secrets, the most they could do is fuel a camp fire story. If you do the most, you'll be killed, and they'll make up a story that would make you seem like Ted Bundy; however if you just told a friend, the friend would probably be brought into the ranks, ensuring they don't tell, and you would be demoted. If you live in a heavily populated area they'll say you raped a five year old. If you live in the country, they'll kill your family, arrest you, and claimed you killed them, and ate there bodies. They can ship a body to a to a government official, and make it seem like a normal package. The muraid that delivers it will be dressed just like a mailman, and they'll drive a mail truck too. There are multiple classes, but there technically groups; however there are four main ones. The lowest class is the slave, they do the hard labor while awaiting execution, wether it's at the range, or a prison. The second lowest is the employee class. They do the work, from stocking shelves, to delivering the trophies, and sometimes the entire body. The second highest class is the manager. He draws the blue prints, distribute the tools, and run the stores. The highest class is the elite class, or representative class. They're friends with all journalist, influence the police, control the morgues, and graveyards, but most important of all, they personally talk with the elected class. Although it's a secret society, which controls the media, and will stop at nothing to cover up for the government's crimes; however even they are under the thumb of the government. The elected ones decide who is at what rank. The only way to stay an elite muraid, is too stay loyal. There also no workers unoins, everytime workers try to unionize, the government breaks it up, because if there was ever a strong unoin, they could control the government, or heavily influence it. The last step too make sure they don't try any is to let them kill too, so they have blood on there hands, meaning they could never come out, and prove the government allows there officials to kill. If the media is a dam, that blocks the news, then the Muraid class is the base. Without it there wouldn't be a dam, yet it isn't the only part, just the most important part.The trophy caseA week later the skeleton arrived to the morgue. They had removed the skeleton from the body, and rapped it up, and made it seem like nothing was wrong with it, claiming it was normal for them to do this. I took the skeleton over to the Muraid, and we discussed the design. He took me to the back. "Here are three designs we have for you." He then pointed at one. The skull was placed on a short, thick wooden board, the ribs were hooked to the was just above the skull, forming a cave. There were only two ribs. The spine was on the left of the skull, also strapped on to the wall. The hands, and arms were attached to each other, and they were wearing cuffs, that were chained to the wall. The wall was red, the roof, sides, and floor were dark brown. Glass separated us from the skeleton. There was a white vase on the floor, under the board. "What's the vase for?" I asked. "The design can't fit the whole skeleton, so any bone not included is smashed, turned into a powder, and put inside the vase." The miraid replied. "I like this design; however I think I would like it better if the spine was replaced with a leg bone." I said. "Well once we get the skeleton, we'll see what we can do." The muraid said. I then left. The skeleton would arrive in three days, and it would be shipped to him in one. This gave me plenty of time to think of the design.WarI was still on the couch, feeling the skull, my finger going around over, and over again. I was watching the tv, but I was truly paying attention. Then an alarm started up. "Breaking news!" The report said. "War in Europe!" This got my attention. "The chaotic Unoin is trying to break up, France, and Britain. In order to do this, they must invade Belgium, and the Netherlands. In response they joined the unoin, both Germany, and Poland has sent there troops to the border. Britain, and France has done the same. Denmark has also strengthened there alliance with the unoin. Luxenberg hasn't picked a side, yet; however it's heavily believed that that's where most of the fight will take place before an official war breaks out."The catholic unionThe catholic union is the unoin great equal. It's made up of Germany, Italy, Austria, Romania, Poland, but what's most important, is that there strong allies with Russia. The official catholic union would put up a good fight without Russia, but there no grant. With Russia, the war becomes global. Russia isn't granted to join the war, because that would mean they would have to fight a two front war. Each country is a theocratic one. They also have a weak alliance with the middle east. If the middle east joins then the war reaches North Africa. It's more then just a war between countries, it's a war between religion, culture, economics, and types of government. 