Cash Is Not Reps Read Count : 360

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Poor guys are looking into the clouds
For respect when it's not lost.
Success is hiding in the sky
But they are looking underground.
Adopting foolishness as their own source.
 Poverty never leads to foolishness.
 There is a number of those who had wisdom.
But this type of men reproduce joblessness from poverty.
Cash is just a bundle ofpapers.
It can be torn and wasted.
 Reputation is a good spirit
And every good spirit comes from tangible things.
Short cut only cuts you short.
 Cash can be refunded when wasted
 But reputation is the total opposite.
 Tangible things bring both cash and reputation.
 Short cut brings delicate cash that cuts you short.


  • Your priorities and well placed. This is really well done! 👍

    May 14, 2020

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