Read Count : 158
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
6-THE KINGDOMThe first city of the Zakandlas was KNIGHTARIAAll the lavens and thunders worked togather and build a huge and fantastic castle for King Helorrx and Queen Electra. Strength of lavens and intelligent ideas and technology made Zakandlas a high tech and beautiful in few years. After 30 years everything came into order. Education departments, knights academy and fields for food etc were came built. King and Queen was sat on their throne. Then someone entered into the room. He was the royal magician of Zakandlas. He was owner of a rude, selfish and serious personality. He doesn't liked thunders because he said his wife betrayed with him and she was a thunder. His name was HATREX. Hatrex always wanted to became the king of Zakandlas and ruled on it. But for this he have to won the trust of King which he was broke completely by his self. Hatrex down his head in front of King and Queen and said "Greetings my lord! I'm here for a discussion on a important issue if you alow it" King Helorrx replied "oh! Do you mean by that astroed which can destroy half Zakandlas? I told you before that i and Electra will solve this problem you don't worry" "But my lord your safety is our first duty. Everyone ready to die for you!" replied by Hetrex. Electra looked at Hatrex and said "What do you want to say tell us openly" After a few seconds Hatrex replied "Please aproved my plan. This will destroy that astroed and we have our king and queen safe and sound" Helorrx stood up and said "I'm not only the king of lavens or Firex i am the king of whole planet and this plan eat many inocent lifes of thunders. Now you can go I will take care of it now" "But my lord...." said by Hatrex. Then Electra said "Just because of your foolishness we do something not good now you can leave!" After this Hatrex down his head and leaved in anger. Then a servent came there and said about arrival of commander and armyCOUNTINUE
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