90% of the population is deeply religious, but only 60% are catholic, the rest are ethier Christian, or Jewish. The catholic union is socialist, while the union is communist. Democratic Communism, vs Theocratic Socialism. This war will determine the future, whether it will be extremely religious, or of it'll be atheists.LuxenbergLuxenberg is one skyscraper. It's absolutely massive. They don't make there own products, they important them, ethier by begging, or selling the stuff they important. Luxenberg is Democratic Communist too; however it's not as simple as joining the union, because they need to import from as many countries as possible just to keep up with the people's lifestyle. The base is 30 feet high, it's pure concrete, nothing inside. There are four ramps on all sides. The base is circular, but the skyscraper is square. Hallways replace roads, golf carts replace cars, and apartments replace houses. One million people live there, this is because of how large the world's population is, and how cool luxenberg seems. Which ever side takes luxenberg can spy on the other. Luxenberg is so tall, going up to the roof, is a death sentence, because the winds can push you over, and clouds block your view. There are thousands of windows, from the top floor, you can not only see pairs, but if you have a parascoop, you can see Moscow. There is also a 30 foot tall fence on the roof, and a specially designed suit for you to walk around, and you maybe able to see, but just barly. Despite the height, it's 100% stable as long as nobody breaks too many windows. If the catholic union takes luxenberg, then it would allow them to create a bottleneck, splitting up France from Belgium, and the Netherlands. Which would also hurt the supply line between France, and Britain. Allowing for the catholic union to divide the union. If the union takes luxenberg, not only would it stop the catholic union's plan, it would create a line in the sand, possibly delaying the war; however the union can cut off the catholic union's trade route with the Americas.The AmericasSince China is in a massive war, they can't sell cheap goods. This allowed the Americas to take up that job. Mexico, and South America create cheap goods, and America, and Canada sell them to the world. This has caused Mexico, and South America to become 2nd world countries, but there banned from selling too any other countries. This protects America, and Canada from Mexico, and South American monopoly. No American, or Canadian has a job in the goods, industry. Most people either live on the massive welfare state, funded by the cheap labor, or have jobs in the service industry. It's a mixture of capitalism, and Socialism. You can earn your own money, but there's a maximum, and minimum income. There are very few capitalist, every industry is ethier an oligopoly, or a monopoly, but the monopolies are ran by the state, and the revenue is redistributed into the welfare state.South PacificThe anchor cleared his throat, and prepared to share the next story. "The South Pacific has joined the union. They can't provide that much military might, but they can free up workers, allowing for more troops, and they will supply us with fish, raising the living standard for our troops." He said. "After the war this may cause our diets to expand to South Asian delicacies."The new ratoin system"William has created a new ratoin system. It guarantees three meals for everyone, and there will be a reserve, holding what's left. There the worker's reserve, and the city's reserve. The worker's reserve holds 40% of the over supply, and the city's reserve will 60% of the over supply. The military won't be affected by this change, in fact the ratoin system is the same as the military's ratoin system." The anchor said. Now I felt bad for protesting against him.AnnouncementI was at work, filling in the paper work, when we were called into the meeting room. A representative for the elected ones was there. He then walked to the front. "We are near war with the catholic union; however there a problem. We haven't gotten new types of wepons since world war 2. We drag the unoin back. We are asking all of the offices to come up woth ways to strengthen our military might. You have a day to come up with something, because the battle of luxenberg is so close, and it'll take so long to strengthen our army." He said. He then left in a hurry. He probably had a plane to catch. I wonder why he showed up in person. Usually they call us, or facetime us. This is the first time they sent someone.5 day planWe had brainstormed all day. "What if we convert the factories to make wepons instead of farming equipment." Jock said. "Would it create more pollution?" I asked. "The factories are designed not to create any pollution." Jock said. "Alright, but how are we going to get enough workers?" I asked. We then stopped talking for a minute, thinking what too do. "Well what if we collectivized farm." A man