The Demon And I Chapter 1 Read Count : 134

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy

In the woods, in a tree and a squirrel is sleeping.

Then, the squirrel hears a woodpecker and wakes up in a panic.

The woodpecker hears the squirrel and flies away and goes to a different tree.

The squirrel leaves out the tree and gets out some tools, then fixes the holes the woodpecker made.

The squirrel wipes her head, and heads back into her home and closes her door.

After the squirrel enters her home, she gets an acorn, chops it, puts into a pot, and dumps ingredients; then, the squirrel mixes it and puts it into a bowl.

The squirrel puts the bowl on her table, gets her spoon, sits down, and eats the acorn porridge.

The squirrel sighs and finishes her breakfast.

After breakfast, the squirrel cleans her dishes, puts it away, fixes her bed, and heads out of her home.

The squirrel closes the door,  runs down the tree, and heads to another tree.

Just as the squirrel got another acorn from behind a tree, a strong wind hit and blew the squirrel away from the acorn.

But, it wasn't wind, the squirrel figures out as she notices red wings in the air.

The squirrel feels the winged thing flap its wings again and hits a tree.

The winged thing notices the squirrel and flies down to her.

The winged thing is revealed to have long spiky red hair, red skin, claws, fangs, wearing a black suit and black shoes a.k.a. a demon.

The demon smiles at the squirrel, then starts throwing fireballs at the squirrel, the squirrel runs fast, the demon keeps firing at the squirrel with an evil smile on his face.

The squirrel keeps firing until the whole forest is on fire.

The demon flips his hair, and says "That was fun".

Then the demon puts the squirrel in a cage, and says "I'm going to keep you for my collection".

So, the demon flies away with the squirrel.

A few hours later, the squirrel wakes up and realizes she is in a room filled with many odd objects: a rubber duck, plant, a toy gun, water bottle, chains, a pot, etc.

So, the squirrel sees the demon come back into the room, starts flying around the room, and flies to the squirrel.

"You know, this is the first time I caught one of you small creatures", said the demon, observing the squirrel.

The squirrel sits on a tiny chair, that's in the cage, legs crossed, and says "Really that's fascinating".

"Odd, I've seen many small creatures, but none of them talk, except for that annoying bird", said the demon, being suspicious.

"Well, there's a first thing for everything", said the squirrel.

"You don't seem to act like an animal, what are you?" The demon suspected.

"Guess i'm caught", said the squirrel.

The squirrel turns into a snake, slithers out of the cage, changes into a shadow.

The shadow turns to light, the light reveals a girl who has short hair in a ponytail, brown skin, yellow eyes, fangs, python tail, wearing a  green t-shirt, golden necklace with a heart, blue jeans, and white sandals.

"What are you?" asked The demon.

"How rude, i'm a mutant, duh!" I replied.

"A mutant, I thought those were a myth, at least that's what my dad told me", said The demon.

"So, Blake, are you still keeping me for my collection or not?" I asked.

"Are you kidding, a mutant is way better than a squirrel. Wait, if you're a mutant, why didn't you free yourself early?" Blake the demon exclaimed.

"I didn't want to", I said.

"But, I could've killed you", Blake pointed out.

"I'm immortal", I said, as I was flying in the air.

"Oh really", said Blake.

Blake hits me with a big fire blast.

"That was more powerful than I expected", said Blake, looking at his hands seeing steam coming his hand.

As the steam clears, Blake sees me laughing normally.

"Whoa! You might be fire power", said Blake. "But that doesn't prove that you are immortal".

I takes Blake's hands, and we disappear.

Me and Blake land on the roof of a shrine

"Why are we at a shrine?" asked Blake.

"Just you wait, Lulu, Lulu, it's your favorite target, snake girl", I said.

A bunch of arrows came flying, and one of them hit me in my chest.

I giggled, looking at the arrow, and say "She remembers me".

A girl who has long black hair in a ponytail, wearing a blue kimono with flowers, holding a bow and arrow named Lulu.

"Got you", said Lulu.

"Lulu, how's my sweetheart", I teased Lulu.

Lulu blushed angrily, and say "Don't call me that, I told you when I say 'I hate you', it means I hate you".

Blake whistled.

"Why did you come?" asked Lulu.

"I want you to slice with your sword", I said.

"With pleasure", said Lulu, getting out her sword.

"She hates you, that she's not even going to ask why you want her to kill you", Blake whispered to me.

"Yup, oh look out", I said.

Lulu strikes my arms first, my chest, my legs, my face, ears, and last hits me in the heart.

The whole time I was not even fighting back and I landed on the ground.

"You know I was feeling bad today, you made me feel better, thanks Kanisha", Lulu admitted. 

Lulu puts her hand out, and says "Now, give me back my sword".

I take the sword out my chest, blow on it, then the blood disappears, and I hand it to Lulu.

Lulu takes it, and walks away.

"You really are immortal because if you weren't that would've been the stupidest thing you have shown a stranger", said Blake. "There's no way, I'm giving you up".

"So, the son of Satan, wants to keep me as a prize", I smiled deviously.

"How? Did you?" asked Blake, surprised.

"I have met your father, and your mother, we don't meet eye to eye", I said, casually.

"Wait! What?" asked Blake.

"Oh, let me explain, I'm 3000 years old, I have lived for a long time, many people tried to kill me, so I sometimes repay them by killing them. I have an infinite amount of powers, love to sing, dance, cosplay, all kinds of stuff", I explained.

"There's no way, you expect me to believe you have Infinite amount of powers", said Blake.

I smiled, and says "You want to bet".

"Yes", said Blake.

Blake takes my hand.

We disappeared and reappeared on a mountain.

I kicked a boulder and it broke into a million pieces, I ran up and down the mountain in five seconds.

I breathed fire, releasing water, lifted Blake with the power of the air, and made rocks dance around Blake.

I put Blake down.

'Maybe she is telling the truth', thought Blake, looking at me.

My eyes glow, I grow horns, a new tail, claws, scales appear.

I revealed myself as a dragon.

"Okay, I believe you", said Blake.

I changed back into my mutant self.

"Great, so want to go home?" I asked, with a smile.

"Home?" asked Blake. "How come you don't want to escape, I mean I am a demon".

I open a small portal, put Blake's face in it.

"And I am a killer", I said.

Blake sees a shadow of a person holding two swords with an army on the ground with blood everywhere.

The shadow turns around to reveal me with an eye patch, a red shirt, blue skirt, black armors around my outfit, and black boots.

Blake leaves the portal and I close it.

"I think I will like you", said Blake.

"I'm glad", I said.

My stomach growls.

"Seems I'm hungry, I'll be back", I said.

I disappeared, and reappeared with a grocery bag, while drinking a smoothie.

While we are together, we are being watched by a giant with horns, red skin, no clothes a.k.a. Satan.

Satan smiles as he looks at a Crystal ball.


  • Disapperd to where? A mutant into a disquise of a squirrel, freeing itself from mortal danger from a demon as an creature? I wasn't expecting that😮

    May 27, 2020

  • Shirley Head

    Shirley Head

    I just started using this app and I noticed that my comment I disappeared and I put five stars not two stars , so I’m shocked. I don’t quite understand it yet?

    May 28, 2020

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