Troubled Times Read Count : 88

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : World
I wanted to speak about the senseless killing that happened recently, another murder by a police officer on an African American youth, but I wanted to be patient with my views because it has swelled so large and has so many people burning, looting, and reacting violently to the injustice that to speak or react too quickly I, as so many are, may not express what is going on inside of me in the right way. It is becoming a common thing in our country and I don't want to ever get used to this. Where seeing another young man killed by the police and something in me no longer becomes outraged by it. Like, "Oh, so someone else got killed by the police..."

The officer had his knee in the back of this young mans neck, with all of his weight pressed down. The police man, for whatever reason, did not continue normally and secure him with handcuffs, as is usual, to remedy the necessity of his use of force even though several times the youth told the officer he couldn't breathe. The police never let up on the pressure against the back of the young man's neck, and he died. 

I wouldn't presume to know all the details, or everything involved leading up to the reason the officer felt it necessary to wrestle the guy to the ground and pinning him to the ground with his knee, or what fear prevented him from letting the man up once it became clear he was no longer a threat. I can't speak on that. What troubles me about this is our reaction, as a nation, to injustice.

It is no surprise that we react with violence. When you mix entertainment with violence... but that is another topic I won't even get started on. We become desensitized to violence is my point. When we see it so often, have it visited upon us so regularly, it soon becomes a normal for us. It becomes less and less of a shock and soon becomes an acceptable standard of our morality.

I went fishing yesterday to just back up from everything. For months we have been dealing with the pressure and uncertainty of the Covid19, and now with the entire nation rising up against another senseless murder by the police, I wanted to just back up and collect myself. 

African lives matter, Malaysian lives matter, every aspect of every life matters, and until we correct our own hearts morally and individually, we can never come together as a group to make any significant difference as a people.

Destroying the businesses in our community won't correct the issue, setting fires and hurting other people won't make our law enforcement bend or give in. Reacting with violence will only force others to react with violence to either defend themselves, or react to maintain control.

My deepest prayer is for everyone to express their outrage, but peacefully, and in a way that will not destroy or terrorize. Speak out, protest, lift up your voice, and be careful.


  • Jun 01, 2020

  • Jun 02, 2020

  • Zee Zulu

    Zee Zulu

    Very well said and very well written. I totally agree with you that violence is not the answer. When shit hits the fan, you should pull back, regroup and think rationally, not emotionally. Because reacting with built up emotions will only lead to hasty decisions. Be smart. You can't fight fire with fire. A brilliant piece, big brother. Well done! 👏💜

    Jun 02, 2020

  • Jun 05, 2020

  • Kamal Kishore Sharma

    Kamal Kishore Sharma

    Viral video states the story of a brutal murder of a bouncer who was African American origin. No doubt arson, sabotage, looting and violence should not be answer from the protesters where undue advantages were taken by the people there doing shoplifting and looting the malls, shops and stores or supermarkets. The prime question is about brutality and racism that to be handled. Jurisprudence may suggest the solution - (1) Eye for eye as punishment, (2) Remedial - Life Imprisonment with rigorous labour. As to raise the voice and draw attention of the government the protesters selected the language of violence and looting because the government is liberal and having the soft corner for the white cops. In this hard times of corona pandemic, people should seek justice and approach to the appropriate court of law. They should avoid arson, sabotage, vandalism, looting and violence.

    Jun 11, 2020

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