said. "It's already expected that people will farm for there naboirs. why not just make it required? That would free up more people to farm." "This all sounds brilliant, but we'll never get enough guns in time." A man said. "Why don't we just order them from America? We would get them on time, and it wouldn't be that expensive. Then our workers can just focus on feeding the Unoins army." "That sounds like a really good idea." I said. We soon called up pairs. "We can't take about, you know what over the phone, we'll send someone over there so the catholic union can't listen to our conversation." The phone guy said. When the repressive came back, we told him about importing them from America. "I'll go tell the elected ones. I really like this idea." He said. He then quickly left. He probably didn't take a plane the first time, because he got here in a matter of minutes.The AmericanWe had ordered the guns, according to the army they worked just fine. We also had an American come over to train our troops on how to use the guns. I went over to the base to check on the progress. What once was the weakest, yet biggest army in all of Europe, now rivaled spain, our strongest member. I went into a tent to talk with the American. "So... what's it's like in America?" I asked. "It's alittle weird. Healthcare is free, housing is free, but you have to buy products, yet there a maximum income, good thing that there also a minimum income. Almost all business are state owned, yet there are some private corporations that can compete with the state owned corporations. If there over production, they lower the price, or make it free. Sometimes they want to get rid of a product so they'll pay you to take it." He said. "College is really cheap, but it's not free. That would be to expensive." "That's a wierd system." I said. "What's your name?" "Jimmy." Jimmy said. "Well Jimmy, I trust you'll train our troops well." I said. I then left too look around the base. We had planes, cars, and uniforms, we didn't import these, we already owned these, but they were subpar.The luxenberg battleI was reading the results of the war. We won in a week. Troops blocked off luxenberg from the catholic union. There were minimum casualties, and all of the people who once lived in luxenberg now live in France. Luxenberg in now French territory, and is currently being used as a military base. This was great new, but I knew it wouldn't last. "The catholic union has gone to full on war." The anchor said. "This has caused Ivan to resign." I was shocked to hear that Ivan would resign, he was in a powerful position, and was extremely popular. "Cut." He yelled. "This is for government officials only. Ivan didn't resign because of the war, rather the middle east had exposed the culture war, in response he resigned. We have yet too see the effect of this will have on us." This was terrifying, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, and I couldn't focus on my work. I stopped going to the range as frequently. The adrenaline makes me even more stressed, now I just smoke weed.CandidatesHenry has ran again; however this time he was part of the anarcho communist. No one else wanted to become a candidate. We waited a few weeks, then I thought, what if I ran. With in a week I joined the stalinist party. They welcomed me as quickly as possible. A few weeks later, we had to give speeches on our views. I had a few drinks before going infront of the crowd.Henry had to go first. "It's time to take action! Despite the fact that all our elected officials are anarcho communist, our government has not shrunk in the slightest, in fact it's grown. We need a true Anarchist, someone who will make the people independent of the government." He said. His voice was firm, and loud. "I have three goals. Free the media, decentralized the government, and allow people to make decisions independent of the government." He then left the platform. I then walked up to the platform. "I know I'm part of the stalinist party, but I'm not a stalinist, I'm merely a populist. In order to make large nation wide decisions we need a strong government. If we allow each governor to become a president, then France will quickly divide." I announced. "We must wait until we can work without a government before we can abolish the government, not decentralized the government. Then France won't divide, rather it will be independent communist communities, creating the utopia we all dream about." I then left the platform.The price of being a candidateIn order to become a candidate you must quit the job you're currently working at. Who ever does become an elected one will become a farmer, and will likely have to sever in the war before being able to get there job back. So I wasn't exactly pleased when the committee of public affairs didn't agree to paint Henry in a bad light. We named it the stalinist party so the anarcho communist party would always win, guess that back fired on me. I was stressed with