Legislative Negligence Read Count : 137

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Mitch McConnell D-KY and Senate majority leader is keeping the details of the Republican healthcare bill secret, hours before its vote. If this bill is so important and so great for America, why is he playing hide the details? Hiding the details not only from the people but also from the Senators themselves. That is right, McConnell is forcing the Senators to vote on this bill tomorrow without having ANY time to review it. Legislation integrity at its Republican best. How are we now any different than a two bit third world nation?

Is it possible that McConnell's forced vote ploy is simply to assist Fake President's plan to fire AG Jeff Sessions? McConnell said earlier he would keep the Senate in session, keeping them there over the normal August break, until the bill received a vote. By ramming this bill to a quick vote, it has VIRTUALLY NO CHANCE OF PASSING. So why the big rush?

 It also ensures the Senate goes into its normal 3 week recess. During a recess, a president can do things like firing Jeff Sessions and replacing him with a new, even worse choice, say someone like Rudy Guiliano, WITHOUT REQUIRING A SENATE CONFIRMATION VOTE. Fake President could then have his new stooge AG fire Special Prosecutor Mueller. 

Maybe this doesn't happen, but it sure looks suspicious. Even if it doesn't, forcing this important vote without a period of review and hearings is nothing short of legislative negligence. 

 Peoples lives are at stake and it impacts nearly 20% of our economy. This is not a game, Mitch!


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