What Is Life (Fictional) Read Count : 74

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
What's the purpose of life I mean were all going to die anyway but why am I still alive I mean I don't have much of a purpose here anyway I do have friends but there not really friends since we hardly ever talk to each and then of course my horrible family my mother and grandmother do love me but my father's family is just god awful my father always abused me physical, emotional, and verbal but don't hate on him it's not his fault he has really bad  Schizophrenia his family never really bothered to get him help but it's not like he would get help anyway he's also a sociopath he's so crazy he thinks everyone else is crazy those are the scary one's he hates my rich uncle cause back in the 1980s or 90s my father was sent to prison for murder which he was only there for he didn't commit it my family refused to get him a lawyer they only got a lawyer for my uncle so my uncle walked off and my father was left in prison to rott for 4 years while my dad's mother gave my dad's money to my uncle which he invested in limos and drugs to make himself rich my uncle sold weed for many decades even back then when it was illegal that was the final straw that was the third time my uncle stole money from him to invest in his business my uncle completely ruined his life at that point he was the one who should've been punished since he was the one involved in the murder but the corrupted American justice system wants people like him back on the streets as soon as my father got out of prison he developed a pure hatred twords my uncle like I said my father abused me for 10 years physical, emotional, and verbal my mother tried her hardest to gain custody of me but the american government dosen't want to see me happy so she still made sure I was happy on the days I was allowed to see her despite the many threats from my father to put me in foster care or forbidding to see her again my father always thought I was always talking sh🤬t about him when I wasn't so I was usually beaten almost every single day I was usually thrown out of the house sometimes when it was raining sometimes I had to sleep in his truck for the whole night he always doubted my dreams he would always say baseball was the only thing I could do in life and that was final but I knew deep down he was only using me for money to make up for his own failures since his dream was to be baseball star and he didn't achieve it cause he was caught with drugs and of course he was accused of involvement in murder and sent to prison he tried his hardest to enforce his life on me I hated baseball I always have but he refused to listen now I'm not being selfish I know people had worse lives than me but I'm not saying mine was good either I soon fell into a deep bad depression school didn't real make things better some teachers were nice but they never understood what I was feeling I didn't want them to know what was happening under the threat of them calling the cops and me going back to that hell hole they called foster care but I was usually known to have emotional break downs in class and usually complained about life and some teachers just didn't like tolerating that sh🤬t they usually punish me even though it wasn't really my fault I began to have suicidal thoughts which the school ratted me out to my father and immediately accused my mother for putting that in my head but he would later trying to encourage me to kill myself for how much of a "bad" person I was the abuse continued for many years he would become a racist when he began watching Donald Trump on TV which only turned him more violent especially against our Mexican neighbors so thanks a lot Trump for making my life even more miserable but eventually one day my father lost custody of us when he try to kill a 5 year old girl with a 
bb gun thankfully the girl lived my dad got arrested but oh no the corrupted American justice system took it easy on him again just like the last 50 times we had the cops come to the house sadly we live in a society where cops judge whether your telling the truth or your a lying piece of
sh🤬t based on your age anyway I had to live with someone else and that someone was my uncle now at first I thought it was a good thing since I didn't know he was a
sh🤬🤬ty person at the time but when began living with him I came to realize how horrible he was like I said he sells drugs but he's a legal verified drug seller he has a girlfriend or a wife I'm not really named stacy let me tell you she's a huge bitch fuck it I'm not censoring cuss words for the rest of the story she's a huge whore she's a drug addict she uses crack and steals money from my uncle but my uncle does deserve to have money stolen since most of it is not even his it's from people who he stole from and ruined there lives to my uncle and stacy argue on a weekly basis which results in my uncle brutally beating her to the ground now he never lay a finger on me but he has threatened to he usually says it in a tone which makes him look serious my uncle doesn't want any of his family to get above him in life so usually he would try everything in his power to bring them down even getting our family members addicted to drugs he always works but usually neglects me of food since we hardly have any food in the fridge despite him being rich and stacy would usually accuse me of everything from eating most of the food which I don't they do to the most stupidest shit which you wouldn't want to know about my family usually treated me like they hate me and refused to listen to my cries of help they tried to convince me that my mom is a whore and a horrible person my depression worsened and worsened my suicidal thoughts increased until my mom finally found out and promised me I just needed to hold out for 3 more years until I can move out and promised to get me a therapist when she could of course my dad also found out while he did believe me he refused to let me see a therapist but my mom said she'll take me herself if she has to I just hope I can get help and love life again so wish me luck.

                                The End
                       Thanks for reading 


  • Your welcome.👏 I reas the whole thing. Life meaning is just to me living the life you want. Make a name for what you wanted to rememberd as, when your gone.

    May 26, 2020

  • Nice story.

    May 26, 2020

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