the thought of going into the catholic union, it was such a terrifying thought that I couldn't sleep for a week, lucky we had a debate next week instead of this week.Good newsI was on the couch think of arguments I could use in the debate. The news was on, I don't think having it on was a good idea, because it made it hard to keep my focus. "The war in China is over." The anchor announced. "India got Tibet, Russia got heilong, and the northeast of inner mongolia. The rest is now known as progressive China. It will now be democratic communist, but the Chinese people won't be allowed to vote in leaders until there deemed progressive, the government will be owned by the union's board." This was great, this means we secured Asia, saving it from imperialism. I slept great that night.Acid bomb"Breaking news, a bomb has been sent to Pairs. I was mailed straight to William, lucky the worker checking it didn't get hurt." The anchor said. I was shooked. "In response, the elected ones are considering cutting Pairs off from France. A wall would built around the city, and another wall would be built around the community, plus troops would watch the people so there's no internal attacks." A city is were the government officials live, with some of the middle class. Then there's town's were the rest of the middle class lives. Lastly there's the countryside, were the workers live. A community has all 3, there are 17 community, and alot of space in between them. The places that aren't communities are know as mini communities, they only have countryside, and a town, no city.The Pair's wallA week later they handed out maps of what the wall looks like, but only to the office class. There was a glass wall protecting the city, there weren't any walls around the towns, but boarder of the community had barberwire, the only way in was through three entrances, which were heavily restricted. They were building barracks to keep the troops. There was a tunnel, allowing the elected class to escape to the airport if necessary. This absolutely massive project would only take a month to finish, and very few outside of the Pairs community will even know about it.Housing lawsThere were many laws in place which restricted movement, specifically moving homes. This restricted information. One town may hear one story, but the rest would hear a completely different story. This made it easier to cover up the murders. One community will hear that the killer was never found, while the rest will hear of a murderer who not only doesn't exist, his entire family is made up.The debateI drove to the debate, the moment I parked, journalists took pictures. It was then I remember I was now not only political, but against there party. I ran into the building hoping they didn't get a picture of me beside it. I waited for the debate. I remember some advice I was given. "Ask as many questions as possible, and use the questions to throw of there focus." However it wasn't that kind of debate, they would ask the questions, and we have turns."How do you feel about the pairs wall?" The inquisitor asked. I guess they weren't trying to keep it a secret. It was Henry's turn. "Well I feel that we need better security for our capital, but it shouldn't be separated from the rest of the country." Henry answered. It was then my turn. "I believe Paris should do what ever is necessary to keep our government officials safe." I answer. "How do you feel about the media?" The inquisitor asked. It was Henry's turn. "I believe we should use after-censor, instead of before-censor." After-censor is when the government censors something after it's public. Before-censor is when the government censors something before it's public. "I also want to explain the writer's rights." It was then my turn. "I believe before-censor is great because it stops misinformation before some can believe it." I answer. "Last question. What is your view on the war with the catholic union?" He asked. "I think this could be good, not only will it strengthen our alliance, if we win it will cause the catholic union to become more progressive." Henry said. "I think it's bad, war isn't the answer. We should find another way to make the catholic union more progressive." I answered.Top storyThe next day this was the only thing on the news. "Candidate John doesn't care about climate change, he drove his car instead of taking the bus." "We spend all this time becoming allies with opec, just so he can drive his car." "The buses use less oil, more bang for your buck, yet he doesn't use the bus." They were basically pulling my low approval rating down. I lost the election, and was shipped off too the military. Now there's two Anarchist in office.My job in the armyFrance invaded Italy, kicking them out of Aosta Valley, and western Piedmont. While we invaded Italy, the catholic union, and our union fought on our border, luxenberg's border, Netherland's border, and Belgium's border. My job was to sit in a house, guarding spies