My Life Read Count : 154

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
This happened when i was 12yrs old

It was Monday as usual in my country from monday to Friday we go are going to School, on this day I was very happy because my mom gave me 10k and it was alot of money for me at that time I went to school. 
After reaching to school i found out one of our class teacher has passed away so we had to attend the funeral after that i went home and found some of children are there at our home playing. I went a buy some chocolates and gave them after played for sometimes I felt something bad had happened to me, I over the guava's tree and tied a rope on it and on my neck I wanted to hang my self there without knowing it.
Luckly my uncle saw me and chase me away there after I went into my room and tied my belt on my window and ask one of the child to pull a table. Then I started hanging and losin my sight and started to dream about two peoples are laughing and calling me to go with them, I started crying and asked them to leave me alone luckly I saw their faces. After some time struggling I pissed off on my self then i was unconscious for like 1hr then I found myself in my car's family at a police station they are reporting as I tried to kill myself....... It will be continued


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