Education. Does Education Really Have To Be Formal? Read Count : 149

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Sub Category : spirituality
Education is a tool to help promote literacy and numeracy, ways to make learning common and important through assessments and exams that review how educated someone is. 

*Education  is meant to be as informative as it can ever be.* 

*Informative education brings about a clear comprehension  to the people.*

Formal education  brings about a standardized way of doing things and as such it is highly  bias and ignorant.

Formal Education doesn't give many options even though it's broad.
 When someone has talent to sing, they don't get to be educated about music, some are met with challenges and are unable to complete their grades

Education  is meant to be informative  not formal.

As informative education provides a lot of options  and it gives the teacher and the learner a chance to interact diligently.

With an informative education the learner makes the right decision in terms of their career and what they understand.
Formal education is basic while informative opens a world of clarity and direction.

Education is the way forward  but be it informative education. 
Teacher aught to be informative not formal when educating learners😊

That way the education will be a buffet kind of experience for each learner. Like personalisation of a meal. 

Something different in each plate not a compulsory meal/ same meal for everyone

By: Mcking and Wisdom@God


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