trying to listen to the Italian radio waves. The two spies were Dave, and Wilson. There were three other guards with me named Jackson, Fred, and Jake. It had two floors, plus a basement where the spies were. All of our rooms were upstairs. The guards slept in one room, while the spies slept in another. We were armed with both a rifle, and a knife.First dayI walked into the house, Jackson was on the couch, but the other two weren't in the room. "Good morning." Jackson said. "Good morning." I replied. "I'm John, and it's my first day in the military, if you don't count my training." "I'm Jackson, I already knew your name, it's my first day too." Jackson said. "My transport was slow, that's why I'm late." I said. Jake then walked in. "You must be John, I've been in the military for over a year, and severed in China." Jake said walking closer too me. I then shook his hand. "Fred, John is here." Jake said. Fred then walked in, and shook my hand. "I'm the cook, I've been in the military for a month, and I've served in China." Fred said. "The nerds are in the basement." I laughed at his joke. We played war, and watched the news. Then Dave ran out of the basement. "We got to clean up, the general is coming tomorrow!" He announced. "Why?" I asked. "Me, and Wilson decoded a message which revealed Italy's plan to sink thousands of ships. He's coming to give me a medal. This has allowed France to take Italy's docks." He said excitedly. We then cleaned the entire house for his arrival.The next dayThe general arrived at 1pm. He had two troops with him. We all got up, and slotted them. "Dave, and Wilson." He said. They then stepped forward. They then slotted them. "You two have just saved us thousands of resources from sinking to the Mediterranean floor, and have given us a reason to start a naval campaign. You two joining the military has caused the outcome of the war to change." He then lowered his slotted, but the other two didn't. Dave, and Wilson lowered there slott too. He then put two metals around there neck. "Once this was is over we'll have a proper ceremony." He said. He then walked to us. "From 1:30 to 4 they'll be receiving gifts. Make sure to check each one. There heros to the union, and we want them alive for the end of the war." He said. "A yellow sticker will be on every package that's been check, make sure every package they open has that sticker. If a package doesn't a sticker on it, call the higher ups. We'll lunch a investigate to see what it is, and who sent it." They then left. The moment 1:30 came thousands of packages came at the first minute. We had broken it open to 3 shifts, each person would do it allow. First Jake, then Jackson, then me. Fred cooked a feast. Me, and Jackson were watching the news. "France has taken Piedmont, and Liguria." The anchor said. "However there are thousands of casualties on the northern border, Germany has managed to push into the Netherlands, and has taken luxenberg." "Well, atleast we're winning in Italy." Jackson said. "Maybe we can push up when we're done." "That's the plan." I replied. The search was extremely boring, but necessary. Jackson had found a package without a sticker, they later found out it was a pipe bomb, which had caused an investigation.Naval blockadeMe, Fred, and Jackson were watching the news. "France has started a naval blockade which intends to both stop Italy's navy from leaving Italy, and to weaken Italy's economy." The anchor said. "There are three blockades, Europe's Blockade blocking Italy from western Europe, African Blockade blocking Italy from Africa, and the Adriatic Blockade, which stops ships from exiting the Adriatic channel. The Balkans doesn't approve of the Adriatic Blockade. The union's approval rating has dropped in the Balkans from 76% to 58%. Some leaders are pressing Italy to surrender, while others are pressing France to focus on the north." The Balkans isn't a union, rather an alliance. A union has a unified military, and a governing body. An alliance is rather a agreement amongst many countries. The Balkans is extremely fragile, so fragile the countries often go to war with each other, they only have one agreement. All the countries will fight together if a outside country invades. Although it's extremely weak, it's still for our union.Bombing campaignA sargent knocked on the door. "Good morning." He said. "Today we'll be learning how to survive a bombing." He then walked us to the basement. "Knees to your stomach, arms over head." He said. We all did as he said. "If a bombing is going to happen you'll receive a phone call, ten minutes before it happens. This is extremely important because we are fighting Italy for airsupirority. We fear they may start bombing us to allow a counter invasion." He then left us. I was stressed out about that, and afraid. We were all kinda scared, but Fred, and Jake seemed kinda used to it though.The next day Jackson, Jack, and me were watching the news. Fred was doing the dishes, and the