Truth Vs Lies
Read Count : 89
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
I was walking in the graveyard looking for my son's grave. I searched and searched, but never found it. So I call upon those within the graveyard and ask them if they could help me find my son. I go away and come back a week later, as I'm walking around the graveyard, spirits of the dead come to me and tell me that my son was not dead, I'm like "I already know" and continued to clean up the grounds of garbage. Even though man wants me to believe my baby is dead, I know the truth deep in my heart and even though it hurts to know my country would do this to me for exploiting their evil, it's their shit, not mine.. And then they wonder why their God is taking revenge on them for their many evil ways upon the suffering and our children. I'm trying to move past this evil done upon me, I truly am, but healing takes time. So, I will continue to heal by spreading my story of pain and suffering the world has done to me all because their God led me to spread truth.