Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I'll write ... until my blood comes out through the black pen.
I will write... until I have no more emotions to convey.I will write... until I will release my spirit from my body.
I will write... whole books about what I'm feeling.
I will write... until the sun burns my sheets
And the rains will walk over my sweetest words.I will write... until I have no more ideas,
Until the cities will be filled with my desires.
Being full of words like in a old letters.
From the golden age.
Ah! What precious moments...I will write... until time wipes me out,
And all that is left over me,
Will be a story written
On the last piece of paper, hoping to remain alive.I will write... because stories live longer
Than people's lives,
And each of us must have a story
Written in the book of life.