nerds were downstairs. "The war has moved to the air. Any ground invasion is to gain a airport. The north tanks have been replaced by snipers. So far neither side has over power the other." It was scary to hear that, to know we could be bombed at any moment terrified me.Victory and DefeatWe were watching the new. "We have good news, and bad news. The good news is France has airsupirority over Italy, the invasion of Sicily, and Sardinia was a success, they're expected to fall in ten days. The bad news is Germany has airsupirority over Britain, they've taken the Netherlands, and pushed into Belgium." The anchor said. "The casualties are rising for both sides, and both sides are working on ending the war in there favor."Northern ItalyBoth Sicily, and Sardinia fell seven days later. Because of our airsupirority we were able to take northern Italy in just two weeks. We were far from Rome; however we cut of Italy from the rest of Europe. A sargent came over. "Jake, you're being moved." He said. "Pack your things." "Alright." Jake replied. He then went upstairs. He only had a small green bag. "Goodbye." Jake said. He then left, getting into the truck.The southern projectThe mountains to the north weaken our ability to take southern ground. In order to gain any ground, they have to travel in individual units. It was extremely hard to claim the mountains, and after they do, they have to fight the catholic army, sometimes they have to avoid being shot while traveling across the the mountain; however the union wants to fix that. They've created two projects, one to take Germany, and another to take Austria. France wants to chisel tunnels into the mountains in order to get to Austria. They'll create atleast ten tunnel going straight to the border. Once they make it past the mountains they'll be able to invade Austria. After they make it out of the tunnel they'll create a camp, allowing for a well supplied invasion. It would be alot easier to jist send in paratroopers; however the planes keep getting shot down, giving Austria there supplies, and plans. Austria army doesn't have tanks, this is because of the uneven land; however Germany has tanks, this means in order to take the south, they also have to bring tanks. This is a two part plan. Part one is to create paths, and campsites on the mountains so they can stay well supplied, and gain a large army. After they take over Germany's mountains they would build a massive tunnel which would allow a tank to easily fit through, or they could build a massive road going over the mountains; however they would need to protect them from bombings. This is the project Jake is being sent to.The AmericasWe were watching the new to get Jake off our minds. "The Americas are in controversy, after funding both sides of the war. They've provide wepons, and training to both sides of the war. It's unknown why they are doing this, but there are some theories." The anchor said. "There doing it to keep China out of the global economy." Jackson said. "And why would they do that?" I asked. "They want to keep there monopoly over cheap labor. It's the only thing keeping America, and Canada first world countries." He answered.Another packageWhile we were debating about why The Americas would do such a thing, the door bell ranged. Jackson answered, only to be greated by a package on the porch. "It has a yellow sticker on it." He said. "Yeah, but that was a long time ago." I replied. "Well maybe it's from Asia, so it's really late." He replied. "Well let's call the higher ups to find out, it could be another pipe bomb." I said. "Alright." He said. I then went to make the phone call. The next second there was a bang. I turned around, and Jackson is on the floor, with blood, and metal all over his face. A pool of blood formed around him. "Hello." The higher up answered. "Help, Jackson opened a package, and it ended up being a pipe bomb!" I yelled. "We'll send an ambulance right away!" He yelled. With in a minute an ambulance arrived. He was in critical condition, unable to speak, see, or hear. The bomb injured his throat, cut open his eyes, and he had metal in his ears. He was basically on his death bed, unable to truly understand what happened. He died that night, his body being buried in the forest in a unmarked grave.Terrorist"Can we talk for a minute?" The sergeant asked. "Yeah." I replied. "It's the same person who sent the first pipe bomb. We fear they may come to your house to kill Dave, and Wilson. We're going stakeout your house until he comes again." He said. "I hope we catch him." I replied. He didn't up, until the third day. It was a man with blond hair, he was 6'1. He had came with a luger. When they raided his house they couldn't find any bombs, just the bomb making equipment. There was no trial, he was just excused, not only did he show up with a gun, his finger prints also matched the terrorist. This ment there was no doubt when he was hanged. Yet there was this fear, that he wasn't the only terrorist in the city, or in Italy, and this was just the start of a gorilla war.MissilesI was on the couch watching the news. "Breaking news! Germany is aiming a missile at London, and France is aiming a missile at Rome. We both have the same demands, the other must flatten there missilem and the country there aiming at must surrender." The anchor said. This was terrifying news. At any moment a missile war may happen. "This has caused Jeffrey to resign, saying he can't handle the stress." The anchor said.The AssassinDave, and Wilson ran upstairs. "Someone is climbing through the window!" Dave yelled. "Fred, take the door!" I yelled. Fred grabbed his rifle, aiming it in the basement, then the lights turned off. You could hear things smashing. "Are you destroying our equipment?!" Wilson yelled. The smashing grew louder, and happened more frequently. I whispered in Fred's hear. "I'm going to take the window, I'll shoot him while he's distracted. I then quietly walked out the door. As soon as I was outside I ran to the broken window, not worrying about making a sound. I was looking into the basement, but I couldn't see anything. Then the banging stopped. I then hear a pistol fire, followed with a rifle firing in retaliation. I then noticed the solute near the steps with there arm aiming up the steps. I wasted no time releasing hell fire into the solute. "You got him!" I heard Fred yell. A moment later the lights came on, and Fred was downstairs looking at the body. I then went back into the house. They later confirmed that he was the brother of the terrorist. He had red hair, pale skin, and was 6 foot. I had not only killed him, but because of how many holes he had in him, there was little blood left in him. I was proud of myself.RussiaThe next day I was watching the new. "Russia is demanding that we surrender." The anchor said. "They've officially joined the catholic union, and it doesn't seem like there going to play fair. There threatening to nuke the union if they don't surrender. This has cause the union to notation a treaty." About a week later the treaty was signed. Britain had to be kicked out, Belgium, the Netherlands, and luxenberg had to joined the catholic, we had to pay for the damages, and the catholic church was allowed to operate in the union. France, and Italy had to sign a treaty, Italy owned the education department, Corsica was given to Italy, and we had to pay for the damages. Britain also had to sign a treaty. Ireland would own Britain's Britain's Commity of Public Affairs, and Britain's Commity of Foreign Affairs. I was sent back home, and given back my job.StrikeAnother Anarchist won the election. They then went on a campaign to free the media. In response we got the entire office class to go on strike until they stop. We were still allowed to go to the range, but I didn't, I kept having flashbacks to Jackson blown of head, everytime I shot some. While we were on strike we kept coming up with demands, but they wouldn't give in.The fall of FranceWithin a week France went into total anarchy. My office fled to a castle in Spain we owned. France was destroyed. This created three new French countries. New France which was the Paris Community, it was ruled by the Commity of Foreign Affairs, no office class, and the Commity of Public Affairs fled to Africa, and india. India, and North Africa were still different countries. They both had different CFA's, and they both had different representatives. The representative of France fleed to China.The BookSpain had brought us a book from France, about the new Anarchist France. Jock is the one reading. "Before Anarchy, Approved by Journalists." Jock said reading the cover. "Before communism, we were capitalist. It was a dystopia, but the communists destroyed it, an-" Jock was then interrupted. "We reformed it!" Someone yelled. "And created there own dystopia. Both had leaders for life, but only one had mur-" Jock stopped. "Murderers in office." "I can't listen to anymore." I said feel sick. I went back to my bunk, and tried to sleep.The fall of the unionThings only went downhill when the Chinese had a revolution, overthrowing the government, and replacing it with the old system. They then made a deal with the catholic union, Russia would return the Chinese territory, in return the catholic church was allowed to operate in China, and an alliance would be formed between China, and the catholic union, with one goal, dominating Asia. China invaded India backed up by the catholic union, and India was secretly backed up by the Americans, if China were to ever reenter the global economy it would cause the Americas to enter a recession. The catholic union then invaded France while it was in anarchy. Spain also started an invasion of France to form a buffer zone. The middle east then invaded North Africa, fueled both by the catholic union, and the memories of the culture war.The rise of the holy allianceChina, the Middle East, and the Catholic Union, started an alliance called the Holy Alliance. The Catholic Union, and the Middle East want to spread their religions as far as possible, but China didn't really care about religion, they just wanted more land, but the catholic church was allowed to operate in all of China's territory so they were allowed in. The Catholic Union took 90% of France, China took back Tibet, and the Middle East took Egypt, and Libra, all of this happened in just one month. The Americas were losing alot of money because of the war, so they pulled back on spending, so they could continue the war. Spain not only set up a puppet state in France, they also invaded Africa to set up a buffer zone between them, and the Middle East. The alliance wasn't without it's hiccups, Islam wanted to operate in China, China didn't want to waste man power on setting up churches in Tibet, and the Catholic Union wanted to see churches built in North Africa; however non of this was strong enough to destroy the alliance, especially since there all profiting from it.The Asain CampaignAfter China took India, the Americas started a Proxy War. China would invade a country, and the Americas would fund that country. The Catholic Union couldn't resist spending there religion, it was more important then money. A year later it stopped, and China Reenter the global economy, now the Americas were in a recession, and had alot of debt to deal with.The fall of the AmericasRelations between the south, and the north went bad as soon as the Proxy Wars started, but when the economy went bad it caused the south to leave the union. This bankrupt the north, and enriched the south because they no longer had to support the north. This caused the rise of two groups in the north, the Happies, and the Depressies. The Happies turned to religion, while the Depressies turned to alcohol, and drugs. The Depressies were likely to die from suicide, and the Happies were likely to be murdered. This caused the Catholic Union to get involved, they built more churches, and made drugs illegal. This lowered the population of Depressies, not because of the greater access to religion, but because of the new group, the Mob. They sold drugs illegal to the Depressies, they were deeply religious, and killed off quite a large number of the population of Depressies. This had caused such a population drop the Catholic Church made a deal with the Mob, they would pay the Mob for every customer they made a Catholic. This caused the number of Happies to rise. It's now heavily debated if the Catholic Union should cancel there debt, and fix there economy.AfricaAfter the Middle East took North Africa, they wanted to expand into the rest of Africa; however there was a problem, Africa was extremely Isolationist, and extremely traditional, this meant nearly every tribe survived on there own. The only way to take Africa was to create the roads the armies would use. The Catholic Union didn't want this either, and the only way the Middle East could do this is with Catholic funding, so they made a deal to help both unions. They would allow people to choose whether they want to be Muslim, or Catholic, and would build churches for both religions. This got the Catholic Union to not only fund it, but to join the invasion as long as it stayed peaceful. The culture was so strong in Africa that many didn't willing join either religion, troops would burn down religious places that weren't part of ethier army's religion, and blame it on the heat. Preachers often predicted in the wrong language. Many died from stroke, or fought someone who didn't agree with there religion. Once a tribe join ethier religion, the other army would leave, and the group the tribe joined would connected them to another tribe to spread it further. Out of the millions of people only thousands joined one of the two religions; however it did plant the seeds for a Catholic, and Muslim Africa. So tribes even joined the global economy, making these religions more appealing, this caused both unions to make there new territories richer then the others.Global EconomyThe Holy Alliance hijacked the global economy, this meant they no longer invaded countries to expand there influence, rather they used the threat of crumbling poverty to force every country into joining one of them. Spain eventually gave in, and handed us over for resources.The last dayI walked down to the prison library. I wanted to read one last book before my execution. "Life Before Theocratic Socialism. Church approved." The cover read. "From dystopia to dystopia, we explore how we got this utopia." The book said. Jock then approached me. "So what do you want for you're last meal?" He asked. "A coffee, and Icecream." I replied. "That sounds good. I might have that." After our last meal we were brought into a camp, it was an old range, and the former prisoners are our executors. The old man from before took aim at me, as I saw those I killed flout above us, flying around, and my friends could see them too.